
Love again(unexpected)

"Stop!! please don't go away I know I was wrong by going out to see him again when I made a promise to never meet with him" Gao Yi gritted his teeth in anger and glared at her Suddenly an eerie smile showed on his face "Seems like I haven't been punishing you enough....don't worry I know what to do about that "Saying that he grabbed her hands and pulled her towards his bedroom " Gao Yi was a retired General in the imperial army who came back home because of am injury he sustained in his last mission, coming back to his city Shanghai china he decided to take his mother away from his father's hands And started his own business.Along the way he found his long lost love and he decided not to let go again Lin Rouxue is a beautiful Young lady of 23 years she attended the same secondary school , the first day she resumed the school her eyes clashed with his when he bumped into her in the school hallway and when he turned around to apologize he was so mesmerized by her beauty that he decided to pursue her but unfortunately she couldn't notice him Later on There was a twist in fate and they got separated for seven whole years Would they ever be able to love again ?

Omma014 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Find my woman

Inside a dimly lit Room , the sound of hard tapping on the keyboards was very prominent as a young man with thick glasses on the bridge of his nose was very focused on what he was doing to the extent that it was only when his phone rang before he was pulled out of his reverie.

When Xiaobo saw the name that flashed on the screen his dark orbs brightened and he didn't hesitate to answer

"Mr . Gao"

"it's me... Bohai"

His eyes dimmed at that

"Okay what's the problem this time"

"Chief said you should trace this license plate, check your inbox I have sent you a message"

"License plate number? who are you trying to track"

"Just do the job and dont ask questions"

Xiaobo sighed,he rubbed his forehead

"How much "

"State your price"

Gao Yi's deep voice boomed from the back seat


the man broke out in cold sweat and stuttered

"How much do you wishe to pay chief?"

"500,000 yuan " Gao Yi spoke nonchalantly like it was a normal thing to do

"Ahh that's too much"

Xiaobo eyes widened in shock after hearing that amount of money

"that's not all, you still have to do other things to do "

"Ohhh ok ....how long do u need the report on that license plate number"

"30 minutes "


he hung up the call but called back again after 30 minutes,by that time Gao Yi had gotten home when he answered the call

" Any news yet "

"Yes chief....it seems the kidnappers knew they were been followed so they abandoned the Mini bus and followed another route with a different Vehicle which I have tracked down"

"So your point is?"

" we found them "

"send the address first I have other things to do"


"Also Bohai would send you a sketch work ,I want you to find out everything about that person"

"Okay "

After hanging up the call ,he immediately dialed another number ,once the call went through he immediately gave some instructions and hung up again .

Since he was on temporary leave from the military because of the reviewing of his resignation letter to the higher-ups, he could not summon the special ops ,he decided to go alone but he had to be patient enough to wait til the next day.


The Next Day

Knock knock knock**

"Come in "Gao Yi stood up and ran his hands through his rumpled hair,he had been worried since last night because of the kidnap and he promised himself to protect her even if it means he has to do that from the shadows . After seven years of running away he thought he had already moved on from that mere high school crush but he only realized that it was all a facade to cover up his bruised heart. He resigned from the army because of her and his mother, his only wish is to let them lead a better life.

" Xiao Yi,Have this cup of milk it will help you calm your nerves"

"Mother "

" your secretary told me you were busy the whole night and that made you skip your dinner "

" don't fret mother, I'll have breakfast once I'm done with my work"

"No Don't worry I'll send the maids to bring your food up here"

" okay "

In her attempt to go out if the study room , Gao Yi stood up, called her

"Ma....I want to tell you something" the woman looked shocked ,this son of hers was very secretive and loved to keep things to himself

"Go on"

he hesitated for a while before coming into the conclusions of not telling his mother about Lin Rouxue yet . It wasn't time yet there's still a long way to go

"Nevermind , you'll know when the time is right"

she looked sad for a second before she brushed it off with a smile

"I'll wait "

****Ring Ring Ring****

" Any news yet "

"Yes boss ... but I have a question , who is this Miss Lin to you and why are you trying to pull strings to find her? "

"I'll tell you everything later , just give me the update"

" The name of the person on the sketch paper is Dongbang, he's about 5ft tall but has a big body build,he is from an infamous gang called the Silver Clan which has dealings in Smuggling arms and drugs(Aphrodisiac , Viagra and other drugs that aids sexual urge)....be has also been reported for cases of rape countless times but he always finds a way to escape unscathed , finally he also works as a kidnapper or assassin .

it seems like he was just paid 1.5 million yuan , and this was just two days ago from an inconspicuous account for a job "

After the report there was silence for a while , seeing this Xiaobo spoke again

" Boss are you still there"

" Xiaobo , investigate the account which was used to transfer the money "

he tossed his phone aside after speaking.


Inside the abandoned warehouse,

The sound of a persons phone woke the woman who was sleeping on the floor

" she opened her eyes and looked around in a daze as she tried to remember how she got there ,When she finally remembered everything, she came to a conclusion that Her aunt was behind the kidnap ,she clenched her fist in anger.

the phone on the table rang again

and this time , one of the kidnappers answered it

" Hello"

"I'll be needing that woman for a business exchange, make sure to blind fold her."

" yes boss"

Because the place was too quiet ,Lin Rouxue heard everything the person on the other end of the phone said.

She made a decision to leave before they took her away

But how?

30 minutes later, the other two kidnappers joined them , after closing tying her up and blindfolding her,they left.

Gao Yi didn't waste one more second after hearing all what Xiaobo told him.all he wanted to do now was get Lin Rouxue to safety.

before leaving the house he gave instructions to Bohai telling him to report the case to the police and also give them the address.

After saying all this he left the house after putting on civilian clothes .

when he finally got there he hid his Gun

and walked inside quietly without noise.

5 minutes later he walked out and made a call ,once it connected he gave instructions again

" find the car ,they left again,....find out where they have taken my woman to "before the other person on the other side of the phone could respond to what he said he hung up

Xiaobo : ...