
Love's Fortune: Taming The Tycoon's Heart

Isabella is a struggling artist who had a heart full of dreams and aspirations, while Alexander Sinclair is an cold-hearted Billionaire with a secret past. Their worlds come together when Alexander commissions Isabella to paint his portrait, a decision that ignites a forbidden passion that neither of them cannot deny nor escape, but as their love blossoms, it faces relentless tests --both from hidden rivalries and family secrets to a well calculated art heist that threatens to tear them apart. Will their love survive the trails and tribulations or will the price of wealth and ambition be too high to divide them. Come with me as I take you through a tale of passion and the power of love to conquer even the most greatest challenges.

Miracle_Esomchukwu · Urbano
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6 Chs

The Official Meeting And Commissioning

The art showcase event was in full grand as various artists from different people came with there arts to showcase to the world and perhaps find sponsors too.

Outside the Chic art gallery which was hosting the event, the press were busy interviewing various topnotch artists and other workers of art.

Cars and vans brought in various artistic artifacts, some sculptures, some paintings with other wonders of art. 

The place was buzzing with excitement for Isabella as she prepared for her first official meeting with Alexander Sinclair after their initial encounter. This meeting was a different one, it was to discuss about the commission of the portrait. The one project that hold the prospect of changing her life and career forever if she does it well.

Isabella arrived at the Chic art gallery showcase where the meeting was scheduled for. She wore her best elegant dress that showcased her undying passion for art. her heart raced with anticipation as she entered the gallery's snow-white walls adorned with masterpieces of various nature, ranging from works from the famous Leonardo da Vinci to the famous portrait of George Washington. There were several replica statute's of gods from ancient Egypt and Greek lands made by artists who were long experienced in the field of art.

The various masterpieces were wonders to behold.

Alexander was already there, studying a sculpture with a very contemplative expression on his face. He turned as Isabella approached, a warm smile gracing his face.

"Isabella," he greeted her, his eyes lighting up. "I'm thrilled to see you again."

"Good morning Mr Alexander," Isabella replied, her voice steady but her heart pounding. "Hope you had a great night?"

Alexander nodded with a smile. "Yeah, I really did have a great night. What about you?"

"I did Alexander." She replied, while bringing out her most prized possession. Her hotter, where she keeps record of her imagination's.

They settled into a cozy corner of the gallery, a table adorned with a vase of fresh flowers, some fruit sat on an embroidered China bowl as the scent from the fresh flowers wafts into their nostrils every once in a while. 

"My lawyer would be here In while." Alexander said as Isabella nodded.

In about thirty minutes the lawyer walked through the door into the gallery. He headed straight for them with an apologetic look on his face.

"Sorry am late, my car broke done at the fifth Avenue." The lawyer said wiping his face with a handkerchief. "Let's begin."

The conversation flowed effortlessly as they discussed the details of the portrait. Alexander explained that he wanted the painting to capture his essence mainly not just as a billionaire but as a man with a depth of knowledge and complexity

Isabella listened intently, her mind already forming a vision of how to bring his essence to life on the canvas. She asked questions, slowly probing him about his past, his passions and the elements of life that held the most meaning to him which he would like to imbed into the portrait.

As the discussion continued, Isabella couldn't help but greatly admire the vulnerability which Alexander displayed when with her. He spoke of his early struggles, the people who had influenced him and his lofty dreams for the future. It was a side of him only few had seen or witnessed and Isabella counted herself privileged to be entrusted with the task of capturing it on canvas.

Their connection deepened during the meeting, and by the time they had both outlined the details of the portrait, Isabella felt a sense of closeness with Alexander that transcended the professional protocols. They were no longer like artist and client, they seem to be like two souls who had been connected through their love for good art and a desire to reveal the great depth of human experience

*Who knows if he feels so for me too, come on Bella stop daydreaming. You know he can have anything to do with you, once the portrait is done you both go hour separate ways* her mind chides her as she shuddered.

Soon the meeting was concluded, Alexander extended his hand to Isabella. "Isabella,I can't see to thank you enough for taking on this project. I have a feeling that your art will reveal some certain parts of me I haven't seen yet."

Isabella took his hand, her heart brimming with gratitude, excitement and joy altogether. "Am greatly honored to take on this project Mr Sinclair, and I promise to pour my heart and soul into it."

Their eyes met again locking in each other's gaze, the tension rising profusely, it was a chanced encounter that had brought them together. A meeting of two different souls who had found each other in the world of art.

Mr Alexander's phone rang, it's ringtone piercing and breaking the tension which hung in the air. After a brief talk with the caller, he stood to his feet and wishing Isabella a good day he left the gallery.

  Isabella couldn't help but smile. She knew this commission wasn't just an opportunity to showcase her talent; it was the beginning of a journey of creativity and imagination's. It was also the beginning of the slowly but sure blossoming of the love between two souls brought together by chance and fate.

While Isabella sat daydreaming, the lawyer drafted the commissioning documents for her to sign.

"All done miss, you may sign here now." The lawyer said aloud breaking her from her thoughts, pushing the papers towards her.

Isabella signed the paper as the lawyer smiled and extended a hand to her.

"Congratulations miss, you've just be officially commissioned to draw a portrait of the famous Alexander Sinclair." The lawyer said smiling at her.

"Thanks a lot sir." Isabella responded grinning happily.

"Just put in your best and I believe you are gonna soar high." He interjected before picking up his briefcase. "I beg to take my leave now." 

"I will sir, and have a nice day too." Isabella added as the lawyer waved at her before walking towards the door leading outside the gallery.

She couldn't help but smile to herself, others who were way better than her had come seeking sponsor or commissioning. But here she was, already with one even before coming for the event.

Grabbing her bag, she left for home to begin work on her new project. As she drove home,she vibe to the music blaring at full volume with a renewed strength at the path to greatness that had just opened up before her.