
chapter 45

Chapter 98 After the Smog

Chapter 188 After the Smog

"Almighty Lord, I repent."

The sewer manhole cover engraved with horizontal and vertical lines was opened and laid flat on the edge of the well. The clothes were torn, the blond hair was burnt black, and the outstanding facial features were almost covered with mud. The "Saint of Darkness" Kosma, who had just finished a deadly battle, was holding a broad sword. , the tall body was bent, dragging a long shadow on the ground against the direction of the sun's halo.

Gostars fled.

The aura of the "Abyss" transformed the environment of some of the sewers in Backlund's East District. For him who was blessed by the "Mother Tree of Desire", it was the most ideal local battle. Although the "Dark Saint" also prayed for the protection of the god he believed in , but this is the fact. Because of his incompetence and his qualifications that do not match the greatness of the Lord, the fallen and evil people have an opportunity to escape the judgment and punishment they should bear. After bringing filth to the earth, they still Can get away with it.

"The witch ran away too?"

After breathing for a while, Kesma tried his best to straighten his back. The shadows under his feet squirmed slightly and dispersed in all directions. He took advantage of the perfect environment at dusk to explore the changes that had taken place on the ground during the time he spent fighting underground. .

The content of the plague in the air has become lighter, and the curse of the witch and the "abyss" is slowly degrading. Who has destroyed the source of the smog... Is it a pagan saint, or a new reinforcement?

Various speculations ran through his mind. Kosma hesitantly took hold of a finger, and with a sudden force, he broke off the entire finger directly from the joint.

He tried to use flesh and blood magic, and the pale knuckles melted into a pool of blood, revealing the white bones inside. Then, when the sun shone on the smooth and slender surface of the bones, shadows were used to divide the light and dark, which are composed of protein and calcium phosphorus. The hard objects also lost their tough appearance, turning into liquid mixed with scarlet, flowing down together with the degradation products of flesh and blood, and spread on the ground.

As Kesma cast his gaze away, the stagnant flesh and blood on the ground suddenly flowed, as if a hand holding a paintbrush was drawing on it, vividly drawing out several incomplete pictures with spliced ​​edges.

On the scarlet painting, there is Mr. K with a tough face, Mr. A with a soft and feminine appearance, a tired-looking lady wearing glasses, and an arrogant man with silver hair whose eyes are the same color as the red moon. gentleman.

The moment the communication was established, they all put down their work and looked at the "Dark Saint" outside the frame.

"A, K, report the situation." Kosma thought for a while and decided to communicate with the two direct subordinates first.

"Boss, the situation is not optimistic. I have never fought such a losing battle." Mr. K was accompanied by the sound of flames exploding from time to time, which sounded particularly noisy. "When we broke out from the factory area, we were attacked by a group of people who climbed up from the abyss. The bedbug gambling circle has taken over, and along with the civilian personnel who evacuated with my team, the personnel loss rate is nearly 30%."

"The most irritating thing is that these 'demons' have no extraordinary properties and are one-time products catalyzed by rituals. We can't get back to our roots!"

Seeing the "hunters" on the screen with their palms on Mr. K's back blazing with fire as they moved their hands up and down the corpse of an unknown species, Kosma closed her eyes and decisively gave up her plan to continue communicating.

"Fortunately, it's within the acceptable range. Finish handling your loot and bring people back as soon as possible."

He said something casually, and then nodded to Mr. A, who was waiting silently.

"Your Excellency, we have confirmed the situation of the Beloved and the news of the death of 'Desperate Nightingale'. Your Excellency, the Beloved has now been moved to a safe area. There are no casualties in the team."

Compared with the inconspicuous "Hunter", Mr. A's attitude is much more serious.

"Who moved the 'Desperate Nightingale'..." Before he finished speaking, Kesma interrupted himself, "Forget it, you can report to me alone when you come back."

How "Desperate Nightingale" died is not important compared to the safety of the beloved, and judging from A's opinion, the witch's body probably fell into the hands of his own people.

"Praise be to the Father of all living beings. His apostles have always maintained their integrity and kept a clear distinction between public and private affairs." A voice that sounded full of yin and yang suddenly sounded, and the arrogant man's meaningful sneer made Xima's brows jump.

He rubbed the bridge of his nose, feeling a little headache.

"Mistral, you know the confidentiality regulations. After confirming the situation, I will share with you everything you and I have enough authority to know based on the Holy City's evaluation standards."

"What are the trends of Loen's official Beyonders?"

The vampire earl snorted, touched the slightly exaggerated fancy bow tie, and got to the point:

"In the past half hour, except for the church members who originally serve in the church in the East District, at least under the supervision of our vampire clan, no official member of Loen has entered the East District."

"Don't tell me that the Augustus are really willing to give up the entire region of Backlund." Kesma said in a serious tone.

"No, of course not. The Church and MI9 are going crazy in the west of Backlund." The Blood Count was silent for a moment.

His figure disappeared from the flesh and blood painting for a few seconds, and when he reappeared, there was a handwritten report in his hand.

