
Chapter 1

Walker heard his phone buzz as he walked out of the shower to get his towel. He dried himself and checked the message

"Meet you at the station by 7:00. Don't be late."

It was his bestfriend Ariande . Walker and Ariande had been friends since they were five and now they saw themselves as brothers. It was their first day at college and they coudn't be late. As Walker was preparing, he still had fear in him as to how college would be like. He walked to his bed and grabbed the clothes he had selected and put them on. It was a white t-shirt with black shorts and white sneakers . He did his hair, grabbed his bag and phone and hit the road. After a few minutes of walking, he arrived at the station to find his friend already waiting for him

" Hi" Ariande said

"Hi bro" Walker replied

"You ready for school?" Ariande asked

"Yh, but a bit nervous"

"Don't worry everything would be alright"

Ariande adviced as they head for school.

After an hour of walking and talking, the two arrived at the gate's of Hollywood Art's.

"Wow! so this is Hollywood Art's." Walker exclaimed.

"It's nothing like l dreamt" Ariande added.

The two walked inside admiring the beauty of the school. It had been their childhood dream to make it to Hollywood Art's and now here they are. For the next two hours, the two went around admiring the school. They didn't have to live on campus since they lived in the next town. They prefered to walk to school on the first day so they could do some catching up for the time they missed after highschool graduation since they both traveled to different countries for the vacation. Walker went to paris and Ariande went to Egypt. Within these few hours they spent in school, they observed that everyone had a group just like highschool. They thought of joining a group but didn't find any to match their likes so they decided to be their own group. All the freshmen were called and course and classroom selection was done. They were told ther reporting time was 8am and they were asked to leave and report on time the following day.

"See, I told you it wouldn't be that bad"

"Yh, it wasn't that bad" .

The two kept talking till they got to the station. They said their goodbye's as they took separate buses. Walker sat at the backseat of the bus and took out this phone and airpods to listen to music. A few minutes later, he arrived at Bosten street and walked home.

"Mum I'm home !" Walker shouted as he opened the front door to his house. He was greeted by the aroma of good cooking food which made him hungry .

"OMG Mum ! you really killing me with the aroma of your food" he said as he approach his Mum.

Is there something special happening today? " he asked

" You'll find out soon"

" Can't wait"

"So, how was school today?" his Mum asked

"It was better than l expected"

"Is that my little bear's voice l hear in the


A voice came from the other side of the mansion.

" That voice, it's like l know the person" Walker thought

"Come here dear"

Walker turned around as he recognized the voice.

" Dad!" he exclaimed as he jumped to hug his father.

"I've missed you so much"

"Oh, I've missed you even more" his father replied as he held his son tight.

"I've heard you got into Hollywood Art's and today's your first day"

"Well yes and today wasn't that bad for a first day at college" Walker replied

"Ok so go get a shower and come down for dinner. Its been a while since we had dinner together as a family".

Mr. Walker, a renowned business man who had been on a six month business trip was now back.

"Our boy is all grown up" Mr. Walker said as he grabbed his wife by the waist . They looked deep into each others eyes and kissed.

Walker took his cloths off, took a shower and rushed downstairs for dinner. They spoke over dinner for a longtime with his father telling him the adventures he had in London during his free time.

After dinner, Walker went up to his room and texted Ariande

" My Dad's back "

"Wow! that's good news. I can't imagine the look on your face when you saw him."

" Trust me l can't imagine it either "

"I've got to go . Got some shit to do with my Dad. See you tomorrow" Ariande replied

Ariande, unlike Walker lived with his Dad most of his life. His Mum was a Top Model and had little to no time for her son. Ariande laid on the bed as the thought of his Mum filled his head. All the thinking about her made him feel tired and he drafted to sleep forgetting he had to meet his Dad.

The two friends, Walker and Ariande met at the entrance of Hollywood Art's the following day.

" Hi Ariande"

" Hi. How are you?"

"Fine and you?"

I'm great " Ariande replied

As they entered, they saw flyers of a cute looking boy. About nineteen years of age. He had black curly hair and charming blue eyes. His name was written boldly underneath the picture.

"Tyler" , with the word " missing " attached to it.

" This is bad news for the second day in college "

"Yh very bad news. Only God knows what happened to the poor boy" Walker added.

They walked to their classrooms as Walker had music lessons and Ariande had drama class.

A few hours later, the bell rang for lunch and the students rushed out of their classrooms to the cafeteria. Walker joined Ariande at the locker's and they moved to the cafeteria together. The cafeteria was filled with students of different groups. There was this particular group dressed in all black with their face looking like they have been weeping for hours.

" Those must be the friends of the missing boy"

"Yh. You're right" Walker said

They found themselves a place to sit. Shortly after they sat, two boys walked into the cafeteria.

One was a masculine, handsome and cute looking boy and the other was so soft, gentle and ladylike. The masculine one got on top of a table and helped the other climb up.

"Silence" he shouted.

The whole place became as silent as a cemetery.

" This is my new boyfriend, Darrell" . He placed his left hand around Darrell's waist and his right hand on his cheek and kissed him.

" I love you Darrell"

" I love you too Jason ".

The crowd shouted with joy to see such a thing happen in public.

" How could you?" someone shouted

"How could you do this to Tyler?" .

Everyone was silent. It was a guy from the group dressed in black.

"You deserve to die Jason. You dated me, then my best friend Tyler and now look at you. You're dating a freshmen just after Tyler disappeared. You're an animal Jason. A beast in fact."

"Shut up Jesse " Jason retorted

"You have no right to talk about my past relationships especially in front of all these people."

" Oh l just thought little Darrell here could use a little information about your past to know what he is getting him self into " Jesse said smiling

Jason grabbed his new boyfriends hand and stormed off angrily.

"Wow! That was some drama we had there"

"Well as they say , college is full of drama" Walker said and sipped his water.

The two left as they had a last class to attend.

A few hours later, the bell rang and school was over. They walked out of school chatting and laughing. Ariande wasn't looking and bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry" Ariande said

" Don't worry about it"

"Wait, I think I know you" Ariande said

" Really! I'm I suppose to know you too because I don't think I do know you"

"I don't remembered where but I feel I know you" Ariande said

"Well then I'm Bloodshot by the way"

"Bloodshot, exactly. You left for Italy when you were eight"

"Yh. How did you know?"

"It's me Ariande . We were childhood friends."

" Ariande!, Is this really you?"

"Yh it's me"

"Wow! You've changed so much" Bloodshot said in shock

"Well same on your side"

A car's horn blew just as they were getting deep into their conversation.

"I guess that's me" Bloodshot said

"See you tomorrow then"

They waved and she took off. Ariande walked towards Walker and they went home.