
Love Across Lines

I live the perfect life - a life I cherish.But now I'm faced with a dilemma that could uproot every bit of peace and security I've fought so hard for. I wish I could do it alone. It would have been so much easier, but with him in the picture everything becomes a lot more complicated. Maybe I didn't hear him right. I must have heard wrong, because he cannot say that. I mean, we are friends, okay, but we are cousins too. This is so wrong. I wish I could turn back time to when everything made sense. When things were just right or at least right in my head. When desire clashes with reality, where do you stand?

NANI_NASH · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Isn't that what real love is?

Ric looked concerned. "You mean keep us a total secret?"

I nodded firmly. "Yes, that's what I want Ric. That's what we need. At least for now." I said and he sighed. "Bee, you know I hate hiding things from our friends and family. They'll figure it out eventually."

Maybe," I said. "But let's worry about that later. But for right now, with us just starting...this..." I motioned between us. "I think it's better if we keep it private."

Ric was quiet, thinking it over. Finally, he nodded reluctantly. "Okay, if that's really what you want, I'll go along with the secret relationship. But only because I know how crazy we must look from the outside." He gave a small grin.

I laughed a little. Even with the heaviness, Ric could still make the atmosphere light. "You mean the whole ' into each other' thing?"

"Exactly." Ric chuckled, pulling me close. "Let's just keep that detail to ourselves for now."

I relaxed into his embrace. "Thank you for understanding. I'm not trying to hide you like I'm ashamed. I just...need time to get used to this idea of 'us' before telling others, you know?"

He held my hand. "I know. Take all the time you need. Just know I'm all in on this crazy situation with you. No matter what chaos it causes."

I felt so much affection for him. I cupped his face. "I don't know what I did to deserve someone as loyal as you, Ric."

Ric smiled, that smile that melts me. "Hey, what are slightly inappropriate family members for?" He winked teasingly.

I groaned at his joke, but felt lighter than I had in ages. This secret relationship was messy and complicated. But with Ric by my side, I knew we could handle anything.

For now, our little unconventional bubble was enough. The rest could wait. I was just happy to finally be with the one I was meant for, no matter the consequences.

With the serious secret talk over, Ric and I relaxed into our usual casual hangout. He went to the kitchen to cook and I followed, leaning on the counter watching him.

"What's for dinner, chef? Wow me," I teased.

Ric smiled over his shoulder. "How about spaghetti and beef sauce? Your favorite."

I grinned, loving when he cooked for me. "Fancy! Just what I need. Need any help?"

I suppose I could allow it," he said while pretending to consider it.

We fell into our easy back and forth as we cooked together, joking around like normal. For a little bit, it felt like nothing had changed between us.

But then Ric's arm would brush mine lightly, sending shivers down my spine. Or he'd tuck my hair behind my ear in a nice way. Little moments reminding me everything had shifted.

After eating, I cleared the dishes before Ric could. "My turn to clean up since you cooked."

"Yes, dear," he said, giving me a wink.

As I stood at the sink washing up, I felt Ric's arms circle my waist from behind, his chin coming to rest on my shoulder. I tensed automatically before making myself relax into his embrace.

"You know, I could get used to this domestic bliss thing," he murmured. "Quiet evenings at home with you..."

I bit my lip, trying not to read too much into his wistful tone. "Don't get ahead of yourself there."

He chuckled against my neck, his breath sending shivers through me "Can't blame a guy for dreamin, can you?"

I sobered a little, certain realities creeping back in. "Ric...you know this won't all be cozy nights though, right? Not with who we are."

He stilled behind me, seeming to pick up my worried tone. "What do you mean?"

"Our families," I sighed. "You and I know that they come from a proud generational legacy and with this recent political ambition of theirs. You know what will happen." I said looking at him. "Ric, we both know our families have always been obsessively firm on their culture's and beliefs. There's no way they'd ever accept us together romantically."

Ric's expression was unusually serious as he brushed my cheek tenderly. "I know. I know, Bee. Believe me, that's one of the biggest reasons I why I shoved my feelings down for so long, to respect our families and their values."

He exhaled heavily, cupping my face. "But how could something so right be dishonorable? You and I are cosmically bonded. We've been from birth, Bee."

My throat felt tight hearing the emotion in his voice. I leaned up wrapping my arms around him. "I know. But Ric...what if they make us choose between each other and being in the family?"

That heavy possibility settled over us both. I could never turn my back on my family for Ric's love. Never.

But as he fiercely hugged me, stroking my hair, I hoped he was strong enough for both of us.

"We'll find a way, even if we defy every tradition," he murmured. "I won't let them tear you from me." I kept quiet. I couldn't tell him I would never go against my family

I just held him tightly, absorbing his strength, not thinking about his promise. Even after denying my feelings for so long,am not sure there's no going back now.

But for tonight, I let myself get swept up in his arms and endearments. We'd face the family drama another day.

But with Ric, I felt braver than I had in ages. Isn't that what real love is?

I should get going," I said, checking the time. "Need to rest up for work early tomorrow."

Ric made a face. "So soon? Stay here tonight...with me." His voice got lower on the last two words.

I felt my cheeks get warm at the look in his eyes. As tempting as that was, I knew it would muddy the newness of our relationship.

Easy there," I teased. "We just took a massive step today. Let's enjoy the simple relationship for a bit before jumping into anything, okay?"

Ric dramatically sighed, but I could see he understood. "At least stay a little longer?" He gave me those puppy dog eyes I can't resist.( Ohhhh my, I'm soooo gone).

"Oh, alright, you've twisted my arm," I laughed, letting him pull me to the couch.

We got cozy, my head on his chest as he played with my hair. For a while, we just enjoyed the quiet calm while stealing looks.

"This is nice," Ric murmured. "Who knew we'd finally get our acts together?"

I smiled up at him. "Well, we do sound pretty thick headed, don't we?"

He chuckled, suddenly kissing my forehead. "Maybe a little. But I'm glad we got here."

I hummed, a part of me felt a bit content while the bigger part felt alot nervous, but I just snuggling closer to him. "Me too. A long time coming." I managed to say.

Eventually though, I had to go rest up. He groaned disappointedly, collecting my things.

"Walk you out?" Ric grabbed his keys.

I shook my head. "I'll be fine. Save that for date night."

He raised an eyebrow. "So I can expect a first official date with my new girlfriend soon?" He asked.

My heart flipped at the word 'girlfriend.' I kept it light. "Well, maybe not the date yet, but...maybe dinner this weekend?"

Ric laughed, pulling me in for a hug. "It's a date," he murmured. "I'll count the hours till I see you again tomorrow, Bee."

I couldn't resist him even if I wanted to. "You're hopeless, you know? But...same here. Goodnight, Ric."

His smile was the last thing I saw before leaving into the cool night air. On my lovestruck daze walk home, my mind wondered over the day's life changing events.

And as scary as starting this chapter was, I knew committing to Ric felt righter than anything before.

I could only hope our love was strong enough for the inevitable obstacles ahead. But one thing was certain, this secret relationship would never be dull, that's for sure. I can just feel it and I hope it's in a good way.