
chapter 48

Chapter 9 Hunter's Secret

Chapter 199 Hunter's Secret

Forsi's eyes suddenly became clear, and he saw two figures sitting opposite the long table.

Mr. "The Hanged Man" was promoted? As soon as she had a thought, it quickly settled down.

At this moment, she didn't care whether any members of the Tarot Society were promoted, her mind was filled with last week's smog and plague.

She clearly remembered that on the eve of the last gathering, Mr. Fool suddenly issued an oracle and temporarily canceled the Tarot meeting for a week. Before that, Backlund suffered unprecedented casualties, and even more so in the northwest of Queens. Shrouded in a doomsday-like horrific change, the sight of most of the sky that day being shrouded in eternal night and storms reminded her of the doomsday prophecies made by His Majesty the Pope, as well as some rumors she had heard from seniors in the department.

After the heavy smog, the department shrunk the scope of its activities in Backlund. Except for investigations that had been successful and still needed follow-up, all other investigations were suspended and entered an indefinite state of suspension.

According to reports, Prince Edsac of Loen also died in the great smog, and was suspected of being assassinated by a cultist... Recalling the contents of the newspaper ten days ago, Forsi seemed to understand something, but he didn't understand anything. Unable to grasp it, I felt a little scared and uneasy for a moment.

Unfortunately, she had just collected the gold pounds and was promoted to Sequence Seven. Xio had just left the category of Sequence Nine. With the help of the Intelligence Department, she was trying to contact MI9 and took a step towards investigating the truth about her father's death. The real first step.

Sigh... Forsi buried his sigh deep in his heart, turned his head, followed the pace of "Justice", and together with other members of the Tarot Society, saluted the Supreme Leader to say hello.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool."

"Good afternoon, everyone." Klein responded with a mellow voice and a smile.

His eyes swept over each party member, maintaining his image without explaining why the party was suddenly suspended last week.

After all, it was not him who was communicating with the members that day, but... Thinking of this, Klein glanced at the gray fog beside him that was much thicker than before, as if unintentionally.

"Secret" kept saying that he was just an undead living in history and could not interfere with the current reality. As a result, when I was in a coma, I still did a lot of things...

At this time, Audrey suddenly said:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Fool, because the three major churches and the military are still cleaning up Backlund. I haven't been able to get the follow-up Russell's diary. Please wait for another week."

"Okay." Klein said calmly.

After hearing the conversation between the two, "Magician" Forsi and "The Hanged Man" Alger Wilson, who were distracted by their thoughts, looked up at the same time. The former suddenly woke up and was a little panicked, while the latter was already prepared and asked for the appearance. Collected diaries.

"Dear Mr. Fool, I have collected three pages of Russell's diary."

Forsi lowered his head in shame.

"Lord, the church and departments have been tightening their work recently, and I haven't been able to access the diaries collected by other branches."

"do not mind."

Klein shook his head in the direction of where the "Magician" was sitting without paying much attention.

He took the three-page diary written by Alger "The Hanged Man", leaned back on the chair behind him, and started reading in a leisurely manner.

"February 11th, today I learned a few secrets about the Sauron family. Hahaha, I was laughing so hard!"

"It turns out that the 'Hunter' path they have mastered will change in the fourth sequence, the men will remain the same, and the women will become men! No wonder that among the strong men I know about the Sauron family, especially those who can determine the 'Hunter' path, there is no One is a woman, and the 'Iron Knight' is indeed a real man!"

"The key, the most interesting thing is that the ancestor of their family, the Grand Duke of the Sauron family in the Fourth Age, was actually a woman at the beginning!"

"A family as big as Sauron's was born out of one woman's impregnation by other women!"

"Zarath is so interesting. Such good things have not forgotten me... Well, that means I got this news from Zaratul, otherwise I would want to ridicule Florent the next time I see him. he!"

"The ancestor of the Sauron family he looks like might have been a woman!"

"Isn't this potion too cheating? It is indeed the interchangeable path of the witch path. It is not as good as us 'generalists'. At least I have seen high-ranking women in the church. I will definitely not meet such a disgusting one in the future. matter."

Looking away from the diary for a moment, Klein's expression instantly collapsed.

Great Emperor, it turns out that you already knew the secret of the "Witch" path in the middle sequence, so why did you still cuddle up with the witch mistress calmly after becoming a demigod?

Wouldn't you, at that moment, suddenly recall that your mistress might have been a man older than you?

Putting aside the sudden and unreliable complaints, Klein continued to read the diary with a complicated expression.

Different from the content above, judging from the tone and wording of the diary on the next page, it is already in Russell's later years. The strange thing is that the content of the two pages of diary is actually related.

"Oh, I never thought that the root causes of high-level confrontation and games would be hidden in the occult knowledge and gossip that Zaratul told me for fun before."

"If it hadn't been for that organization, and if Hermes hadn't mentioned some of the things he was paying attention to recently at the party, opening up the conversation among other members, I wouldn't have even connected these two seemingly unrelated clues."

"No wonder Fusac would take the initiative to give up part of his share to the Trunsoest army that was also attacking westward during the war in West Balam, and then showed a strange tough attitude and had a fight with Roen on the Star Plateau. Forcibly driving Roen's sphere of influence out of the edge of the canal, a hundred kilometers away from the border of the Second Empire of Trunsoest."

"This is not only the decision of the Einhorn royal family, but the 'God of War' behind them may also have secret instructions."

"The reasons for Fenebaud to be close to the True Creator's camp are not exactly the same. Einhorn's ancestor, the unlucky guy who, like the former Grand Duke of the Sauron family, turned from a young girl into a 'conqueror', also fell into this trap. 'Red Angel' Medici's hands."

