

"What if this was some kind of punishment .. yeah that must be it " but what did I do , and who is so big that he or she would have punished me like this ? Wait "Maybe... I made it to heaven alone , but am sure heaven's streets aren't so ...human damaged . " Ughhh my brain is tired I don't even think this much during end of year exams , maybe cause I didn't have too . " or maybe am in hell . pfft nahh I know a lot of people who have a special place down there " wooow now am the one to judge ? that's not my job . "forgive me God " I pray sincerely in hopes that I will get an answer which never came . _______________________ Rose Habib is a 17 year old who rather prefers to keep her smart remarks at bay and not start a war , except on rare occasions where she would answer to shut up the other party. but this time she chose the absolute wrong moment to talk back .thus she felt like she had to...... but what does this have to do with her finding herself in a deserted neighborhood ? nothing obviously . so why then ? well read to find out .

mE_Sh · Ficção Científica
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8 Chs

Ch. 7

" I swear I tried but that girl just keeps catching up" Jaden responded .

" what do you mean catching up. do you ... love her " .

" No ofcourse not ... well so I hope " he answers unsure " would you be mad ? " he asks after a moment of silence " how is this about me ?"

" I know you hate her , and I'm not blind enough to not see that she hates as well "

" I DON'T like her for sure but this is about you if she makes you happy, then who I'm I to steal that from you " I state matter of fact.

he just smiles " although I know you deserve better " his smile grows .

we pull up in my drive and I see a pair of police officers interrogating drew .

" what is going on ? " Jay asks " Baba's missing " I answer , and he stares at me as though trying to figure out if I'm lying or not

" you for real ?" . by the time he's done I'm out and I approach the little group .

" so... anything ?". I ask drew " no nothing " he says worried " miss we would like to ask you a few questions if you please " " yeah ofcourse would you like to come in ? " I ask out of politeness even though I don't really mean it

" yes , please " .

" when was the last time you saw him "

" this morning "

"was that the last time you talked to him too?".

"yes , officer we both know that these questions ain't gonna give you no lead , you have had other cases like this today , so is there anything we would like to know ?" .

" it's just the protocol we never know what we are missing if we don't follow it and no nothing you would like to know "

" then tell us what we wouldn't like to know "

" please " I add . they take a moment debating on it and I for sure wasn't expecting them to answer but one can only hope . " we don't really know much a