
Lost and Found: Chapter 2

You can find the original here: Lost and Found - Murder Drones Fanfiction - thetoaster1083 - Wattpad

"Are we here?" Ivan asked groggily, not knowing that he just barely survived a crash. *cough cough*

Ivan's head is much less foggy now, and he can see wreckage and destroyed whatnot. 

"Great, are we roleplaying a plane crash now?" Ivan asked nobody, clearly still drunk. "Hello?"

"Everyone must be alseep or something," he noted. He starts walking down the aisle of the plane, then starts coughing heavily. 

*insert 83 coughs here*

"I don't feel so good," he noted. "I guess even the simulation smoke is bad for you."

He walks around for a minute, relieved he had stopped coughing. He kicks aside an oxygen mask, not knowing that it could save him. I wonder what this is for. Huh, that's odd.

Ivan starts to cough again, but this time, stronger. Every cough brings pain and unbeknownst to Ivan, blood from his damaged lungs. He covers his mouth, to try and stop the coughing, but no luck. Finally, his vision clears a little, and as he uses his hands to push away a seat in his way, he notices it.

Ivan looks down at his hands, covered in blood. "Hell naw" was all he managed to utter out before he goes unconscious of oxygen deprivation. 

-----N's POV-----

It's really nice outside. I mean, this planet has been my only home. What's better is that we, the disassembly drones, are the predators, not the prey. 

Like some random earthling said, "Be the hunter, not the hunted." The only reason I remember this is because there is a stupid poster of the quote on our wall. I mean, it's etched everywhere.

Open a cabinet, quote. Flip a lever, and on the other side, there's a quote.

I think these earthlings are more concerned about us forgetting quotes than actually killing and drinking the oil from the worker drones. It's not like I'm saying that I'm defective towards JC Jenson or anything.

There's this other saying, "Live, Laugh, Love". I don't know why that's something to be laughed at, in a bad way. I mean, it means what it means. I really have trouble understanding humans sometimes.

Oh my god. Is that a spaceplane? We've only had a couple land here over the course of a decade or so. Wait. Something's wrong. It doesn't look quite right.

Of course! It crashed.  The giant plane clearly shows the marks where the escape pods used to be. However, that does not mean that the plane is intact.

A giant gash runs along the side of the spaceplane, and its outer metal hull is blackened, presumably from re-entry. 

I spot V in the distance, hunting WDs. She's playing with their mangled corpses again. Why does she always play with her food, like a human toddler?

I don't support murder much, but we kind of need it to survive. I clear my head of the thoughts. FOCUS! I told myself. 

I walk inside the spacecraft. The insides look kind of gutted out, garbage and destroyed seating everywhere. "Yo, V! Look what I found!" I shout out.

V stops cackling and says, "What is it? It better be worth it!" She spreads out her wings and fly towards me with cruel efficiency. She lands gracefully, and then retracts her wings. V extends her claws.

"I wonder if there are any WDs in here..." she trails off strangely.

I comb through the wreckage and evaluate the damage. Nothing much. Suddenly, through my Infared vision, I see a shape. On the ground. I creep towards it, each step making the object glow brighter. I turn it off to see it better.

The object in question is kind of stuck between some seats, showing signs of it falling into the crevice between the seats. I pull it up, and I notice some strange red liquid.

It takes a few seconds to register it, but once I realize what it is, I tell V, "I think I found blood,"

"Wait, N, are you sure? Because if there's blood, they're a-" V starts, but gets cut off by me.

"- human," I look down in shock.

Sure enough, it is a human. Their body is still coughing and with each cough comes more blood.

"Oh crap! JC Jenson is going to kill us if they learn we let a human die!" I shout.

V picks up a weird object on the ground. It looks like it could fit over their bottom portion of his face.

"Are you sure that will save him?" I ask V, slightly skeptical.

"Don't question me." She shoves the object on his face, and I lay him down on the ground gently. Wow. A real human. I think we saved him!