"Obviously, the sudden situation in the East End was a premeditated action with the tacit approval and connivance of the royal family, but I'm afraid the riots in Queens were not within the scope of their expectations."

"The private estates to the west and south of the Balance Palace are the hardest hit areas."

"In the two minutes before the smog started in the East District, three human nobles with titles disappeared permanently from the new version of heraldry in the future."

"This is the highest number of casualties among the nobles of Loen since the Thirty Years' War."

The corners of Mistral's mouth curved a bit harshly, and the hand holding the report shook.

"To put it simply, Burmington, Mikkelsen, Harrower, a Marquess and two less important gifts, the three families are extinct."

Audrey stood by the window, watching the light yellow and iron black mist dissipate quickly, watching the heavy rain that did not belong to autumn falling in a majestic manner, and her hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

"Audrey, I don't feel so uncomfortable anymore." The big golden retriever Susie squatted next to her, watching the lingering pungent gas gradually dissipate, and her tense body finally relaxed.

There are traces of spiritual flow in the air. Sure enough, the haze is not entirely due to the pollution from the factory, but someone is behind it... Audrey does not know the nature of the fog, but like Susie, she is also excited for the spiritual warning to subside. He breathed a sigh of relief.

She just felt weird.

On weekdays, not to mention Mr. "The Fool" who often pays attention to Backlund's changes, his favored persons "Mr. World" and "Magician" live in this city.

But today, such dangerous smog appeared in Backlund's most heavily guarded Queens District. I didn't even hear any news from Mr. Fool...

A few minutes before the haze appeared, she and everyone else living in Queens could clearly see the silvery white covering the sky, illuminating the suddenly falling night, and the sinister outline of the black wave in the red of the firelight. fight.

It was the first time that she had witnessed the destructiveness of extraordinary abilities so closely in reality, and it was also the first time that she had seen the unabashed actions of MI9 and the Church of Extraordinaries on the streets.

The rumble of a carriage passing by was heard in the distance, and the carriage with the Hall family coat of arms on the carriage drove into the courtyard in front of the mansion.

Earl Hall, who happened to be in the Palace of Balance to meet the king when the haze occurred, rushed home as soon as the danger disappeared.

After an unknown amount of time, Audrey, who lacked information channels, finally waited for Earl Hall's knock on the door.

"Dad, what happened?" Audrey asked with concern as she opened the door.

Count Hall directed the hired bodyguards to hang several amulets engraved with the Holy Emblem of the Night Goddess in the lady's room, while trying to force out a gentle smile:

"The terrorists in the Southern Continent colluded with some cultists to hold blasphemous rituals in the suburbs and the East District, creating haze that can make people sick."

"But don't worry. Although I don't know the specific process, Archbishop Saint Anthony and the others have captured the most important cultists and will soon be able to completely quell this disaster."

Before Audrey could get excited about the news that her father had returned, another piece of news that Earl Hall brought up next made her mood fall to the bottom again.

"This attack by cultists caused very serious casualties. They made ordinary smog so deadly...Although the plague in the air has been solved, for a while, we'd better stay home more, cancel Unimportant social events."

"Of course, your brother and I must attend the funerals of the Marquess of Bloomington, Viscount Harrow, and Lord Mikkelsen and their families..."

"Dad?" Audrey said in a daze.

She blinked sluggishly, her bright green eyes full of disbelief.

For a moment, she questioned her ability as an "audience" and was unwilling to believe what she read from her father's expression.

Audrey looked at Susie who was also surprised at her feet. After confirming that what she just heard was not an illusion, she repeated in a subtle voice:

"Dad, why do you say it's them and their families?"

Earl Hall opened his mouth, looked at his daughter, and sighed:

"The haze broke out from the Red Rose Manor. The Marquis of Bloomington's manor is very close to there, and they were the first group to be exposed to the haze."

Later, even if Earl Hall did not continue to explain, Audrey could complete the outline.

When the church issued an early warning, notifying Queens residents to close their windows and hide indoors, there were still postmen and coachmen working on the street. She watched them fall on the street and at their posts with her own eyes. The whole process only took a minute.

"Are there any other victims?" Audrey asked subconsciously.

The arrangement of the amulets in the room has been completed. Earl Hall took the warm towel from the maid and wiped his face.

"The statistical results are not out yet, but I estimate that besides the poor Marquis of Bloomington, more than ten thousand people in the East District died in this disaster."

"And the people living in the East District are workers. It is difficult for the plague to be properly handled and contained. I am afraid it will continue to spread in the next week. This is one of the reasons why I suggest you try not to go out as much as possible recently."

More than 10,000 people? This is a number that Audrey can understand but cannot imagine. Only during the float parade every National Day, she has seen thousands of people crowded together in the stands from a distance.

After becoming a Beyonder, she also came into contact with a new world that she had never known before. In addition to thirsting for occult knowledge, she also read more sociology and psychology-related books to cope with the digestion and performance of potions.

