
Lost Alpha And His Mate

"You're my son Leonard." The Alpha looked straight into his eyes. Leonard chuckled, "Yeah right, and I'm the president of The United States." "Wait! You're serious?" ************* An Alpha, lost but found, but in the most unlikely places. Leonard was dealing with his own predicament and was not ready to add the weight of a pack to it, whether or not it's his real identity, but in the end he couldn't fight his mind and heart. What was left is how to explain to the people he grew up with and the wife he married upon contract. Wanting to end the contract doesn't seem to be the option though, seeing how Jolynn happened to be his true mate. He could only run for so long. But perhaps Jolynn could keep her distance to get her head to remain on her neck. Maybe love isn't for the weak and poor after all? But, in the end, fate is fate and the heart wants what it wants.

Rachell_Peters · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 3

Leonard's eyes widened as he saw who he was interviewing.


It was the lady that ran after he crashed into her.


He felt the urge to ask about her health and he did.


"I hope you're doing well after our little accident," Leonard said, trying to mask the nervousness in his voice.


The woman's eyes softened as she looked at him. "Oh, don't worry about me," she said with a smile. "I'm fine. Just a little shaken up, that's all."


Leonard felt a wave of relief wash over him. He had been so worried that he had hurt her, but it seemed like she was okay. He took a deep breath and tried to focus on the task at hand.


"So, let's get started with the interview," he said, pulling out his notebook. "Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your background?"


Jolynn nodded and started to answer every question Leonard threw at her making it seem like an interview for a personal assistant job indeed.


"Actually, I'm not looking for a personal assistant Jolynn, I am searching for a wife." Leonard came out and spoke the truth.


"I'll do it." Without thinking, Jolynn replied surprising Leonard, so he asked again.


"You're ready to marry me?" Curiosity laced his tone.


"Excuse me?" Confusion coated her demeanor, she hadn't heard what he said at first, her nervousness getting the best of her.


Leonard repeated himself, his voice low and firm. "I said, are you ready to marry me? I need a wife, and I think you would be perfect."


Jolynn's eyes widened in shock as she took in his words. This was not what she was expecting when she agreed to the interview. She had never even considered marrying someone she had just met.


"I...I don't know what to say," she stammered, trying to wrap her head around the sudden proposal. "I mean, we don't even know each other that well. How can you ask me to marry you?"


Leonard leaned forward, his eyes intense. "I know it seems sudden, but I have my reasons. I need a wife to satisfy certain societal expectations, and I think you would be a perfect fit. Plus, you seem like a kind and intelligent person, and I think we could make it work."


Jolynn chewed on her bottom lip, considering his words. It was crazy.


Leonard however pulled out a piece of paper containing all the terms he has, handling it to her, "Read this, it'll explain better."


She collected the paper and read through, she saw the terms where all of her needs would be catered for as long as she played the role of his wife very well.


Leonard began to think he was indeed taking the wrong path to find a wife, but being the kind of person he was and not ready to settle down but as his parents demanded it, he has no choice.


He couldn't read the emotions on her face, it was blank. Jolynn read through the papers, weighing her options, but she still couldn't make the decisions by herself.


"Can I take this home and get back to you for an answer?" She inquired.


"Oh yes, you can do that, I'll be waiting for your call." Leonard smiled, although reeking with uncertainty.


Jolynn couldn't take the decision alone, she had to consider her siblings, especially seventeen years old Timothy.


"What will he think about the arrangement?" She mused, as she waited for them to get back from school.


Vivienne returned first, but she was too young to think of trivial things like Jolynn was going to the table, so she sent her to do her homework while she spoke to Timothy.


Timothy's eyes widened in surprise as Jolynn explained the situation to him. "Marrying someone you just met? That sounds crazy," he said, frowning.


Jolynn sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I know, it does, but... I don't know what else to do. Leonard's offering to take care of us, and he seems like a nice guy."


"But what if he's not?" Timothy pressed. "What if he's just using you?"


Jolynn bit her lip, considering his words. "I don't think he is. He seems genuine. And besides, he's given me these papers with all the terms and conditions laid out. If he doesn't follow through, I can always leave."


Timothy still looked unsure, but he didn't argue any further. "Well, it's your decision, sis. Just make sure you think it through carefully."


Jolynn nodded, grateful for his support. She knew it was a big risk, but she also wanted to know his opinion about how they're going to fare if she left them.


"You're going to leave us here?!" Timothy felt the betrayal.


Jolynn felt her heart sink at the accusation in Timothy's voice.


"No, no, of course not," she said quickly, trying to reassure him. "I would never leave you or Vivienne. If I do decide to go through with this, I'll make sure we're all taken care of. I promise."


Timothy's expression softened a bit, but he still looked doubtful. "Okay, I trust you. But please be careful, sis. I don't want anything to happen to you."


Jolynn pulled him into a hug, feeling a wave of emotions wash over her. It was a big decision to make, but she knew she had to do what was best for her siblings. And if marrying Leonard was the only way to ensure their safety and happiness, then she would do it, no matter how crazy it seemed.


Seeing the resolution in her eyes, Timothy asked, "So, you've made a decision?"


"Yes, and I'm going to call him tomorrow, but for now, let's get started on dinner, come on go and get Vivienne." She smiled, a bit happy about what it would be like to get away from the harassment of being poor.


With the nervousness coursing through Jolynn's body, she couldn't wait till normal work time to call Leonard who was still snuggling into his pillow.


"Hello." He picked the call without checking the caller, slurring his words.


"I'll do it." Jolynn said firmly.


"What?" He opened his eyes to check the caller and his eyes widened.


"I'll do it." She repeated, her voice weavering a bit.


Leonard jumped out of bed.


Happy would be an understatement, he knew he was a step closer to becoming the President of J and J Holdings.