
Love's Triangle

Love Triangle tells us a story about Charlotte and the love story about the young lovers Charlotte and Lucian, Alex and Ivory, and Smith and Summer, but mainly revolves around the relationship between Charlotte and Lucian. What happens when she finds out about all the hidden secret? is there any secret? Find out.

longevity_immortal · Urbano
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6 Chs

chapter 4

Chapter four

They were done having lunch and was heading for their general lectures "girls, I forgot my book in the locker room, you go ahead and I will meet you there" charlotte said and they left while she moved to her locker room. She unlocked


 The door and tried to enter but door won`t budge. Lucian whose locker was next to hers picked up his book and saw how she was struggling with the door "need some help" Lucian said with a smirk "no I don't need your help just back off"

 Charlotte said and continued struggling to open the door Lucian pushed her out of the way and opened the door in one go "see not that hard you were struggling with it like some weakling" Lucian said with a smirk on his face "I am


 not a weakling, I was about to open the door before you came in" charlotte said with a smug look "oh look who is complaining, I help you, a thank you wouldn't hurt" Lucian said an scoffed "Lucian let go, we would be late for lectures and mind you

 It is Professor Claire teaching" Alex said coming in with smith "whoa is this the tough lady"? Smith said on sighting charlotte. Hi charlotte said timidly "who knew the tough super woman will be timid" Lucian said with an eye roll "I am smith mi lady" smith said bowing dramatically "and I am Alex your highness" Alex said and just smile at their joke "well, I am charlotte" charlotte said and smile "dude won't you introduce yourself smith said and ruffle Lucian hair and Lucian slap his head

 before rolling his eyes "I won't Lucian said and rolled his eyes again " what up with this one rolling his eyes all the times charlotte said and scuff his name "his name is Lucian, if I don't talk we will be late for class" Alex said and started moving while the other follow behind.


They are done for the day and the girls could be seen moving together "girl, thought you will stay in the hostel" Ivory said with a confused look "you never saw me with any luggage, I will staying at home and in hostel" charlotte explain "oh I guess it goodbye for today" summer said with a pout "girls, I will bring our


 Friendship rule it just seventeen rules" charlotte said with a smile "what! That much so ivory said quite surprised "yeah see you girls tomorrow" charlotte said a leaving ivory in a shock way an summer drag her to their hostel.


"Guy I think that your supper woman won't be staying in hostels like us" Alex said to Lucian as the move to the parking lot "that chariot is not my super woman" Lucian said quite annoyed "her name is charlotte not chariot Smith said but he just ignored