After reading some of the latest investigative reports, she had a complete understanding of the city where she had grown up for the first time.

For example, the Eastern District, whose area is only one-twelfth of the entire Backlund, is home to a quarter of Backlund's population, which is approximately 1.35 million people.

Dad said that terrorists held evil rituals in the western suburbs and the eastern suburbs respectively. The Marquis of Bloomington and his family are in good health and live in a spacious and clean manor. They have contact with the bishops of the church every month and are the ones who enjoy the most divine grace. A batch of...

If even they can't escape the deaths caused by the smog, then I can't imagine that in the crowded, dirty East End, which lacks medical protection and healthy environment, will only 10,000 people really die there?

The "audience" is a channel for self-examination all the time, and she cannot deceive herself.

I'm afraid next year's National Day will not be so crowded... Audrey felt her heart heavy and lowered her head.

Queens District, Thordrak Palace is also known as the Palace of Balance.

Wearing a crown, a resolute face, and a mustache, George III sat on the throne, looking at the Earl of the Palace in front of him, and remained silent for a long time.

"Your Majesty, the three major churches and MI9 are still waiting for your next instructions." The Earl of the Palace asked with sweat on his forehead.


The shadows in the dim palace seemed to shift a little, and George III on the throne suddenly sneered and slammed the report in his hand to the ground.

"Now you know how to ask for my opinion?"

"Less than twelve hours after my subject, the Duke of the Kingdom, and the brother of the Prime Minister, Pallas Negan was assassinated, the evil god's footsteps have already stepped on my bedside and even killed my child! "

"When Pallas didn't have to spend the rest of his life lying in bed, I invited them to discuss the issue of activities against cultists, but what was their attitude at that time! UUReading www.uukanshu.net"

"Shirking! Perfunctory! Indifferent!"

"I told them my opinion when Pallas was first assassinated!"

Seeing that the Earl of the Palace was trembling all over and might faint to the ground at any time, George III took a breath and returned to his usual seriousness.

"You tell them, I don't want to argue with them on any differences now. I just want the result, no matter what method. As long as they catch the mastermind this time and eliminate the influence of the smog and the plague... I can still slowly work with them." Let's talk about the following issues."

"Your Majesty..." The Earl of the Palace could hardly believe his hearing.

He is not an idle aristocrat who knows nothing about extraordinary things and is as chaotic as the sun. On the contrary, he is a true "punishment knight". He understands the power of the church and the real existence of God.

This time the Queens District and the East District suffered heavy losses, and the cultists almost threatened the palace. The church does need to bear the main responsibility, but His Majesty's attitude is too tough. This is almost the first time for all monarchs since the founding of Loen.

He still wanted to remonstrate, but when he faced the face on the throne that was completely submerged in the shadows, a great fear struck his heart.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Almost suppressing his physiological reaction, the Earl of the palace kept his bottom line and quickly exited the palace without being disrespectful in front of the palace, not daring to stay for a moment.

George III sat there, motionless for a long time, like a stone statue.

After an unknown amount of time, his face hidden in the shadows suddenly became clear, looking towards the side of the hall.

It's so hot that I'm going to turn into a roasted owl if it's ten degrees Celsius for a week in a row.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 99 Heaven and Earth

Chapter 189 Heaven and Earth

How cruel can humans be to their own kind?

I am afraid that for this question, Aiglon Crosson can give more than a dozen answers to the so-called social historians who argue in newspapers every day.

When the smog reached out from the underground sewage pipes and touched the residential areas on the ground, he realized that the children and old people in the workhouse were infected with the plague for no reason. Another tease from people.

It's murder.

Perhaps it was a powerful Beyonder from a certain cult trying to please his god with blood and death, or perhaps it was an attempt by someone with vested interests. Of course, the revenge of the equally pitiful and more hateful confused people in the Southern Continent cannot be ruled out.

In short, the irreversible decline and painful process that appeared before his eyes was undoubtedly another atrocity of human beings murdering their own compatriots.

The changes within five minutes after the haze intensified also confirmed his suspicion.

In the past, in the Southern Continent, he had seen civilians whose souls had been drained by "resentful souls". He had seen cannon fodder whose half-body was mixed with "devil's" excrement, whose body was still alive but whose brain was dead. Now he has gained new insights. , it turns out that the "witch"'s curse can be mixed in the air and cover the entire area of ​​a standard town.

"Storm above, thank you for your care for me and these poor people, and for giving us enough luck."

Slowly lowering his head, no longer looking at the disappearing sunset, Aigron threw away the cigarette that had begun to burn in the holder, looking at the corpses that could be seen everywhere on the road in front of him, with an indifferent expression.

He wanted to raise his arms as usual, beat his heart hard, and praise the Storm Lord loudly.

But now with this scene, to be honest, he couldn't get excited at all.

In addition to thick and hard dragon scales, the "audience" lacks sufficient means to deal with physical threats, at least not at the level of "Dream Walker".

