
Lost Path

lazyape · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs


After the fight was done, he continued his journey following the map and was going in some areas marked as green. While going deeper he did not forget to practice his footwork. Now he can already perform 50 percent of its essence.

In the afternoon he met another group of monsters numbering around 100 or so, they were huge and wide . With scales covering their whole body and a tongue so long it touches the ground. Its claws were very sharp and their hair was like needles. The monsters could also produce flames and smokes covering, masking and burning their enemies.

When they saw Hubert they abruptly attacked him and charged at him. Hubert also dashed and performed a knee kick with one of the monsters. This caused the monster's body to explode and scatter. Next he jumped in the air and circulated his body executing a roundhouse kick towards the head of the monster, boom another explosion occurred. Afterwards he used the monster's body as a spring and launched an elbow uppercut causing the monster to explode once again.

He did not stop attacking the monsters, and used everything that he had with the exemption of his energy. For example, when he was tied by 5 monsters using their tongue. Hubert used his teeth to tear the thing that tied him up. Another example was when the monsters were using their energy to produce flames and smokes, he used the corpse of the dead monster's in his surroundings to shield himself from their flames. He also used the corpse as a weapon and threw them towards the monsters, then attacked them following the monster's corpse.

Hubert learned this way of attacking through the dinosaur form. Its essence is to attack with all your might with the start of the fight and use every physical object present in your surroundings, maybe your teeth, nails, your hair or anything that you could use as a weapon.

The fight continued for almost half a day, exterminating almost all of the monsters, when in a spur of a moment. A larger and wider monster appeared in front of him, with 20 times the size of the monsters he was fighting.

Hubert understood that the newly appeared monster was the boss of the smaller ones. He prepared himself and observed the monster and with an evil grin, next he charged going straight to the boss.

The monster produced a very big flame, then casted it towards the human. When the monster saw that nothing happened, he charged after the creature and used its claws trying to tear and bite the creature's flesh. But still the Creature evaded all of this and counter attacked.

After that, the monster used his needle like hairs and threw it towards that personage. The hair of the monster were like javelins piercing the land and stabbing it and making it look like a skewered porcupine. Then again, the creature was unhurt instead it counter attacked using the hair of the monster and threw it back against the monster.

This made the monster furious and jumped back, then used his tongue trying to catch the small creature. The tongue was like a whip where it breaks everything that it touches. With no success the monster produced some smoke and fog trying to suffocate the creature while hiding away from it.

With the things that were happening in this area, a miracle was occurring. If you looked at the fight, you must think that the aggressor was the one winning the bout but, if you look at the greater picture, you could see that the one who was in a disadvantaged position was the gigantic monster.

With the fight going on, all of the weaker beings fled the area where the fight was developing, But some stronger monsters did not flee but rather they stayed and observed the fight thinking that they could snatch some prize without doing anything.

When Hubert saw the monster charging towards him, he also dashed and clashed with the monster. The first thing he did was to be wary of the monster's use of fire element. He avoided every flame shot thrown at him and counter attacked. But with only using his physical abilities, he did not do any damage to the monster's body. He observed that the scales of the monster we're like diamonds, It was protecting its wearer from any attacks. So hubert unleashed his energy and circulated it in his system.

After unleashing his energy, Hubert decided to target the most vulnerable parts of the monster's body. Then he started targeting and attacking them.

First he aimed at one of the monster's eyes forming a claw and circulated his energy strengthening his attack. Afterwards he dashed towards the monster avoiding its attacks and aimed at the monster's eyes. "Plachackkkk" one of the monster's eyes was blinded, blood was flowing from its eyes. And lingering energy from Hubert's attack could be felt coming from it

Finishing his attack, Hubert leaped back. When suddenly there were javelins coming from the sky. He avoided them and picked some of these giant javelins and threw it back to the monster creating some sparks and lightly injuring the monster.

Afterwards there was a whip trying to either cut him down or catch him alive. He quickly used his lightning ghost footwork and was like a wind unfettered coming and going to any place he would like to go. Hubert knew that the tongue was dangerous, so he concentrated his energy towards his right arm and put some wind elements to it. Then he planned to use his skill " chain of blades" to cut the tongue chasing him around.

When the tongue was almost at Hubert's body, he suddenly ducked. This made the tongue miss its target. Hubert has taken advantage of this time and executed his attack, " Monster, try receiving one of my skills; CHAIN OF BLADES" then he cut the tongue as if he was cutting a tofu,

The monster was seriously damaged, so he tried distancing himself from Hubert and produced some fog and smoke to cover and hide its body. Hubert saw this and did not give the monster the chance to hide, he dashed and activated his whole energy. He punched the joints of the monster creating a vibration.

Next, he used his forehand chop with his skill, "a chain of blades" cutting the flesh of the monster. Afterwards he performed his martial skills creating some serious injuries in the monster's body.

The monster was becoming desperate so he called his second soul and merged with it. The monster's second soul looked exactly like the monster itself. This caused the monster's power to go up and reach the ranks of a high tier duke.

The monsters who were watching and enjoying the fight were thinking that the bout was already over. But, what came next made their hair stand straight, and gave them goosebumps. This made their hands and backs feel a very cold chill and made them tremble.

Hubert seeing that the monster had already combined with his second soul made an evil smile.

You think you are the only one that has a second soul think again!! Hubert loudly announced.

Saber mammoth!!, come out and kill this stupid beast. Then a towering Creature suddenly appeared and floated in Hubert's head, It was producing and giving an aura of a deity. Then it opened its eyes and made the monster tremble. After that, the saber mammoth combined with Hubert. Next, Hubert produced a very pure and powerful energy, and punched it towards the monster. When the energy was launched, all of the things it passed through was erased. It created a crevice dividing the forest into two.