
Love's Triangle

Love Triangle tells us a story about Charlotte and the love story about the young lovers Charlotte and Lucian, Alex and Ivory, and Smith and Summer, but mainly revolves around the relationship between Charlotte and Lucian. What happens when she finds out about all the hidden secret? is there any secret? Find out.

longevity_immortal · Urbano
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6 Chs

chapter 3


The guy Charlotte bumped into earlier could be seen sitting with his friends "why do you have such a face? Did a girl turn you down? One of his friends said with an annoying grin "Alex is right or maybe you were insulted" the other friend said but the guy just glared at them "come on Lucian tell us why you have such a face" Alex said and drank his soda "you guys won't believe what happened" Lucian said and sighed when his eyes met with Charlotte who eyed him and he glared back at her "oh I guess that girl turned you down" the other friend said "shut up Smith" Lucian said and sat upright before narrating all that happened between him and Charlotte and his friends began laughing at him "oh Lucian asshole" Smith said and continued laughing while Lucian just glared at them "remind me how we became friends" Lucian said and scoffed "I would like to meet that girl for her courage, she deserves an award" Alex said and winked at Lucian who scoffed "the great, handsome, sexy and intimidating Lucian was insulted by an ordinary girl" Smith said and they resumed another resumed of laughter "seriously that girl is not ordinary, she didn't allow me to talk else she would have cried" Lucian said and leaned back on his chair "oh come on stop trying to defend yourself asshole" Smith said and ruffled his hair "gosh guy not the hair" Lucian said and glared at Smith "but seriously dude you were rude and you deserve what she gave you" Alex said and continued drinking his soda "you are now supporting her" Lucian said and picked up his drink "no, we are just saying the truth" Smith said and ruffled his hair again "guy I said not the hair" Lucian said and gave Smith a slap on the head "dude what was that for? Smith winced

On Charlotte's table, a girl joined them "hi Ivory, hi there" the girl said to Ivory and Charlotte "hi summer meet Charlotte and charlotte meet summer my friend" ivory introduced "nice to meet you summer" charlotte said and stretched forth her hand for a handshake and summer shake her "same here" summer said and leaned back on her chair "how about we become friends charlotte, summer" ivory said excitedly "yeah I consider you my friend but am not sure about summer" charlotte said and took a bite her apple pie "am fine with it, I guess we are friends" summer said "so what our friendship code ? ivory said with a smug look on her face "reliable and dependable" charlotte suggested "yeah right just perfect" ivory and summer said simultaneously.