After retiring from the army, the sealed items in the past were returned to the logistics department. If it hadn't been for Mrs. Bernard, the buyer of the workhouse, who happened to bring back a batch of fabrics that had not been cut into sheets today, Aigron would not have known what else. This method can ensure that everyone can have enough temporary masks to use.

"Mr. Eggron!"

After blowing his nose, Aigron turned his head and put on his usual rigid and serious mask.

"What's wrong, Khloe?"

What ran over was a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties, with gray temples and wearing a thick jacket. His face was pale and he looked like he might be seriously ill at any time, with residual panic flashing in his eyes.

"Mr. Agron, Maura looks like she's dying. Mrs. Bernard and Ms. Dorothy said she must be taken to the hospital as soon as possible."

Maura, another young man in the workhouse, Mark's sister, an unlucky girl who has been sick since she was a child, falling ill every three days.

It is said that her frail constitution was inherited from their siblings' mother, a female textile worker who once worked in a garment factory. This year happens to be her fourth year of going to the "Deep Dark Heaven".

Mark is a good skilled worker. The reason why the Tuvalu brothers and sisters went to the workhouse is simply because Maura, who is often sick, needs a lot of medical expenses to stay alive.

Of course, if treating influenza can also be called medical expenses.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy." The image of Maura quickly getting feverish and coughing up blood after inhaling the haze appeared in Aigron's mind, and he slowly frowned, "Kohler, you and I both know how severe the haze was just now. Within an hour, the street in front of the hospital was filled with workers who had died suddenly due to the plague."

"I don't think the government will implement travel controls and restrict the travel of residents in various regions at this time."

He glanced at Old Kohler, whose every wrinkle on his face expressed pleading and despair, and his cheeks twitched and said:

"The East District definitely has the most deaths. Every dead body on the street is a source of spread of the plague. Until all the corpses and infected people are disposed of, I think the government will maintain a state of martial law in the East District."

"You mean Maura is hopeless?"

Old Kohler could not understand Aigron's logical and clear analysis. Only from the tone of voice and the expression and eyes of the administrator, he could see the death sentence pronounced on the girl in the room who was fighting the disease.

He suddenly felt that his hands and feet were weak, and the last images of his wife and children who had also died of the plague in the past few years gradually became clear and returned to him.

"Sir..." Old Kohler opened his mouth several times, and finally he just sighed helplessly.

He knew that in the eyes of him and the vast majority of people in the workhouse, the omnipotent Mr. Agron did not have much right to speak in front of the real big shots.

"Sir, you should be able to tell that I also have a little...cough, a cold," his tone became much calmer, "I can take Maura to the church to try my luck."

"I heard..."

Suddenly, Agron interrupted Lao Kohler with action.

Iron-black scales erupted from his body surface in response, instantly becoming vertical, and his platinum-colored eyes moved towards the direction of the sound as he turned his neck, his pine-needle-shaped pupils trembling continuously. , it seems that a tsunami is brewing.

Wearing black leather shoes, the hem of a dark brown coat, a dark red tie, and a mask connected to a filter element, three people dressed in weird costumes were gradually exposed from the corner into Aigron and Kohler's field of vision.

They were carrying exaggerated metal backpacks and carrying many plastic bags with plastic coatings in their hands. Under the guidance of an unmasked gentleman, they mechanically collected unknown corpses on the street.

Accompanied by the sound of a carriage slowly approaching in the distance, the gentleman without a mask seemed to have just noticed Aigron standing at the door of the workhouse, and he came over with a quick step.

"Good evening, Colonel Croson."

Seeing the visitor skillfully take out a badge with the elements of a scale and a long sword, Aigron's expression suddenly changed.


What are they doing here now?

The smog ended less than half an hour ago. They didn't control the situation and hunt down the real culprits who caused the smog. Why did they find me first?

"Good evening... Mr. Major who wishes to remain anonymous..."

Aigron's eyes lingered on the other badge on the gentleman's chest for two seconds, and his frown deepened.

The uninvited guest didn't even bother to give his name, which wasn't a good sign.

The two just stared at each other in silence until Aigron noticed the increasingly anxious old Kohler and spoke to break the deadlock.

"Mr. Major, has the government decided to temporarily block off the East District?"

The major, who came from MI9 and was most likely of mid-level rank, nodded sincerely.


Aigron's face became a little gloomier again, and his tone became lower.

"A young lady unfortunately contracted the plague during the haze just now. She needs professional medical treatment. The sooner the better."

"This almshouse is an industry sponsored by His Highness the Prince. We have certain cooperation with the public hospital in Backlund Bridge District, and all subsequent medical expenses will be paid by ourselves."

"You mean to use our relationship to send that lady through the checkpoint to the hospital in Backlund Bridge District?"

The carriage, whose sound had previously been the only sound, finally passed the corner and entered the street where the workhouse was located.

The major gestured to another group of people who got off the carriage and nodded very easily.

"Of course it's no problem, it's easy."

Hearing this, Aigron was relieved at first, and then quickly raised his vigilance.

