

I followed this man blindly. I am scared. I don't know him and mostly he killed a person.

After walking endlessly we come to a stairway on the side of this cliff. (Gulp*) "Ah, what a long way up oh I forgot, I'm not wearing anything underneath, I hope no one is below these stairs" We took the stairs and started climbing.

"Why is your place up there, (out of breath*). Too many stairs." He looks at me and sighed "What? Is there a problem? Take a rest, if you want." I immediately closed my mouth, scared. Looking down, I can see the rushing waves to those pointy rocks covered with razor-sharp barnacles and shells. "The sight from here gives me the tingles. I hate it."

"Do you want to jump?" he humored. "What?! Why in the world do I do that?" "You were looking down as if you want to." I close my mouth and continue.

"Finally, we reached the top. My feet are killing me." I said out of relief from the pain of walking. I look at he was heading and saw a vacation-like-house from afar. "Can you walk?" He said with a cold tone voice and face. "Yes," I replied to him hastily out of fear. Stand up but my feet are trembling, still, I don't want to get on his bad side and endured.

He offered me a seat after that and left. "This guy's stamina is impressive, he doesn't sweat that walk nor the stairs. Just who is he." He returned and gave me some water. "Here there are clothes, I don't have anything for a female but at least your out from those blood and sweats." (Points at a door*) "That is the bathroom, go clean yourself. There are some spare toiletries in the cabinet behind the mirror."

Having flashbacks from before, I just went there. I look at myself in the bathroom mirror and I'm a mess. I scrub my body thoroughly. "Ugh, so disgusting." I reek of blood.

"Hey! are you done?" His voice startled me. "Wait I'm almost finished." I wore the clothes that the guy gave me but it's a little bit, um. What can I expect it's a guy's clothing after all.

After I fished, I saw him sitting on the balcony so I went to him. "T-thank you, for saving my life back there and this too." He just sat there cleaning his gun. "Well, this awkward." I thought to myself. "You there! Can you cook?" He said. "Yes." "Use the kitchen, make something up." "Huh?" "What are you waiting for, I am hungry." I hurriedly went to it and-- his kitchen is a mess! "How could someone still alive with this mess. The counter is stacked with things, the sink is full of dirty some are moldy dishes, pots and pan look like it hasn't cleaned in years and the stove is somewhat hidden from the mess. "I-- I'm tired. I don't wanna do this." The guy came with plastic bags and cleaning supplies. "Here hurry up." I was overwhelmed with fear and gave in to it.

Starting at it I barely cleaned it and it was getting dark, after washing all I need. I started cooking. And cleaned the table while I was on it. "I hate house chores like this, but I need to live." I prepare the food and called him. "Dinner's ready." "Yeah, be right there."

"Ah, that sounds like-- nevermind." He came and we both eat. And it was dead silent. "This-- is." He finished his food fast. "I haven't told you my name yet. It's James." "Mine is Kaim." And back to dead cold awkward silence.

After eating, I finished my task of cleaning. look out the window and it was a full moon. "Ma, Pa I hope you fine. You must be worried about me." I said to myself. "Hey after that come to me in the living room." He said and left. I hurried it and after that went to him.

"You tired you need some rest. There is only one room in this house stay there. I don't use it anyway. Get out of my sight, and please be reminded. If you ever cross me I will give you the most painful death, got it?" He said.

The room was dusty and he was telling the truth that he doesn't use it. I tried to open the window and it was sealed shut. "The is something going on here." I gave up on opening it and just looked for a change of sheet.

"Beds are a comfortable place to be." I closed my eyes to sleep. "I can't sleep." I couldn't sleep. Things happen so suddenly and who in the world could sleep after that. I then suddenly remembered that house that we passed by. "Why am I feeling weird about it?" I remember the guy and thought, "I wonder if he knows something." (shift to the right*) " I'll ask him all my questions. I hope he gives an answer." (shift to the right*) "I need to know, I want to go home." Later my body was stiff after all those things and went to sleep uncomfortably.

James was done cleaning his things and went out. "I wonder if that freak come?" He then disappears from the sight and lasers began to cover the area.

"Sweet dreams, my lovely."

I woke up late awaken by the shining ray of the sun "Ugh, why is it too hot?" I tried to stand but my body couldn't move from all the pain. "Ugh, everywhere hursts." After an hour of laying down, I can finally move. I reached out and dazed. "This is not my room. So all of those this is not from a dream. Huh."

I opened the door and it was locked. "Eh?! The doors locked. Did he--. Oh no, James!" I gasp and panics, "Did he locked me?" I said trying to open the door. "Open the door! James!"