

Meet Willow - 19 year old fresh out of high school. She's been on her own after her parents' sad passing caused by a plane crash. She was used to being alone. She was an extreme introvert not caring for drama. She works at her favorite café and lives a happy life. but what will happen when a stranger walks into the café that she can't seem to keep her eyes off of? Meet Jackson- 21 year old Alpha of the White Shadow Pack. One of the most powerful packs in the world. Everyone knows who he is, but not what he is. But what will happen when he strolls into a little Café where a girl isn't intimidated by him?

DaoistlSdOK6 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 4


I woke up in the same woods. Out of breath, gasping for air. I sat there letting myself fill my lunges back up with air. What is this place?

"It's where you belong sweet child" I recognized the voice. I whipped around to face the woman.

"I don't understand what you mean by that." I asked her.

"You will in do time child. All of your questions will be answered as long as you stay on the path you are going. You have a bright future ahead of you. But one mistake will ruin it all." She says as if I knew what that even meant.

"Who are you?" I asked. I didn't catch her name last time and I'm starting to think these aren't really dreams.

"My name is Diana. I'm the moon goddess as some may call me. I'm pretty much the one that makes the laws/rules of people of your kind, among other things. " She tries to explain.

I looked at her, yet again, like she grew two heads. "people of my kind?" I asked.

"You will find out soon enough. I can not tell you everything. These things you will have to learn on your own. With the help of someone you know. As long as you do as I said and trust him." She continues.

"Trust who?!" I was starting to get irritated with the riddle's.

"You know him. More then you think you do." Is all she said. "someone is here to meet you." She said looking behind me.

I turn around to see what she was looking at, and I came face to face with the beautiful horse I seen last time. He cost was beautiful. Her eyes as blue as ice. They put you in a trance. I reached my hand out to touch the horse and she stepped closer to me but not close enough to touch.

"You can not touch her yet, you have a mission to accomplish before you can do anything with her." Was all she said as the horse slowly disappeared. I stared where the horse stood wanting nothing more but to run my hands through her mane.

I turned back to Diana who was already looking at me, "what do I have to do?" I asked hoping for an actual answer and not a riddle.

"You will know in time. This is something you have to do on your own. It is not something I can get involved with or it will ruin everything." She said. At least it made a little sense this time.

"Can I see my mom again?" I asked. She smiled, "of course dear" she said as she waved her hand again, mom peered around the tree again. This time neither of us cried as hard but still ran to eachother.

"I seen you went to my grave today. " She smiled down at me. I nodded, "I did. I guess I fell asleep. All the stress I'm under right now is finally getting the best of me."

"I know my child. But soon it will all be worth it. Just trust the process. You don't have to come to my grave to talk to me or see me dear. I'll always be with you." She said brushing my hair with her hand.

"I love you momma. Forever and always." I said holding up my pinky finger, as she wrapped hers around mine. "forever and always" she said back.

-end of dream -

This time I didn't shoot up crying. Instead I woke up feeling refreshed and happy. The dreams I have, don't feel like dreams, they feel like I'm in another dimension in the back of my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about what Diana said. What mission do I have to fulfill? What did she mean by 'people like you?' so many questions and no answers.

I picked up my phone to check my phone, I had a text from a number I didn't recognize,

'good night princess. I hope to see you again soon'

I quickly replied, 'goodnight. I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner. I came home and crashed. I don't like long car rides"

His reply was almost instant, 'no worries. Im not a huge fan either'

My smile grew even wider, 'can we meet tomorrow? I need to talk to you about something.'

He replied, "sure. When and where? I'll be there. Is everything ok?'

I sighed out loud, 'just these dreams I keep having. I feel like I can trust you. It's a whole bunch of riddles and I don't know what it means. We can meet tomorrow around noon at the café. I'm off tomorrow. It's my comfort zone away from home' I honestly have no idea why I feel the need to tell him this but I feel like he should know. I don't even know him but the "dreams" I've been having are really getting to me and he is my only dream.

'sure thing. I'll see you tomorrow at noon princess's' he replied instantly.

I sighed again, putting my phone down. Tomorrow is going to be a loooong day.

I couldn't go back to sleep. No matter how hard I tried.

I sighed out loud, slowly getting out of my warm and comfortable bed, and rubbed my face groaning. What is wrong with me lately? I swear I'm going insane.

That dream really got to me. It felt so real. I could still feel my mother's embrace like she just hugged me.

And tomorrow, I'm gonna have a talk with this man, which I know nothing about, but something keeps telling me that I can trust him.

I thought hard about the day coming soon enough, I checked the time on my phone and saw it was now midnight!

I let out a groan, getting out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. Maybe a warm shower will help settle my nerves. every time I close my eyes, I see his eyes.

after I was done with my shower, I got out and went to bed, it didn't take long at all for me to finally let sleep consume me, dreaming about his eyes.