Based on his knowledge of the kingdom's official institutions, indifferent promises were usually followed by troublesome demands.

"However, in addition to that young lady, you may also need to come with us."

As expected, the unknown major immediately threw him a big problem.

The major, whose face was expressionless, was silent for a moment.

"There is a very important vicious incident that requires your assistance in the investigation."

A vicious incident?

The fact that I secretly tortured and killed Capin's men was exposed. His Royal Highness's political opponents are going to use this matter to attack the workhouse?

This was Aigron's first thought.

He frowned and squeezed.

"Do you need it now?"

"The plague is coming. Mr. Major, after arranging the follow-up work for the workhouse, I can cooperate with your investigation at any time."

"You know, this is His Highness Edsac's property. Unless His Highness approves, I have no reason to leave my post."

After listening to Aigron's hidden excuse, the young major of MI9 finally loosened his poker-like stiff face.

"I'm afraid... you won't be able to get His Highness's response."

Ignoring Aiglon's eyes that suddenly widened, he pulled out another document from his arms, a top-level investigation order signed by the top brass of MI9.

"At 5:56 today, an unprecedented vicious and extraordinary event occurred at Red Rose Manor."

"According to the investigation, we found that there are suspected cultists lurking around His Highness Edsac."

The major's voice was so soft that every word that fell on Aigron's ears made him hurt.

"This is a loss to the kingdom and a sad reality that each of us must face."

"Your Highness Edsac, you are in trouble."

"I didn't expect that you would dare to come to see me."

Looking at the figure in the shadow, George III was no longer as angry as he had been when facing the courtiers. Instead, he looked quite calm, even casual.

However, the visitor knew very well that all this was just a deliberate disguise by an emperor. Whether it was the tense and raised lips or the slowly turning palms, it showed that the Supreme One on the throne was suppressing unimaginable anger. As long as The answer he gave was not in line with the holy will, and death followed closely.

"I am terrified."

"Your Majesty, as your loyal subject, I have never committed any betrayal or transgression. Why do I avoid you and dare not appear in front of you again?"

The whole body was hidden under the hood, and the old man with white beard and hair bowed to the limit, as if there was no guilt in the dark eyes on the dull water.


George III on the throne sneered, relaxed his palms that were touching the shadow, and the tight corners of his mouth softened a lot.

"Then, Hunter... Qing Zaratul, come and tell me why that kind of thing happened in the territory of my descendants."

The twisted power gathers secretly, and the violent repulsion exists in an extremely contradictory way. It quietly "waits" around Zaratul, like a humble and loyal guard in front of the palace. It only waits for the monarch's order to kill this person. Traitors from the enemy country were ground into powder.

The "Lamp Angel" who did not dare to carry a lantern looked at the exaggerated formations surrounding him with his peripheral vision. He couldn't help but cursed and missed His Majesty Trunsoest who was far away in the holy city of Aarons.

He is also a mythical creature who serves as the leader of a secular country. He can be said to be a model of mentality and self-cultivation.

He cleared his throat, trying to lighten the mood with a human gesture.

"Excuse me for defending myself, Your Majesty."

"I am also deeply saddened by the assassination of His Highness Edsac, but I also ask you to be gracious and allocate some energy to review the entire process of this murder while grieving."

"Murder?" George III held his cheek with his left hand, his eyes slightly red.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Zaratul straightened his back slightly, "The death of His Highness Edsac was a murder carried out on a whim and by the whim of the being whom the Witch Sect believed in."

"He intended to contact a man whom our Lord valued, in an unobtrusive way, so he used the witch next to His Highness the Prince, which ultimately caused this tragedy."

"With all due respect, your allies..."

At this time, George III, who was listening silently, tapped his fingers on the armrest of the throne.

"Sir Zaratul, I think there is no need for me to remind you of the current situation."

"Of course, Your Majesty."

Zaratul thought for a while and decided to get rid of the script finalized by several other angels in the Holy City.

After straightening his robe, the Duke of Trunsoest Empire, Friedrich Zarathustra, straightened his body without being humble or arrogant, raised his head slightly, looked directly at George III and said:

"So today I choose, on this rare occasion when you are free from the gaze of those two men, to offer you the friendship of our Lord."

Ignoring the unnatural twitching of body language on the throne, George III took the initiative to pace forward, with his chest pressed against the most chaotic and violent twisted power. Zaratul continued:

"Not to mention the clues we found in the East District..."

"What the 'Original Witch' did today proves to you her madness and incompetence. I would like to ask Your Majesty, in what way should a true god who has been suspected of being polluted and pessimistic since thousands of years ago be dealt with before he can be defeated by the North?" Will the mainland's true rulers accept it?"

With a naked question and a naked provocation, George III suppressed his chest that was rising and falling with excitement or anger, and took a deep breath and said:

"Your Lord, on the scale of weighing the likes and dislikes of the gods, the disadvantage is even greater than that of the 'Original Witch'."

Zaratul took half a step back without leaving a trace, and the oppressive feeling in his chest that almost penetrated his body suddenly disappeared.

