
Chapter 03

The scent of sweat and iron filled Dohyun's nostrils as he trailed behind his father into the gym. But his gaze, rather than being drawn to the rows of gleaming equipment, was fixed solely on the broad, powerful back of Chinwoo.

"Dohyun, are you with me?" Chinwoo's voice, both warm and commanding, broke through his reverie, causing a slight startle in Dohyun. 

"Huh!! Y-Yeah, I'm right behind you," he stammered, hurrying to keep up as they approached the changing room.

Once inside the changing room, Chinwoo began to take off his shirt in a swift move revealing his body, Dohyun couldn't help but let his gaze linger. The way the fabric clung to his father's torso, accentuating every curve and line, was utterly captivating. His mouth went dry, his heart pounding in his chest as he tried to discreetly swallow. 'Why does it feel like it's the first time seeing him?'

Dohyun couldn't tear his eyes away. The way Chinwoo's muscles rippled beneath his skin, the way his broad shoulders tapered down to a narrow waist. It was as if he were witnessing a work of art in motion, his father's body a masterpiece. 'Is Dad getting younger?' A wave of shame washed over him. His cheeks flushed as he realized where his thoughts were leading, and the warmth pooling in his stomach only intensified.

Attempting to regain his composure, Dohyun averted his gaze and followed his father out of the changing room, stepping into the main area of the gym where the real challenge awaited. Chinwoo headed straight for the cable machine, his movements fluid and focused, while Dohyun opted for the stationary bike, trying to shake off the unsettling feelings that had taken hold.

"Is everything okay?" Chinwoo asked, his brow furrowed with concern as he noticed Dohyun's lingering gaze.

Dohyun's heart skipped a beat, panic rising. "Uh, y-yeah, I'm fine," he stammered, quickly averting his eyes. "Just... zoned out for a second." 

As Chinwoo continued his workout, Sweat glistened on his forehead, trickling down the chiseled contours of his face and neck. The combination of strength, determination, and sheer masculinity that radiated from his father's every pore left Dohyun in awe. 'If he wasn't my father, I would never say he is 40.' At that moment, Chinwoo was more than just his father.

With each lift and lower of the weights, the muscles in Chinwoo's chest and back rippled beneath the surface, creating an entrancing display of power and control. Dohyun found himself unable to look away, his eyes tracing the lines and curves of his father's body as if committing them to memory. The realization that his admiration might have lingered too long struck him suddenly, prompting a swift scan of their surroundings. He hoped fervently that his intense observation had gone unnoticed, feigning interest in the nearest piece of gym equipment.

'For fuck sake. Why am I checking out my own father?'

Dohyun gripped the handles of the exercise machine, his knuckles turning white as he tried to focus on his own workout. But his mind kept wandering, captivated by the sight of his father's toned physique. First Seojin and now his dad. He couldn't shake off the feeling that his stepfather had meant something more with his words and touch. 'Was Seojin intentionally making sexually suggestive comments?' Especially in recent weeks he had been flirting with him a lot.

As he increased his speed, his foot twisted awkwardly, and felt himself beginning to lose his balance. Panic surged through him, and he clenched his eyes shut, tensing up in expectation of the inevitable meeting with the ground. But the impact never came. Instead, Dohyun felt a pair of strong, warm hands wrap around him, steadying him. He opened his eyes slowly, only to be met with the concerned gaze of Chinwoo.

"D-Dad," Dohyun stammered, his cheeks flushing. "It's just a twisted ankle, nothing serious." He couldn't help but laugh at himself, breaking the tense vibe that had built up. "Guess I'm not as graceful as you are." 

Chinwoo's expression softened, and he quickly began examining Dohyun's ankle. "Where does it hurt? Here? Or here?" he asked, his thumb brushing against Dohyun's skin.

"Nothing serious, I'm fine," Dohyun reassured him, trying to ignore the way his heart raced at his father's closeness. "Just a little clumsy, that's all."

Chinwoo smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Alright, but be careful. Don't want you twisting anything else." He turned back to his workout. Dohyun sighed, he could still feel the warmth of his touch lingering on his skin. Comforting and protective, unlike Seojin's had been different!

'He's so gentle, so caring,' his heart swelling with admiration and a hint of envy for Seojin. 'He's so lucky to have Dad.' Dohyun watched as Chinwoo chatted and laughed with some familiar faces in the gym.

Dohyun couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to be in Seojin's shoes, to have a partner as attentive and loving as Chinwoo. He yearned for that kind of connection, that unbreakable bond that seemed to exist between his father and his husband. The kind that seemed to transcend mere physical attraction and delve into something much more profound.

His body was in motion, his mind in devotion. This was his current situation.

"I'm just imagining things," he told himself, shaking his head slightly. 'Seojin and Dad love each other.' He is aware that he sometimes has a tendency to read too much into things, to project his own desires and insecurities onto the actions of those around him. But in this case, he could see the genuine warmth and trust between his father and Seojin, and he didn't want to taint that with his own incorrect assumptions.

'He is my stepfather, and I know his intentions weren't like that,' Dohyun repeated to himself. He resolved to put those thoughts aside and simply focus on the time he is spending with his father. He cherished these moments, the rare opportunities to connect and bond, and he didn't want to let his own internal turmoil ruin that.

On the way home, Dohyun leaned against the car window, his mind drifting as he gazed out. "Hyunnie... Hyunnie," Chinwoo called out, snapping Dohyun out of his reverie. "Son, what's wrong? You haven't been yourself all day... You seem off."

Dohyun shook his head. "I'm just... sleepy," he lied.

"We'll be home soon. How about we plan a movie night tomorrow?" Chinwoo suggested, trying to lighten the mood. A flicker of excitement briefly illuminated Dohyun's eyes. "All three of us," Chinwoo added, unknowingly dimming the spark in Dohyun's gaze. 

Dohyun's mind raced, 'The three of us? Why not just the two of us, like old times?' 

"Y-yeah, that sounds... good," Dohyun managed, a small smile appearing on his face.

Chinwoo continued talking about the movie selection. He tried to focus on Chinwoo's words, but his mind was a mess.