"After overthrowing the Sauron family and obtaining the crown of Intis, I immediately sealed up the Sauron family's original collection, including their precious records of the history of the Fourth Age."

"During the War of the Four Emperors, Trier was the capital and place of death of the 'Blood Emperor' Tudor. The bones and blood of the mad god after his death were buried here, as well as the secret pollution he brought."

"These pollutions are retained in the deepest part of the old Trier city of the Quaternary Age under Trier. There is even pollution that is similar to the abyss of which I have not figured out the specific origin."

"I spent a lot of effort to collect the contaminated samples left by Tudor, and I discovered an interesting fact from them."

"After the death of Tudor, as the former 'Red Priest', the symbol of the uniqueness of the 'Hunter' did not lose its specific direction with his death, but returned to its past owner, the 'Red Angel' Medici He regained the title of God of War, and Tudor seemed to be connected with a more mysterious existence, becoming part of that thing, the source of underground pollution in Trier."

"From this point of view, Medici, who controls the ancestors of the Sauron and Einhorn families and the unique direction through unknown methods, does have the ability to influence the other two who retain the high-sequence power of the 'Hunter' Royal Family."

"But unlike the declining Sauron, the God of War above Einhorn is quite powerful. Their contemporary head of the family has mastered an item corresponding to the 'Conqueror', and the uniqueness of the 'Hunter' path is not out of reach. As long as you can pay the same price as Sealed Artifact 0-01..."

"Einhorn obviously hopes to try to attack the 'Red Priest' with the support of the God of War. Even if he fails, he can still maintain enough independence to block the influence from the Medici."

"With such an advantage, why would they deliberately show their favor to the camp of the True Creator as if they were caught in the trap of fate?"

"What's in it that I don't know about?"

The ancestors of Sauron and Einhorn are actually in the hands of the "Red Angel"?

Even if the Earth Mother Goddess, who claims to be the "Mother of All Living Things", wants to be related to the True Creator, the "Father of All Creation", why does the God of War also want to please Him?

The following content was very long, occupying two full pages of the second and third pages. Klein's brows moved slightly as he read it, and his face sank into a gray mist.

Combining what Mr. Azik said to himself not long ago, he suddenly discovered that except for the Eternal Blazing Sun, the Lord of Storms, and the God of Knowledge and Wisdom who are in the adjacent path interchange range with the True Creator, there are other so-called gods in the Northern Continent. The righteous gods are more or less connected to the true Creator.

The motive of the God of Steam and Machinery is unknown. The attitude of the Goddess after casting her gaze through the holy object now seems very intriguing. The Mother Goddess of the Earth and the God of War have already extended their goodwill olive branches. Klein would not be surprised if Nebot and Trunsoest formed an alliance.

However, why has there been no major conflict in the Alliance of Seven Gods for more than a thousand years in the Fifth Age? Why do they stand in the same camp and be hostile to Trunsoest, controlled by the True Creator, and occupy the entire East Balam? The empire regards it as a scourge and refuses to recognize the true God status of the true Creator?

Very contradictory!

Moreover, at the end of the Fourth Age, it was the Six Gods at that time who killed the "Secrets" and drove the True Creator away from the Northern Continent. The resentful ascetic spirits discovered by Little "Sun" and the others in the ruins of Afternoon Town, the land abandoned by the gods, also vaguely testified against the murderer. In addition to the three gods such as the Eternal Fierce Sun, there are also shadows of other gods involved in the death of the Creator believed in by Silver City in the Third Age.

Think about it, at that time, apart from the "mystery", there were only three angel kings left. How could they compete with the Creator who killed the ancient gods and stood above ordinary gods.

There must be other reasons, otherwise the contradictory behavior of those seven gods cannot be explained... Klein breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a dull pain in his brain.

The information contained in these three pages of the diary is too great. Even without my subsequent associations, just the section where Emperor Russell discovered the pollution underground in Trier would have caused an uproar and directly devastated Trier's economy. .

Well, since Russell relied on the collection of the Sauron family to discover the pollution, it means that the two major churches of Intis and even other righteous gods also know what is buried underground in Trier... Those pollutions have always remained. Now, at least in the era when Russell was active, it shows that even the true gods are quite laborious to deal with, and the cost is greater than the benefit.

Of course, it may be that even the true God cannot completely solve it, just like the abyss...

Thinking, thinking, Klein suddenly stopped moving.

He slowly lowered his head and looked back at the diary he had finished reading. His fingertips rubbed open the three overlapping pages, revealing part of each.

No, there is a problem.

The members of the Tarot Society don't understand Chinese at all. Except for Ms. "Magician" who guards an entire database, the other people usually collect diaries through gatherings organized privately by wild extraordinary people. How could Mr. "The Hanged Man" do this? Did you happen to get the diary that completely recorded Russell's discovery?

Klein leaned forward slightly, letting the diary in his hand disappear, looking at the table, and asked the Hanged Man who was waiting patiently in a nonchalant tone.

"Where did you get these diaries?"

Alger was suddenly startled when he was suddenly asked a question by Mr. Fool.

He didn't know why Mr. Fool suddenly asked such a question, so he could only answer it honestly.

"It was at the pirate conference held by the 'King of the Five Seas'."

Last week, after he sold the attributes and sealed artifacts entrusted to him by "The World", he accidentally bought a bunch of Russell's diaries in the pirate circle.

Believers who follow the footsteps of Emperor Russell are everywhere, and there are also pirates, so his behavior is not conspicuous.