The corner of his mouth raised a subtle arc, and the lobbyist who took the initiative to lobby had already seen the dawn of success. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

He retorted without any change in tone.

"No, Your Majesty."

"My Lord, I never need their approval."

Aigron told Xiao Ke before that he was not in the habit of smoking and drinking tea. It was a lie. How could a soldier serving in the Southern Continent not smoke?

Qiao San deliberately left Zarath at the end of the Umrah meeting for the first time. He was aware of Zarath's identity, but he didn't confirm it until this time.

In the original work, the Seven Gods acquiesced to Qiao San becoming a god because the only common conflict between them was the Outer Gods, but it was different now. In addition to the Outer Gods, the Three Gods also had to guard against the True Creation, which occupied half of the continent and had an exaggerated number of angels.

In the past, everyone thought that the attitude of the earth and the night, including the God of War, was subtle in wooing Zhenzao's position. The night was the original ally, and Lilith turned to Zhenzao. The mother of all living things and the father of all things sounded like a natural pairing. , He wanted to make this joke more real, and the God of War also wanted to use his mother's relationship to find a backup for himself.

Therefore, the northern continent seems to be stable, but in fact the situation is far more complicated than in the original work. However, everyone is basically equally divided in power, and there are foreign enemies, so they will not kill each other on the spot.

But it's different when Qiao San becomes a god. His becoming a god means that Loen will have at least three true gods. Steam trying to get rid of the influence of the blazing sun is also likely to meet Feng Duo. The God of War mother and son, Laolong and Lieyang will be at a big disadvantage. , Zhenzao can sit back and watch, waiting for the final round.

Therefore, Qiao San here does not have the support of all the Seven Gods of the Northern Continent. He has the idea of ​​​​wanting to win over Zhenzao from the very beginning. No matter which camp he joins in the end, becoming a god first is the most important thing.

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Chapter 100: Four sides of the curtain

Chapter 190: Curtains and Powers in All Directions

"Our Lord created everything."

"He used his body and wisdom to create an extraordinary system that has been passed down for three thousand years, whether it is the glory of Solomon, the first human empire in the true sense, or the grand scene of the competition between the four emperors, or maintaining peace for nearly a thousand years At this moment, all these things that the Seven Gods deceive and claim to be gifts are all based on our Lord's selfless gifts to His creations."

"I would like to ask Your Majesty, if our lord had just stood by and watched the disaster at the beginning of the founding of Loen, like the six gods at that time, how would they still be able to stay in the star realm now?"

The effect of Zaratul's impassioned speech was not very ideal. Appreciating these sincere but indeed blasphemous words, George III just tilted his head perfunctorily.

He wants to see practical benefits more than empty speeches that have no practical significance.

After all, judging from the current continental structure, the pressure he faced was no less than that of Russell back then. What was even more fatal was that compared to the strength of the Twilight Hermits at that time, Russell had just missed the last element of becoming a god. Whether Adam, who has lost his "writer" characteristics, is still qualified to be the helper of the future emperor, is a question mark as a whole.

Of course, the news about the true Creator and His relatives is not very clear yet, but Amon is his heir after all. As he gradually regains his sanity, it is only a matter of time before he returns to His seat. Sooner or later, the True Creator will He will obtain that sequence-one characteristic, annex the "Imaginator"'s divine position, and then recreate everything that happened at the end of the Second Age.

"Sir Zaratul, don't talk about things that haven't happened." George III said coldly, "You said that you brought a cooperative friendship to your Lord. I would like to hear you tell what kind of friendship this is."

The twisted power gave up gathering and spread to every corner of the political hall. Combined with the shadows, it changed the layout of the palace. The corridors and walls were merged, the ceiling and the floor were replaced. Illusive gauze stretched across the throne and in front of the hall, conveying secret conversations. The two people wrapped up the deal, which was not only a secret method, but also insurance to prevent the negotiation from breaking down and to add another trump card.

"As you wish."

Zaratul let out a bitter laugh, seemingly dumbfounded by George III's anxiety.

"Your Majesty, I understand your eagerness, but every word I just said is not just bragging or whitewashing. I hope that by looking back at history, you will be familiar with the past situation that is very similar to the present."

Without the aid of historical projection, Zaratul could only use body movements and eloquence to describe events from a thousand years ago to the emperor candidate who had been on the throne for less than a century.

"When the Solomon Empire was still there, our Lord and His Majesty Solomon ruled the entire Northern Continent and part of the coastal areas of the Southern Continent. Except for the God of Death, the other gods relied on their breath to barely maintain their status."

"It is precisely because of this that the six gods, who are constantly in conflict with each other, have different factions, and have ever-changing hostilities, secretly made an alliance, used multiple guarantees to win over the ambitious Trunsoest and Tudor, and secretly overthrew Solomon. Split the vast and united territory of the Empire."

"They are unable to directly challenge the authority of the Lord who created everything, nor do they have the ability of the 'Black Emperor' to rule the world. They can only incite and instigate rebels in this despicable way, taking advantage of the suspicion and betrayal within the empire to pursue what they want. The results obtained."

