
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

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Let's drop this idea

Looking at Paula while we keep eating, she keeps smiling. Seeing it, I asked, "Why do you have this smirk on?"

"Oh, I still remember what we had just minutes ago."

"Oh, come on," I said. Hearing me, Paula looked at me and added, "Oh, you see. We might do this more."

"Oh no. Let's drop this idea."

Hearing me, she ate a little curry and said, "We will think. It all depends on the mood."

"Oh, this is a good point, '' I said. Hearing me, Paula got up, and after kissing me, she said, "Oh, I might look on the net for something."

"Come on. Let's eat and not think about this," I said. Hearing me, Paula started laughing and looking at me.

Seeing it, I shook my head and went back to eating. Why I followed what she wanted?

While thinking about this, I shook my head. I had done it at one point. When I was cleaning my lips, I looked at her.

Seeing her keep smirking and eating, I keep looking at her. When Paula had done all, she looked at me and said, "Oh, it was good food."


Hearing me, she came closer, and after sitting on my lap, she looked into my eyes. Seeing it, I smiled, and when I cleaned the side of her lips. Paula looked into my eyes. Seeing it, I smiled, and she said, "So now, Jack."

"Oh, we can learn for some time or do something else that you want."

Hearing me, Paula smiled, and she kissed me. After doing it, she said, "Your mind is always about learning."

"You can say so," I said. Hearing me, Paula hugged me and said, "Let's be like that."

"OK," I said, and when I hugged her, we spent some time like that. After Paula moved. I realized to her, and she said, "Your lap is hard. Not like something else. So let's go to the couch."

"OK," I said, only while looking into her eyes. I know what she said. Still, as she turned, I shook my head.

While looking at her, we came to the couch, and when I sat, I looked at her, and we started learning.

More or less, you can call it learning.

She spends more time lying to me than learning. Still, time passed nicely.

As I looked at her, Paula's phone started ringing.

Hearing it, she answered and said, "OK," and hung out. After doing it, she said, "I need to go."


"Yes. Mommy is worried about me," she said. Hearing her words, I nodded, and as Paula smiled, she kissed me, and we started cleaning all here. When we had done this, she said, "So, see you tomorrow."

"Yes. Last day before the weekend."

"Oh, during it, we might have problems with the meeting, '' she said.

"Oh, something is happening?" I asked. Hearing me, Paula nodded and said, "Oh, family trip. No idea for how long."

"Oh, OK," I said. Hearing me, Paula smiled, and after kissing me, we came out. While looking at her, I asked, "So tomorrow?"

"Yes," she said, and as I smiled, I looked at her walking to the car. After she sat inside and Ann drove away, I came to JJ.

Looking at him putting the console on the side, he said, "So you had done."

"Yes," I said, and when he nodded, he started driving away. While I kept looking outside, we came back home. Seeing it, I smiled, and after coming out, I walked back inside.

Finally, home. Thinking about this, I changed and lay in bed.

My hunger isn't so big, so I can spend some time looking at the ceiling. While knowing it, I smiled, and after I closed my eyes, I fell asleep.

After waking up, I could see that it was past midnight. Seeing it, I shook my head, and after changing and turning the light off, I set the alarm an hour earlier. After doing it once again, I fell asleep.

Now I keep sleeping until my alarm starts ringing.

Hearing it, I got up and strolled to the bathroom.

After being there, I started with a shower, and after this, I did my morning routine.

After ending it, I smiled and moved to the kitchen. While there, I make breakfast and lunch.

When I had it, I smiled and started eating breakfast. I keep thinking about Paula.

While doing it, I had done this and walked to change. After seeing that all is packed, I looked to see if I had some homework to do. While looking at it, I smiled and crawled to the couch. When I sat, I looked around and started eating for a good time to go out.

While thinking about many things, the time to go out had come.

While seeing it, I smiled. After taking my backpack, I walked slowly outside.

While seeing JJ waiting for me, I came inside, and as I looked at him, he said, "School."

"Yes. I have nothing in my plans," I said. Hearing me, JJ nodded, and while driving, I started sipping coffee.

While doing it, I asked, "New one."

"Oh, too sweet?"

"Yes. They added more than normal," I said.

"Oh," he said while looking outside. As I kept sipping, we came to school. Seeing it, I came out and walked slowly to school.

Seeing that almost nobody was there, I smiled and changed. After doing it, I smiled and sat while waiting for Paula to come.

While doing it, I smiled and kept sipping. I could see Paula coming with Emily. Seeing her, I smiled and said, "Oh, hi."

"Hi, Jack," Paula said. As Paula looked around, Emily said, "So, you are here. So that is why you come so soon."

"You can come back on your own."

"Oh, I will shut up. So Paula, let's go on the side. Lucy should be here soon, '' Emily said, and as Paula looked at me, I nodded, and they walked to the side.

Looking at them, Lucy had come. Seeing them, I smiled, and not long after, lessons had begun. While they kept going, I started thinking about how hard English will be today.

While I kept doing it for some time, it was finally done.

When another teacher had come first surprise hit me, but after a second, I shook my head, and it all started. While doing it, for who knows how long all will continue without him?

While lessons keep going, lunch break comes.

After coming out, I came closer to the next classroom, and while looking around, I smiled and started eating.

While doing it, I smiled and looked around. Seeing that nobody was there, I smiled and continued my lunch. While hoping that now my lunch break will be peaceful, and I can eat all.

After this, I could see the history teacher looking at me. She didn't teach me, but I think I remember correctly that she is a history teacher.

As I had enough of a teacher looking at me.

I used the bathroom. When I had done this all, I smiled and waited for lessons to once again begin.

While I kept doing it, at one point the bell rang, and lessons began once again.

As they keep going, all come to an end. Knowing it all at one point.

Looking at everything that was happening, I shook my head and waited for everyone to come out. After I came out, I looked around and walked to change.

I had done this. I could see Megan walking to the headmaster's office.

Looking at her, she might not see me. After I came out and walked to my normal place, and when I could see JJ. I said, "To have training."

"OK," he said, and I texted Paula where I am going.

As she sent me a message when we kept walking that after dinner, we could meet. Knowing it, I can have training and dinner before all will begin.