At the "Pirate Convention"?

Klein's fingers resting on the edge of the table were tapping mechanically unconsciously.

If I remember correctly, the father of "King of the Five Seas" Nast Solomon was the 'Earl of Bai Feng' who was personally conferred by Emperor Russell. He himself also inherited his father's title and continued to use the title bestowed by Russell. of the title. UU read www.uukanshu.net

The "King of the Five Seas" is an almost legendary existence on the sea. His name has shrouded the oceans and coasts for more than 150 years... Could it be that he discovered it when Mr. "The Hanged Man" helped me sell his properties? After continuing the investigation, they suspected that the "Hanged Man" was a believer in the "Secret", so he sent out a specially kept diary to test?

No, Nast Solomon should not be familiar with Russell to this extent... The guess briefly flashed in his mind, but was rejected by Klein.

A tall, pale yellow figure slowly emerged, giving him a new idea.

Russell's eldest daughter, Bernadette Gustave, is still alive and is a powerful saint. She and Nast Solomon are old acquaintances, and it is not impossible that she happens to appear at the "Pirate Conference"... ...Thinking of this, Klein took advantage of the cover of gray mist to carefully examine the spirit body of "The Hanged Man". He was relieved after confirming that there was no strange thing mixed into the spirit body.

"Mr. Fool, is there something wrong with the diary I just presented?" Alger asked tremblingly.

"No, these pages of the diary are very interesting and remind me of some interesting past events."

Klein shook his head and said with a smile.

"You can start."

The biggest significance of the ring to me at the moment is that it can always provide me with new settings that I can use directly, and can even directly complete the details of the settings in my original outline.

The Destiny Weaver proposed by Cuttlefish on bw is also quite interesting. It coincides with my previous guesses. Not only was the part of Little Snake's latest plot not being backstabbed, but it is more reasonable.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 10 Betrayal

Chapter 200 Betrayal

"You can start."

Following the signal from the "Fool" at the top, "The Hanged Man" Alger, who had been shrouded in inexplicable fear recently, immediately looked upward.

"Mr. Fool, can I apply for private communication with you?"

Mr. "The Hanged Man" actually wanted to communicate with me alone... Klein thought for a moment and casually waved the gray mist floating beside him, covering him and "The Hanged Man". They stared silently below, waiting. The Hanged Man" spoke.

"Dear Mr. Fool, last week, after the pirate conference held by Nast, the King of the Five Seas, my spiritual intuition often called the police unnaturally. I suspected that someone might have recognized him at the conference. My identity, trying to spy on me, get more information."

Pirate Conference... Listening to "The Hanged Man"'s self-narration, Klein's brows gradually tightened and his face darkened.

Not only is there something fishy about the diary presented by Mr. "The Hanged Man", but he himself is also suspected to be under surveillance... Could it be that he really exposed his identity when he was selling the characteristics of the "Arbiter", causing Nast or Bernadette to Attention?

There is no need to be afraid that they will follow Mr. "The Hanged Man" and discover my identity...

First of all, both Bernadette and Nast are only demigods, incomplete mythical creatures. It is impossible to be more sensitive than Zaratul, who has been an angel for a long time and belongs to the path related to gray fog.

Secondly, the party members have almost no intersection in the real world. Even if one of the "Hanged Man" is exposed, it will not affect others.

The key is what exactly do Bernadette or Nast want to know, and why do they want to follow and monitor the "Hanged Man"?

Russell has fallen. Is it possible that his old ministers and children do not believe in his death...

Suddenly, Klein's brows relaxed, and a trace of incredible hesitation flashed in his eyes.

He suddenly thought of everything that happened that day in the Kingdom Museum.

The code promulgated by Russell, the new laws that frequently appeared in every region of Intis during the Intis Empire era, Bernadette who took risks for the "Black Emperor" card...

Yes, the "Black Emperor" card is the first blasphemy card made by Russell. It may have a special meaning for him. In his later years, he forcibly proclaimed himself emperor and changed the social structure of Intis. Wasn't it all related to "Black Emperor"? Is the ceremony of becoming a god of "Emperor" consistent with everything?

If viewed from this perspective, Russell's death is more complicated. He was not necessarily killed by the Eternal Sun and the God of Steam and Machinery because of his collusion with the True Creator. There is another possibility that he is trying to forcefully change his path to becoming a god, just like the Blood Emperor once did...

With some understanding, Klein leaned back on the chair again as if leisurely and made a certain judgment in his heart.

This makes everything clear... Bernadette and Nast, who knew that Russell meant "Black Emperor" in his later years, even after two hundred years, there is still a place in their hearts that they believe that Russell has not yet truly Death, and the possibility of return from the tomb and order.

That day, the "Hanged Man" was selling the characteristics and sealed artifacts of the "Arbitrator" path. With a little investigation, you can guess the approximate source, which is related to the Augustus family who is currently seeking the throne of the "Black Emperor" .

As for who is obstructing the Augustus family recently, isn't this a question whose answer can be seen in the newspapers?

The person who killed Kaping was the thief "Black Emperor", and the one who took the "Black Emperor" card was Zaratul's subordinate.

Since Russell's time travel, Zaratul has secretly contacted him and established a closer relationship with him. After Russell became emperor, the Secret Order directly became an integral part of the Intis Empire. During this period The bond was so deep that even after Russell's death, the powerful parliamentary government and the church failed to drive them back to their hometown in the Southern Continent.

With such a close relationship, it makes no sense that Bernadette, as the princess of the empire, does not understand the real situation behind the Secret Order...