"A strong whole can only be destroyed from within!"

"At the same time, when the means achieve a bright end, no matter whether it is noble or despicable..."

Zaratul, who was always observing George III's reaction, opened his hands and reached high, as if to embrace the "Sword of Judgment" emblem engraved on the ceiling of the hall.

"Your Majesty, how similar it is now to the past!"

"As you said, times have changed and the situation has changed. We who once ruled the northern continent moved to the barbaric south. Like the six gods in the past, we can only survive on the edge of civilization."

"But we are not exactly the same as them. The Creator is the Lord of the Star Realm and the most powerful god in history. No Sequence Zero can compete with Him. And I believe that after some of the things that happened in your land not long ago, , we are deeply sorry for the commotion, you also expected it, our other Lord, the great master of the spiritual world, the mysterious god who controls time, space and destiny, is also trying to return from his slumber with our help..."

"The 'Fool'?"

His palms unconsciously tightened, his body straightened, and he assumed a defensive posture. George III could no longer face Zaratul with a leisurely attitude.

It's true!

No wonder the True Creator dared to break the tacit agreement of the gods this time to descend. This is Backlund, the "Capital of Ten Thousand Capitals", the heart of the Northern Continent!

It turned out that they were not just trying, but had already achieved certain results... George III suddenly understood why the "Original Witch" had such a big reaction today.

The reason why He lost control and went crazy was because he wanted to get in touch with a "Your Excellency" who was valued by the true Creator, a God-favored person who was not at the level of an angel.

Normally, even if you are a favored person of God, the "Original Witch" can achieve your goal by sending out the angels under you. There is no need to take the risk of becoming the target of public criticism.

The only thing that can explain His behavior is that someone or something stimulated Him.

For example, if that God's favored person is not just a person favored by God, but a container of existence, he is a nightmare that can make Chike tremble.

George III closed and opened his palms. When he saw Zaratul nodding and confirming that his hearing was correct and that it was indeed the "god of mystery" who was trying to return, he leaned forward slightly.

"So... Lord Zarathul, what you are saying is that you hope that I can be the means to a bright future, and for this you are willing to spare no effort to support me?"

"It's the Lord's will, Your Majesty." Zaratul smiled slightly, looked away from the throne, and leaned down to salute.

George III himself did not seem to realize how exaggerated the curve of the corners of his mouth was now.

Zaratul changed the topic.

"And I'm afraid to disappoint you, the Lord is not going to go out of his way to support you."

"After all, you don't want to prematurely become a traitor in the eyes of the gods of the Northern Continent and be surrounded and suppressed by the 'tyrant' and others, right?"

"Of course." George III leaned back on his chair again.

Only half of the righteous gods now show acquiescence to His attempts.

Needless to say, the Eternal Blazing Sun, the Gods of Knowledge and Wisdom, are the sworn enemies of the Lord of Storms, and they are the two people who least want to see Loen's national power develop by leaps and bounds.

The God of War and the Goddess of Night are hostile, and although the Mother Goddess of Earth is always ambiguous, if what was said at that unspeakable gathering is true, the mother-son relationship between Him and the God of War will definitely push Him towards Fusac's side in the final battle. Moreover, the Feneport that he rules happens to be a family in the "Judge" path that retains the crown, so the Castillas cannot easily ignore it.

The God of Steam and Machinery, it was the wisest choice to convince the Church to allow His power to enter Loen. As one of the few churches that spreads its faith across two great countries, there is no enemy among the Righteous Gods due to conflicts of paths. , He is undoubtedly the most flexible of the seven.

Even though the headquarters of the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery is still in Trier, as long as my attempt succeeds and Loen becomes a country ruled by the emperor, it will immediately abandon Trier, which has been declining in recent years, and move to a place more suitable for technology. The developing Backlund...

Thinking of this, George III's mustache and brows darkened.

The only thing unclear is the "tyrant", the nominal faith of the Augustus family, the king of the sky and sea - the Lord of Storms.

Especially after the "Tyrant" witnessed Amon taking away the last extraordinary characteristic of the "Writer" path in exile, his thoughts became even more unclear.

Would He have the same concerns as he did a few minutes ago, afraid that the true Creator would gain the authority of a "visionary"?

George Augustus suddenly felt a little scared, afraid of the future direction.

He didn't know what choices the "tyrant" would make in the future.

Should he choose to retreat, stop trying to undermine the current distribution of power in the Northern Continent, be willing to maintain a fragile relationship with public enemies, and give up supporting the royal family? Or should he choose to retreat under pressure, regardless of the consequences, and speed up the progress of his becoming a god ceremony, and launch a new ally as soon as possible in order to Faced with a future that is bound to be attacked from both sides, give it a try.

If it's the former, then it's a bit risky to accept the friendship of the True Creator, but if it's the latter... With the favor of the True Creator, it's not impossible to negotiate with the most dangerous Fusac and Fenebaud, the Earth Mother Goddess and her son. I have always wanted to get close to the true Creator...

