
Love's Defying Boundaries: Redemption of A Villain

A modern-day story starts with Sheyiah, who is obsessed with novels. When she got a book, she brought it home from an old, mysterious man. After finishing the book, she never taught that the villain character in the book was already standing in front of her. Could she be just dreaming, or is it a magical reincarnation or a magical anomaly? Or just overthinking slash daydreaming? (Revised, Jan 2024)

trvyxdx · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


After their fun semester break, the girls are now back to school and doing the same routine. Sheyiah was now at the café as usual, but today was a little bit different because they don't have any customers yet.

"Ya know, at times like this, I just want to go home and don't care about working hours. Its boring! This is the first time that we didn't have customers the entire day! '' It was Anna, one of the workers at the café.

"Sisters, I think we should be more patient, hmm? I know that today is a tough one, but we should be optimistic. We got this, okay? "Kayla, their head barista, told them.

"No, sweetie. It's the whole day. It's a little bit odd. This is the first time that happened in our café.'' Leah shrugged.

"I'm getting anxious about this. Im having lots of negative what if's in my mind.'' It was Brie is the oldest and most anxious worker.

Suddenly, the door burst open.

"AT LAST, WE HAVE CUSTOMERS NOW! '' All of the workers shout when the door at the café opens.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but we are not here to buy at the moment, sisters. We are here to drag our friend out of here and give you some news." It was Sheyiah's friend Kayeann.

"At least buy something? We don't have profit the whole day. Please! "Brie rushes to Sheyiah's friend, looking at them with pleading eyes.

Then the two girls buy something because they know they cannot win over the workers persistence, including their best friend.

"So, what's the news you're talking about? '' Leah, ask them

"Oh! My! Ya! Well, I think you guys need to close the café right now.'' Catherine seriously said to them.

"We can't do that, you know, girls. We didn't have enough profit for today! '' Anna told them worriedly.

"Huh? So you haven't watched the news warnings yet? '' Kayeann ask them.

The workers in the cafe shook their heads and ask. "No? Why? There's something that happened. ''

"There was a live news broadcast that just announced a danger warning zone in our local area. There is a huge whirl forming in the sky, and there was thunder in it. The weather analyst is currently monitoring the weather because they have a theory that a huge tornado will come. They announced that all establishments must be closed and people must stay at home."

"Oh my, we didn't know! We need to close immediately. It is bad if we were caught up in the streets of that big tornado."

The workers immediately closed the cafe with the help of Sheyiah's friends. Now they are on their way home, and the girls are slightly arguing. They wanted Sheyiah to stay at their house at the moment because she was alone, and they were worried that if something bad happened to her, they couldn't reach out to her immediately because her house was two blocks away from them.

"No, Kayeann. I'll stay at my house."

"You're alone in there! "

"I can handle myself, girls."

"No, Sheyiah. Kayeann was right. Then we will stay at your house, and we will accompany you there so you won't be alone."

"Nope Catherine! You're parents will worry about your beings when you are far away from them. Now, your family sticks together at times in emergencies? "

"Aren't you a family too? Besides, our parents treat you as their daughter too, so they will worry about you."

"No, I'll be fine. I'll call you when something happens. I'm not a scaredy-cat. I'm not afraid to be alone in the house, duh! I'm alone for how many years, you know? So, please trust me. This is not my first time anymore, remember?"

"Fine! Whatever happened, call us. Remember to call us! "

Sheyiah nodded and walked to her home. As she arrives, she thinks of taking a nap first and having dinner later. Sheyiah, look at the sky, and it's getting worse. It feels like a God from above is mad. A few minutes later, when Sheyiah lay down on her bed, she fell asleep. 


Hours have passed since they announced a tornado warning. A large swirl of clouds in the sky has already formed, and a heavy rumble of thunder has been heard. The people are now panicking. Later on, a live broadcast about the weather was announced; it was from the UPPER-AIR station. They said not to panic and not to believe in fake news. They said to always be prepared with emergency essentials; just stay at home and stay calm. The said tornado warning is just their speculation based on their observations of the weather. Then they said to stay tuned for further announcements.


During the broadcast, Sheyiah was still asleep. She didn't notice that the book that the old man gave her levitated and flew out on the balcony. The book opened, and the pages were flipping on their own. Then suddenly, thunder struck the book. The book was immersed in bright light. Sheyiah was awakened from her sleep by a sudden light filling her room. She looked into it and saw the source was from the balcony. She was stunned to see that the book was levitating on its own, as the light was getting bigger and bigger until it reached the size of a full-body mirror. Sheyiah was still stunned when he suddenly passed out. The book slowly fell to the floor as its light also slowly faded. It was left doorway-like. A few seconds later, a hand suddenly appeared out of the doorway, and slowly, it revealed the figure of a well-built man floating. The man was safely out of the doorway, the book closed, and he fell to the floor beside Sheyiah. Both are lying on the floor, unconscious, and were facing each other. The lighting strikes at the man's body, which glows. Now you can really see his facial features. He has curly, light brown hair, dark brows, a pointed nose, and pinkish-colored lips. He has smooth, glass-like skin. His physical features were a well-built one and a tall one—maybe almost six feet tall? His clothes were somehow odd because he's been wearing classy-like hunting clothes in the past. 

A few hours have passed since another broadcast happened. It is said that there is no more threat in their local area, and the sky is now starting to clear. It also said the danger has gone and the citizens can now peacefully sleep. As the man suddenly shows up, the big swirl of clouds has disappeared. 

[Revised, 022024]

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Have a nice day!

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