Thinking of this, Klein asked the question below seemingly unintentionally.

"You claimed to be my believer at that time?"

Mr. "Fool" really knows! Alger suddenly felt as if he was sinking into an ice cave, and nodded stiffly and in fear.

"Yes, that day at the conference, I took your name in vain and stole your glory."

Sure enough... Klein shook his head slightly.

"do not worry about it."

Obviously, the reason why "The Hanged Man" was targeted by Bernadette was because he bumped into Bernadette at the most sensitive time and in the identity that was least supposed to appear.

The princess who lost her country is following in her father's footsteps, and she is naturally unwilling to let go of any possibility.

"I roughly know who the people who are following you are," Klein said, looking down at the Hanged Man. "They are looking for my followers and hope to get the answer to a certain question. They are not targeting you."

But my self-proclaimed believer in the "God of Mystery" has been targeted by them, and there is no way those people will listen to my explanation... Alger sighed in relief subconsciously while feeling sorry for himself.

He mustered up the courage, looked to the top, and made his request to the "Fool" just like he had made up his mind on the ship.

"Mr. Fool, I implore you to give me shelter and protect me from those people."

"For this, I am willing to pay the corresponding price."

To protect you, the premise is that I need to have matching power... Klein sighed a little, feeling that it was a bit tricky.

Compared to Bernadette, who was a demigod, he who had just become Sequence Five was weak and pitiful.

After all, I am not a real "Secret". Although Zaratul is willing to give me reasonable help within a certain range, this does not mean that he will reach out to my subordinates... or a subordinate who believes in the Lord of Storms...

But I can't just sit back and watch Bernadette continue to monitor the Hanged Man... Klein thought for a moment, and suddenly his posture became more relaxed, and the corner of his mouth raised a hint of teasing.

"Of course I am willing to protect my believers..."

"But, Mr. Hanged Man, I'm afraid you can't afford the equivalent price."

Before Alger could be disappointed, Klein glanced in the direction where The World was sitting and prompted.

"You can communicate with my favored ones."

"Haha, your encounter originated from your last transaction. It is reasonable to end with the subsequent transaction."

Entrusting "the world" to protect me?

Alger frowned slightly and secretly breathed out.

He was glad that he finally had a clue to solve the danger on his body, but he was also disappointed in the endless trouble caused by his momentary negligence.

Mr. "Fool" didn't care that I pretended to be one of his followers. What he was really displeased with was that I had received so many gifts from him but still retained my faith in the Lord of Storms, trying to swing between the two gods. Be a blasphemous profit seeker?

Clenching and relaxing his hands, Alger bit his tongue and expressed his gratitude to Mogami.

Then, when the gray fog dissipated and blocked contact, he quickly found the "world" again and repeated the general situation, completely ignoring the different looks in the other members' eyes.

Mr. "The Hanged Man" wants to change his faith? "Justice" Audrey opened her eyes slightly.

No, if "The Hanged Man" joins the Islands Branch, won't I be able to use the information he provides in exchange for merit in the future?

Forsi suddenly felt a crisis.

Derrick, who mostly didn't understand, nodded in understanding, feeling happy that "The Hanged Man" had finally gotten rid of the haze of the false god and was on the right path.

Of course, Alger didn't notice any of the three of them's reactions.

All his attention was focused on the "world" sitting at the bottom, which had no characteristics and only gave people a powerful and mysterious intuitive feeling.

Finally, under his ardent expectation, "The World" nodded slowly.

"I can accept your commission."

"But you need to think about it, do you want to keep your current identity or do you want to leave the past completely?"

After becoming the envoy of the True Creator, Klein has a lot more resources at his disposal.

If "The Hanged Man" wanted to leave the Church of Storms, he could write a letter of recommendation and recommend "The Hanged Man" to serve in the Church of the True Creator at sea or in the Intelligence Agency Islands.

If "The Hanged Man" is unwilling to defect and carry the bounty from the Church of Storms, he can also use "The Fool"'s mouth to add a few strokes to "The Hanged Man"'s resume, making him become like Miss "Magician" , "the lucky one who is watched by the Lord", received protection from the Aurora Society.

Of the two options, Klein prefers the latter. After all, it is rare to find a spy who has been working in the Church of Storms for many years.

"I...I want to retain my current identity."

In the end, Alger still couldn't give up what he had now.

He thought for a moment and continued.

"I can pay you extra."

In this regard, Klein didn't say much, and just put the specific reward after the matter was over.

As this "special" transaction came to an end, "Justice" Audrey, who had been doubting it for a long time, finally found an opportunity.

"Everyone, do you know the whole story of the Backlund Smog?"

Ten days have passed since the Great Smog, but the impact of this disaster is still stubbornly hovering over the heads of every Backlund resident.

Factories were shut down, the plague was rampant, and party conflicts caused by the death of important nobles intensified... All of this happened so suddenly that Audrey suddenly lost her accurate understanding of the world.

She didn't know what was going on.

"I don't know the whole process very well, but I can share some details that I know."

The first person to speak was "Magician", she glanced at "Justice" beside her and said.

"The great smog that occurred in Backlund was caused by cultists who believed in the 'Original Witch'. They established rituals in the suburbs of Queens and the East End, and both successfully released the virus. The difference is that in Queens The plague in the suburbs comes directly from the 'Original Witch', while the plague in the east district was released by the demigods of the Witch Sect."