Thinking of the frightened expressions of the "tyrant" and the goddess of the night on the final battlefield, George III felt that every pore in his body was feeling refreshed, even though he, as a mythical creature, had lost the characteristics of these mortal beings.

Finally, under Zaratul's dull gaze, George III made a decision.

"Lord Zarath, I accept..."

He raised one hand slightly, froze in the air, and then made a move.

"Ahem, Mr. Hunter, please come closer and talk."

On the cliffs, the towering peaks reaching to the sky are covered with countless palaces, towers and majestic walls.

Those buildings are majestic and gorgeous, layered and surrounded. Each one is extremely huge and does not look like a human residence. When combined, it gives people an indescribable sense of grand epic, as if they are the embodiment of miracles and myths.

Dusk has arrived, and the sun hangs far away in the sea of ​​clouds. Its orange-red color shines equally on every corner of the city along the tiled clouds, and the light seems to be solidified.

Countless people who were taller than ordinary people walked up and down this huge building. Some played sad melodies on flutes, and some knelt down devoutly, one step at a time, just to prove to God in front of the Dusk Temple, the holy place of the God of War's faith. Own.

"Oh, the recovery is not bad."

"You said he was so nostalgic, would he have given Olmir a grave similar to that of his grandparents in the forest below the cliff?"

At the bottom of the cascading steps, a red-haired man in casual clothes was almost the same height as the "giants" walking around him, with a sarcastic smile on his face.

Next to him, a young man who was nearly thirty centimeters shorter than him and dressed in a luxurious dress with different details on the left and right, touched his hairy cheek, not wanting to echo his companion's trash talk.

"Be careful with your words and deeds, this is His past Kingdom of God."

Antigonus looked up at the palace at the top of the "mountain" and continued unhurriedly:

"Medici, don't forget the Lord's instructions. We are not here to start a war, but to find partners for cooperation."

"It's you who needs to talk to Him later, not me."

"Red Angel" Medici shrugged indifferently, and the earring strung on a silver chain in his left ear shook with his body movements.

"You want to be someone else's grandson, but I am different. I hold the lives of their ancestors in my hands, and they need to beg me."

His eyes followed the dead face in Medici's earrings, a face full of sorrowful souls for a few seconds, and Antigonus silently moved his eyes away.

For the sake of future purity, He does not intend to give any comments on the family affairs within "War Red" and the private moral issues of "Red Angel".

Besides, He actually understands it.

If the father wasn't so crazy, how could the child be sensible and well-behaved?

Poor Aiweier is like this, and so is he and Fran.

"You respect yourself."

As the palms stretched into the air were pulled, the asymmetrical dress on Antigonus seemed to be covered with a thin layer of black gauze.

While adapting to the "robe" that suddenly appeared, He stretched out his hand again and drew a mark on the edge of his field of vision.

The dark eyes became increasingly cold and indifferent, as if another soul might appear at any time. Antigonus gave Medici one final reminder.

"Don't be too pushy."

"I think the Lord also doesn't want to see that among the four messengers sent out, only His most trusted and beloved 'Red Angel' has been rejected."

Under Medici's half-surprised and half-annoyed gaze, the figure of the "Miracle Master" stepped forward, skillfully used "grafting" and disappeared from the spot, without waiting for him to fully react.


With a smile and a curse, he pulled out the iron box, lit a fire with his fingers, and lit a cigarette skillfully... Medici stepped on the place where Antigonus had stopped, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net looked for direction, and used the newly lit cigarette butt, After arriving at another much normal palace in the distance, we also left the Twilight Palace.

His destination is the royal family of Feysac Kingdom, the residence of the Einhorn family.

"Maxim, are you sure it's Her Majesty the Mistress who wants to see me, not Archbishop Loreto?"

A middle-aged and elderly man with an equally old-fashioned appearance, wearing a dark brown and black patchwork dress, pulled the courtier serving beside him and asked in a low voice.

"Your Majesty, I can confirm that the signature below the invitation is indeed His Highness Roland."


The king of Feneport, Umberto III, wanted to ask more questions, but was stopped by the much calmer courtiers on the side.

Following the hint from the courtier, he looked at an entrance on the side of the hall.

Starlight rippled on the dark door. The Pope of the Church of the Mother Earth, Matron Roland, wearing a brown robe, walked in together with a young man in pure white, smiling and nodding.

"Good evening, Your Majesty."

Mistress Roland glanced at the frightened king, said hello politely, then looked at the gathering figure further behind, tilted her palm to her side, and introduced with a smile:

"This is a guest from the Second Empire of Trunsoest, a member of the High Council, His Highness Roman Ambrosius."

Phew, the third volume is over.

Originally I wanted to end it before the end of Tamaki's second volume, but I didn't expect, I didn't expect that Tamaki's second volume ended so...unprepared.

By the way, the king of Feneport is original, and his name is the last king of Italy.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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