
Love again(unexpected)

"Stop!! please don't go away I know I was wrong by going out to see him again when I made a promise to never meet with him" Gao Yi gritted his teeth in anger and glared at her Suddenly an eerie smile showed on his face "Seems like I haven't been punishing you enough....don't worry I know what to do about that "Saying that he grabbed her hands and pulled her towards his bedroom " Gao Yi was a retired General in the imperial army who came back home because of am injury he sustained in his last mission, coming back to his city Shanghai china he decided to take his mother away from his father's hands And started his own business.Along the way he found his long lost love and he decided not to let go again Lin Rouxue is a beautiful Young lady of 23 years she attended the same secondary school , the first day she resumed the school her eyes clashed with his when he bumped into her in the school hallway and when he turned around to apologize he was so mesmerized by her beauty that he decided to pursue her but unfortunately she couldn't notice him Later on There was a twist in fate and they got separated for seven whole years Would they ever be able to love again ?

Omma014 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs


Immeccability of the word can lead you to personal freedom,

To huge success and abundance;it can take awayall fear and

transform it into joy and love


On her way back to the room, she kept thinking of what her grand father told her

When her phone rang pulling back to reality.

She checked and saw it was an unknown number and declined the call

Few seconds later the same person called back,

picking up the call, her face turned pale after hearing what the other party said....

At the city's hospital, Han Ping had just been wheeled into the operating theater, As the nurses rushed while pushing the stretcher,they heard him mumbling to himself.

One of the nurses lowered her head to listen and heard him chanting what seemed to be someone's name

"Rouxue. . . It hurts so much"

She looked dumbfounded and let go of the strecher.

She walked to the people who witnessed the accident and asked

"Sorry, did the victim have anything else we can use to identify him "

A man who seemed to be in his 50s stepped forward and passed her the Victims phone and wallet

Which she collected.

Since The patient was brought in without someone accompanying him to make the payment, she quickly turned on the phone and saw it was remaining 2%. Panicking, she quickly swiped the screen and luckily for her the phone did not have a password.

Going to his contacts and saw the first number on speed dial and called it immediately.

It rang for a long time without the person answering, frowning she called again and surprisingly the person picked.

She quickly relayed the message about the person who got into an accident and hung up

Lin Rouxue looked at her phone in surprise and saw that the unknown number that called her belong to Han Ping.

Feeling reluctant, she went back to her room to take a siesta.

Few seconds later she got up from the bed and eventually left the house withoutvin forming anyone, while carrying her purse.

It took her two hours to get to the city hospital because the place her grand father lived in the suburbs of the city. Stepping out of the taxi, she saw a red porche cayenne parked at the entrance of the hospital, she thought it looked familiar but didn't ponder on it too much.

As Lin Rouxue stepped into the hospital, she frowned at the smell of medicine and disinfectant which was very dominant, she walked towards yhe front desk while asking

"Hello. . . I would love to know if a certain man was sent here at 12:50 for an accident case"

The two nurses at the front desk looked at each other and nodded at the same time, one spoke

"Yes, please sign here to make the payment for the surgery."

Lin Rouxue didn't hesitate to withdraw her card from her purse and making the payment.

After making payment, she walked towards the ward number that was given to her.

When she got to the room, she stopped in her tracks while deep in thoughts,

Lin Rouxue raised her hands to knock on the door but found that she didn't even have the courage to do so.

Eventually, she knocked a few times and walked in when she got signal to enter.

Han Ping was suprised and furious to see that it was Lin Rouxue who had come.

He didn't want to pay attention to her before, But when he saw that undisgised look which showed her live for him, he felt disgusted and screamed

"Why are you here! How did you know about this! Get lost! Scram!''

The woman who looked like she would be blown away by a little wind, flinched under his cold stare , she kept reprimanding herself for coming to see him even when she knew he hated her presence.

She was in a dae for a while befor oming back to reality, she bit her plump lips to prevent herself from crying in front of him.

Clenching her fist, she turned towards the door ant strolled out.

Opening the door, she met her cousin at the door holding a hot water bottle, she suddenly thought of a saying

"Enemies are bound to meet on a narrow road"

" you_"