"The plague in the East District lasted until the sun completely set. The virus blown from the outskirts of Backlund was intercepted by some force before it entered the main area of ​​Queens. This is also the main reason for the huge difference in the death toll between the two places. "

It seems that even the believers of the true Creator don't all know about God's descent that day... Klein, who was listening on the sidelines, thought silently.

It turned out to be because of the ritual held by the Witch Sect... They directly prayed for the power of the 'Original Witch'. Did they want this evil god to descend?

It suddenly became dark that day, with thunderstorms and darkness in the sky. Was it the goddess and the Lord of Storms who were protecting us?

But why, why was only the western part of Backlund covered by storm and night?

Audrey tightened the lace pleats of her dress and struggled to restrain the tightness in her chest.

She truly realized that the entire kingdom and the entire human society existed because of the balance between gods, and the balance itself was extremely fragile, let alone the mortals under its protection... Every time similar thoughts came out, Audrey felt sad for a while.

However, she still cheered up and took the initiative to say thank you to the "magician".

"Well, actually in exchange, I also have questions to ask you." Forsi said awkwardly.

She saw Miss Justice nodded, her expression serious and then serious.

"I want to know the real situation of Duke Negan who was assassinated."

This is Forsi's personal issue, but it is also very important to the Intelligence Agency, which has entered a state of contraction, to Loen's political party, and to the international situation.

The department must have learned about Duke Negan's exact current status from secret channels, but I am not of a high enough level to understand such high-level secrets.

Well, if Duke Negan is really dead, MI9 will inevitably undergo a large-scale internal adjustment. In cooperation with the three major churches that made concessions to the royal family due to dereliction of duty during the Great Smog, in the subsequent reform of the kingdom, UU read books www.uukanshu.net to get more power.

But if he had not died, he could have gained unprecedented popularity through assassination, which would have escalated and continued the fight between the parties. The situation within MI9 would have become more complicated and the factions would be further divided.

If it's the former, Xio will feel a lot more relaxed later, but if it's the latter... Forsi bit her lower lip lightly.

But what she didn't expect was that her two seemingly rigorous inferences turned out to be in vain.

"Duke Negan has turned into a vegetative state!"

Not only Forsi, but Klein and Alger also expressed surprise.

"I'm not sure." Audrey, after feeling entangled, decided to answer truthfully, "After Duke Negan was assassinated, his family blocked the news. Even when his wife visited us, she kept silent about the Duke's situation. It's just that he is still undergoing treatment."

"The rumors that the Duke has become a vegetative state are because the conflicts within the Negan family have been brought to the fore by the young Duke who is supposed to become the next generation of Dukes."

"If Duke Negan has died, it is natural for him to become a duke. He only needs a ceremony witnessed by the church and the royal family."

"But now he and his uncle, who is the prime minister of the kingdom, share the power within the Negan family and cannot inherit the title of Duke, so they are suspected by the outside world. Duke Negan is still seriously injured. He is about to die...that is, he has become a vegetative state, and His Majesty the King does not like the young Duke and is unwilling to allow him to successfully inherit the title, which is why the current situation has arisen."

This... Forsi opened her eyes wide and couldn't believe it.

Alger is playing with himself~

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Chapter 11 The Chosen

Chapter 201 The Chosen

Forsi smelled a conspiracy.

As one of the most powerful dukes in the kingdom, Pallas Negan undoubtedly enjoys the highest level of medical and nursing resources. Even if he does not ask for it, the strong men of the church will take the initiative to lend a helping hand to him and treat him with all their heart. Injuries sustained during the assassination.

In the history of the Fifth Age for more than a thousand years, she had never heard of any national dignitary being reduced to such a situation.

Turning into a vegetative state is not much different from dying. It is just that the upper-level situation in Loen will be more chaotic in the future... The split and internal struggle of the conservative party are inevitable, which will be very difficult for Xio Lai who wants to fish in troubled waters and gain a position in MI9. Say, it is a better opportunity...

After working as a spy for two years, Forsi had long given up on unnecessary pity. Now that he had clarified the changes that might happen in the future, he no longer cared about the outcome of Duke Negan's second half of his life.

She fell silent and ended the topic with a silent response.

Much like my initial guess, Duke Negan was assassinated three times. In the end, it was no longer about his life and death. Someone wanted to use him to make the situation more complicated and make the biggest ripples caused by his accident. Transformation, in order to secretly guide and achieve his own goals... Klein silently thought and analyzed calmly.

Those who have the motive to do this include George III who wants to change the current social structure and create a new order; the Trunsoest people who hope to combat the domestic situation in Loen and trigger turmoil in the international trend; and perhaps there are secrets that I don't know about. Organizations, such as the one Russell once joined, are unspeakable organizations whose mission is to resurrect the original creator and guide the world's trends.

Oh, the majestic hereditary Duke... He relaxed his fingers and pried the floating spiritual body thread. Just as the "world" controlled by Klein was about to take action, he saw that he had been unintentionally "excluded" from the topic by other members before, and the outside world The isolated little "Sun" Derrick imitated "Justice" Audrey's movements, raising his arms like a primary school student.

"Guys, I have something I want to share with you."

"The Hanged Man" Alger, who was digesting everything that happened at the meeting today, cheered up and turned his body sideways.

"After exploring Afternoon Town, your chief has new plans?"

"No, there have been no large-scale exploration activities recently." Little "Sun" Derrick denied, "Afternoon Town... The chief was afraid that what we found in Afternoon Town would cause panic, so he discussed it with the elders of the six-person discussion group Later, external exploration was suspended."