"Hey buddy~" I prod him a bit, "Are you alive?"

V replied harshly, "He's not going to be if you continue acting like that."

"Oops..." I wince. That might have been a mistake, poking him. "Let's leave him alone. C'mon, give this dude some privacy."

"Uh? where am I? who are you? and what is this thing on my face?" the human asked, confused and with an unpleasant aura coming off of him. He seems... off. He gets up, and stumbles around.

When he stands up to evaluate what just happened, V and I notice he's a few inches taller than both of us. 

"Woah." He says as he looks around.

-----Ivan's POV-----

As my mind cleared from the drunkenness earlier, I regain my vision and thoughts. First thing I think of when I look around is, Woah.

"What in the 3 cheese-filled universes happened here?" I catch sight of two robots. "You're too tall to be worker drones."

"Nah. We're disassembly drones. We hunt down the worker drones and drink their oil to survive," the DD I assumed was female stated. I wasn't shocked or anything, JC Jenson clarified the worker drones on Copper 9 were defective from the company and resisted everything.

"Do ya'll have names or something?" I asked them, hoping for some clarification.

"I'm Serial Designation V, and this is Serial Designation N. You can call me V for the sake of hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia," said V.

"Ah, well my names Ivan. Nice to meet you both." I say, with a clear voice.

"Nice to meet you, Ivan!" N said in a cheerful voice.

"Did you crash your spacecraft or something?" V asked me.

"MY? Naw, I was a passenger."

"Where did the others go?" 

"I think they survived by using the escape pods," N noted, pointing towards the places of the ejected pods.

"Gee, I'm cold," I said, shivering. "And hungry. Is there any human food on this planet? I guess I will try to salvage whatever is on the plane."

"I think there's some extra clothes on the skeletons. As for food, I think there is some frozen canned food in some abandoned market god knows where," N said quickly.

"Why do you need extra clothes anyways?" V asked out of curiosity. (A/N: V and N are nice to Ivan because if Ivan dies under their care, JC Jenson will probably terminate them.)

"If I get too cold, I'll contract hypothermia and die, clothes just help with keeping the warmth," I replied. V looks shocked at the fact that humans can die of coldness.

"Welp, I guess I need to find food and shelter fast," I added.

I start walking around the debris and try to find anything edible. Sure, there's a squashed and soggy square of bread, but what is that going to do? I re-evaluate the situation and realize it's hopeless.

"Nope. No food here," I announce with a frown. If there was anything edible, that would be a life-changer. Literally. 

I wander out of the crash zone and into the freezing cold. It's so cold that even the words sub-zero and absolute zero never even come close to the temperature here.

That cold. And imagine only having on a hoodie and some utility pants with some tools and stuff. I fumble around my pockets, to see if I can find anything useful.

I come across a single lone 2-oz granola bar. The fact that that's even in my pockets is pathetic. I dig through more stuff, and I pull out a pocketknife. I run my finger across the blade, which was a mistake.

I did not realize that it was new and had just been sharpened by Ellis before I went on this crazy trip, so I cut a gash across my finger.

"Ahh!" I cry out in shock as the bitter cold intensifies the already incredible amounts of pain. V looks at me curiously and sees blood.

On impulse, she grabs my finger and lets a single drop fall into her mouth. I recoil in shock, as it happened in just a millisecond. What is V doing?

"Mm!" V said. "That's kind of good!"

"Bruh, you have got to be kidding me."

I wipe the blood off on my pants and put away the pocketknife.

"Let's go to our base," N told V. "Follow me," he added a second later.

They walk through the rubble and collapsed buildings, waiting frequently for me to catch up. There is a lot of chunks of concrete just laying around, creating a hazard for me. Also, if I trip on anything, my life is sure to be ended by a piece of rebar sticking out of the ground.

Luckily, nothing that extreme happened to my utter surprise. As we get on top of the hill, V motions for me to look south. There it is.

"Over there," V points.

Holy shit. That is one tall corpse spire.