Fortunately for a lucky person like him who can often communicate with another master, most of the residents of the God-Forsaken Land have been far away from the glorious age for nearly three thousand years. Although they still maintain their devout belief in the Creator and the "God of Mystery", They know almost nothing about the kings of the past, except for the "Angel of Destiny" and the "Red Angel" who occasionally answer prayers at large sacrifices every ten years.

Reluctantly letting most residents of Silver City know about the blasphemous words spoken by the resentful ghosts of the Ascetic Monk in the afternoon town might trigger widespread panic and make these remnants who are already living in darkness question the suffering experienced by their ancestors for generations. Evil beings hidden under false peace have taken advantage of this loophole.

Derrick added.

"Afternoon Town is the closest city-state ruins to the King's Court of Giants, which is said to be the westernmost point of the Middle East. It is also the most likely exit to connect with the outside world."

"The Chief said that we have lost too many records. In addition to being a frequent residence for kings in the past, the Giant King's Court was also the kingdom of Giant King Ormir in the dark ages. There must be too many dangers hidden there. If Only our Silver City city-state team is exploring, and I'm afraid there will be a lot of casualties."

"So the chief decided to report the plan to explore the Giant King's Court to the 'Angel of the Holy Word' the next time he comes to Silver City, to seek advice from the 'Angel of the Holy Word', and at the same time contact several other nearby city-states, such as us. The nearest 'Shanmen City' has formed a joint exploration team to ensure the safety of subsequent explorations as much as possible."

A series of arrangements came out of Derrick's mouth. Such a tight arrangement was certainly not his understanding. He was simply repeating Colin Iliad's original words.

As expected of a demigod living in such a harsh environment as the Land Abandoned by the Gods... "The Hanged Man" Alger sighed in his heart.

He glanced at the other members who were also listening intently and asked in a guiding manner.

"So you will be repairing it for a longer period of time?"

"Is it a common thing for the servants of the Creator, the 'Angel of the Holy Word', to descend in your city-state?"

Bullying children, Mr. "The Hanged Man"...

It was obvious that he had just been tricked by the Lord, swallowed the bitter pill of impersonating the name of the Lord's believer, and half-heartedly betrayed the Lord of Storms' faith. In less than five minutes, he had already naturally adopted a new identity... Foer Si covered his lips imperceptibly with one hand, hiding his throbbing smile.

"Since records began, at the end of every year, the 'Angel of the Holy Word' would travel from west to east to inspect the surviving city-states in the Eastern Continent until February of the next year." Derrick tried his best to recall the passage. Read the content in the textbook, "Generally, in order to celebrate the arrival of the angel of the Lord, we will hold a sacrificial celebration. This year's celebration is already being prepared, and it may be about a month away."

In other words, the exploration schedule of the Giant King's Court has been postponed for at least two months... Alger nodded slightly and asked again.

"Then your daily patrols and exploration of the ancient roads will not be affected?"

"No." Derrick answered decisively.

Although it is different from other city-states, the crop called "black-faced grass" that only grows within the scope of Silver City can be harvested stably, which can only meet most of the consumption in the city-state. The remaining gaps still need to rely on hunting and external sources. Collect them from monsters wandering the wilderness.

Moreover, there is no stable water source in the Eastern Continent, and a lot of daily water needs to be imported from the wilderness.

"Then it's clear that delaying exploration may not be a bad thing." After obtaining enough information, Alger, the "Hanged Man", gave his own advice, "You only have Sequence Eight now, and the 'Sun' pathway is at a low level. The sequence doesn't have many ways to defend against the enemy head-on. Even if your chief decides to explore the Giant King's Court now, it will be difficult for you to be included in the team."

"In the next at least two months, you can frequently participate in patrols and clean-up tasks of ancient roads within the scope allowed by your city-state's senior officials, accumulate merit, improve your strength, digest magic potions as soon as possible, and strive to be promoted before the exploration officially begins. Go to sequence seven."

In the outside world, promotion is often based on ten years. Many extraordinary people are unable to reach the threshold of the mid-sequence throughout their lives, and can even lag behind in the ninth rank.

However, everyone in the Eastern Continent knows the "playing method", and the situation of promotion and getting rid of the cumbersome restrictions within the system cannot be generalized from the outside world.

High-intensity battles and daily use of extraordinary abilities are the basis for Alger to make such suggestions.

In the past, he simply did not want to lose the scarce resources provided by the "sun", but now he has a more deliberate "care" and is showing it to Mr. Fool.

"Thank you. Mr. Hanged Man."

After thinking seriously for a moment, Derrick agreed with "The Hanged Man"'s suggestion and sincerely thanked him with the simplest smile.

Well, Miss "Justice" is still immersed in the impact of the heavy smog. She has just been promoted to "Mind Reader" not long ago, so she should not be craving for potions in a short time... I am sure that other members have no desire to communicate. , Klein, who finally found the opportunity, manipulated the "world" and looked in the direction of the "Magician".

He tapped the table.

"I was transferred away from Backlund, and I want to entrust you to handle some matters on my behalf."

"What's going on?" Forsi was a little curious.

She knew that "The World" had become Sequence Five, and judging from its past performance, it was still a very powerful one. She never thought that the other party would have anything that she would need her help to solve.

In addition to this, she is also interested in the mobilization of "the world".

"Before leaving Backlund, I privately commissioned a craftsman to make extraordinary items for me at a party. The time we agreed at the time was one month, but now two weeks have passed. I hope you can make it for me later. I continued to contact him and helped me get the custom-made items."

"The World"'s head hidden under the cloak moved.

"I'll pay you fifty pounds extra."

He had predicted in advance whether there would be any accidents if he entrusted others to contact the "artisans". He was not warned and there would not be much risk.

The reward of fifty pounds, Mr. World is so generous... Forsi agreed immediately without thinking much.

She has been promoted to Sequence Seven "Astrologer", and all extraordinary abilities have been improved compared to before. She also has one or two extraordinary items of talisman nature from the Abraham family, given to her by her teacher, even if something happens. Even if there is an accident, you can also escape from the "craftsman".

Besides, besides the fifty pounds reward, there were other reasons that drove her to accept the commission.

Two days ago, the department internally announced the code name of the new divine envoy. Mr. "World" is the favored one of the Lord, has great strength, and seems to be familiar with His Highness Zarath. In her mind, he is the most likely to obtain " V" is the envoy of the title.

Is it always possible to have a good relationship with such a strong person? If Xio actually joins MI9 later on, he will definitely need more help. It's not enough for me alone... Forsi nodded and responded.

"no problem."

Amidst the sporadic exchanges, the end of the party came quietly.

Klein, who was at the top, turned his palms, and there was silence above the gray mist.

His gaze encompassed all the members and he spoke calmly without any fluctuations.

"That's it for today's party."

Groups of rich crimson burst out at the same time, accompanied by gray mist surging, and in the magnificent palace like the giant's palace, only Klein was left again.

He looked around and couldn't find the "mysterious" shadow, so he gave up the plan of continuing to search.

After previous contacts, he knew very well that the mysterious "God of Mystery", unless he happened to have the will, would not show up even if Klein removed the gray mist.

Taking off the almost brand-new citrine pendulum from his left wrist, he lifted it up and let the crystal fall naturally into the air. Klein spread his spirituality with one hand and quickly materialized the paper with the other hand to write down the divination sentence.

"Tonight's operation against Ricardo Colombo and Giorgia Colombo will be successful."

The divination statement was repeated three times, but the citrine remained stubbornly still in the air without any movement.

Without enough detailed information to support it, it would be difficult to establish divination... Klein leaned back on his chair and waved away the paper and pen that appeared.

To be honest, he was a little uneasy.

It's not that he's afraid of the battle that's going to happen tonight, it's that he's worried about the other weird passengers on the ship.

From the moment he boarded the Queen Matilda, the "poison wine" pinned to his chest has never been peaceful for a moment.

This brooch made with "demonic" characteristics has been spreading the malice it perceives within Klein's spiritual intuition.

Who could it be... With doubts in his mind, Klein's outline was also swallowed up by crimson and wrapped in gray mist. The falling traction brought him back to reality.

In a mansion in Backlund's West District.

The control of moisture left traces on the weeds in the corner, blown by the breeze that came from nowhere. An ancient-style building replaced the original basement space, and candles with blue flames were neatly arranged and distributed in the corridor. On both sides.

Under the guidance of Baron Casimi, Emlyn moved forward along this passage, and finally came to a closed black coffin.

"Go in, grandpa is waiting for you."

Baron Casimi, who appeared to be in his thirties but had actually experienced more than two hundred years, pointed to the space behind the hollow arch and raised his chin.

I'm about to meet a marquis... Unprecedented tension oppressed Emlyn. He subconsciously checked his dress again, and after making sure it was not out of shape, he straightened his back step by step and walked closer. The black coffin was as heavy as made of black iron, and its surface was densely covered with many symbolic symbols and magic signs.

After Casimi Audra, who was standing under the arch, gave a brief report, a deep and old voice slowly came from the coffin:

"Emlyn White, do you know why I summoned you?"

"Dear Lord Nibais, is it because of the letter Sherlock Moriarty wrote to me?" Emlyn recalled the draft he had rehearsed countless times on the carriage, and paused before responding.

Yesterday evening, the invitation from the Marquis came suddenly, catching him off guard when he was supposed to be reviewing his lessons and reciting the scriptures of the Earth Mother.

Almost immediately after receiving the news, Emlyn informed Father Utravsky who was also in the church, hoping to get some advice from him.

All the vampires living in Backlund know that in recent years, His Majesty the Emperor has become more and more interested in promoting young people and strengthening the power of his tribe and subordinates. In order to respond to the emperor's likes and dislikes, Nibai, who was supposed to be the highest-ranking person in power in Backlund, The Marquis of Si took the initiative to transfer most of his power to the young Count Mistral.

The Marquis, who was more than a thousand years old, had already entered the twilight years of his life. He voluntarily returned to the mausoleum built under the residence to recuperate and rarely care about worldly affairs.

For this big shot to take the initiative to summon him, it means something big must have happened.

The priest asked me not to be too nervous and answer Lord Nibais's questions casually... Well, I shouldn't have asked him, how can a human understand the internal affairs of our vampire clan... Emlyn lowered his head and stared at the mottled floor. , using his eyes to avoid the coffin in front of him to relieve his inner tension.

Emlyn's slightly feminine voice still echoed in the basement. The Vampire Marquis in the coffin was silent for a long time before he chuckled in a drawled voice:

"That's one of the purposes, and strictly speaking, you shouldn't call him Sherlock Moriarty, you should call him his codename, V."



Sherlock Moriarty is the new envoy?

Before Emlyn could show his surprise, the deep old voice said to himself:

"You also saw the disaster that happened in the northwest of Backlund some time ago, and you also know that the 'Father of All Living Things' has never left the Holy City since the Second Patriotic War, and has been protecting Trunthos with His Majesty. special people."

"But just before the great smog occurred, He descended and came to the Northern Continent."

"This is a revelation from the ancestors, and it is also the result of our speculation and inference."

"Ancestor? He, he has revived?"

This time, not only Emlyn, but also Qasimi, who was standing under the arch, shouted excitedly, breaking the solemn silence in the basement.

Compared with Emlyn who was stunned in place and failed to get over the explosive news that the "Father of All Living Beings" descended to the Northern Continent and broke the tacit understanding of the gods since the Fifth Age, the older and more experienced Kasimi was more Care about the status of the ancestor of the blood clan.

As a descendant of Nibais, Qasimi had more opportunities to read ancient documents since he was a child. When he was traveling and serving in Intis in his youth, he was among the people of the Esoteric Order and the Aurora Order, listening to the praises of the Creator. I grew up with stories about Wei Li, so I wasn't much surprised by the tyrannical side of the "Father of All Living Things".

But no matter how powerful the "Father of All Beings" is, it is still equal love, which is different from the ancestors who prefer their own creations.

Feeling that the two juniors had similar but different reactions, Nibais paused deliberately, and then said slowly in a provocative tone:

"No, not yet, but the First Patriarch has announced the sign of His return. At the important time when the end is approaching, He wants us to prepare for it and complete the key to His revelation."

"Emlyn White, you are one of the keys mentioned in the revelation."


Ignoring his grandson's stupidity and fuss, Nibais raised his voice and continued:

"As a distant race that has walked with history, we have witnessed too many changes in dynasties, but have you heard of a few characters who can be protected by gods to this extent?"

"Russell Gustav, known as the 'Son of Steam,' was only two hundred years ago. We all know how many indelible traces this genius left in the world, and how much of the past we dare not even think about. Changes in thinking."

"The Sherlock Moriarty you are talking about is probably the second Russell Gustave. As the subordinate named by him, you are the member who has the closest relationship with him in the clan at the moment. You must represent The whole tribe took a chance."

"This is what the ancestor meant."

Nibais was still going on, his ears were buzzing, and Emlyn, who no longer received any information from the outside world, looked at the ground dullly. He realized what had happened belatedly and could not accept this sudden incident for a short time. everything.

As a boy, he received the education of "remembering the glory of the blood clan and adhering to the noble tradition". Over time, he developed an arrogant and self-centered character. He also dreamed of becoming a big shot in the clan and leading the clan to restore its past prosperity.

But now Marquis Nibais told him that the ancestor did choose him, but only because of someone else's choice.

"Emlyn White, are you willing to bear the weight of this honor?"

Another loud raised voice woke up Emlyn, who was in complicated thoughts. He raised his eyes in a daze, and after reacting, he twitched the corners of his mouth unnaturally a few times, and tried his best to squeeze out the upward arc.

"I am willing to accept the arrangement of the ancestor."

The Marquis in the coffin suddenly fell into silence. In silence, Emlyn felt that a line of sight cast from the darkness seemed to be looking at him in an extremely complicated manner. After a while, the Marquis continued:

"The new divine envoy of the 'Father of All Living Things' is likely to have a certain connection with another great being of the empire's faith. He is a 'divineer'. You can start with the belief in the 'God of Mystery' and make good use of the divine envoy. I'll leave you a letter and have more contact with him."

"Work hard to get closer to him, and don't let down your ancestor's expectations of you..."


"Grandpa, was Emlyn really chosen by the ancestor?"

After sending Emlyn away in a hurry, Qasimi, who finally no longer had to endure the countless doubts in his heart, hurried back underground.

He looked at his grandfather's coffin and asked in shock.

"Idiot! Emlyn White doesn't even have a title. Why would the ancestor regard him as the key?"

Nibaisi's reprimand came mercilessly, and Qasimi, who had not been treated in this tone by his grandfather for a long time, breathed a sigh of relief.

He smoothed his chest, adjusted his breathing, and asked respectfully in a tone that was no longer as calm as before:

"Then why do you say that and make him think that he is favored by the ancestor?"

The black coffin vibrated slightly, and the Marquis sleeping inside had a smile on his face.

"Didn't I make it very clear just now?"

"The new divine envoy is rather eccentric and not close to his colleagues in the church and empire. Since Emlyn can let him pay attention to him personally, it means that there is an opportunity to develop a closer relationship with him. UU Reading www.uukスshu.net"

"This is a good thing for the tribe."

"The ancestor did indeed send down the oracle. He reminded us that the hope for the rejuvenation of the ethnic group is coming. Your Majesty's long-cherished wish finally has a chance to be realized. And all this, and the next activities of the 'Father of All Living Things', and the sleeping attempt to revive 'The God of Mysteries' is closely related."

"As the beloved of the Creator, the new divine envoy will play an important role in the subsequent changes. Winning him will win more help for His Majesty and win a powerful ally for the future for the tribe. "

"As for Emlyn White, he should feel lucky that he has won the attention of the divine envoy and got the opportunity to change his destiny. Sometimes, luck is almost the same as divine grace. Emlyn White is so good. His luck, I said he is the key to being valued by the ancestors, is there any problem?"

Kasimi nodded reluctantly, nodded and thought, then seemed to think of something, and said with a slight frown on his eyebrows:

"If the 'Father of All Living Beings' can descend for him, the new envoy is indeed worth fighting for..."

"But I heard that the divine envoy is only sequence five. Can he help us in a short time?"

Facing his grandson's question, Nibais smiled softly.

"Many extraordinary people believe that Russell has achieved a status equal to that of a god. How long has he lived in total?"

"For those favored by God, they grow from weak to strong. Among them, the most surprising thing that is least worth mentioning is time."

Two in one, the extra today is compensation for yesterday's gurgling.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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