
Losing love

Zero EQ - Check Possessive - Check Worst male friends - Check Now listen here Captain, you have to learn to set the mood! Look in her eyes....now don't look away when she doesn't shy away. Draw your attention to her lips..... But they kissed before! Doesn't that make them official? Shut up and let me get done with this session! Now Captain, have you noted all that down?! Our male lead nodded his head in understanding adding pointers in his note book "Strong and independent women like Miss need a man with a strong sense of cutenes...." he cringed imagining their Captain acting cute. 'Well if he could make men fall head over heels for him at first glance then, thy should be the least of my worries!' Jason has been in this world alone after the.demise of his loved ones until he clashes with Jenny a woman trying to discover herself and unveil her brutal past for revenge. Finally finding what his heart has always yearned for, Jason takes it upon himself to draw her to him. She is afraid her past may destroy what she has with her new family. He is destroying her past for their future! But he also has his demons dreading to destroy everything he hold dear to his heart. He finds love and a home in a lone soul Jenny but how long will it last before its also forcefully taken from him again. Is he going to let it happen? NOT YET EDITED.....but a good read....please, dive in Join me on Jason and Jenny's journey to be free from their past and how they curve their future together. ko-fi.com/littoways1999 It's an original composition and any similarity is pure coincidence. Lots of love from litto_ways Join me on discord for better communication experience on our characters at https://discord.gg/gWFQ9ANKp2 DISCLAIMER!!! THIS IS ONLY A NOVEL AND ANY RELATION TO DAY TO DAY LIFE FACTS IS BUT A COINCIDENCE.

Litto_ways · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
179 Chs

Chapter 38 Busted

They drew from each other breathless, faces flushed, arms still entangled on eachother. It had been the best experience in her life. Jenny bit down on her bottom lip that was swollen thanks to icebergs' assault on it a few seconds ago. "I...I should let you get back." She suggested stammering her eyes avoiding the intensity in his but her hands were still locked in his hair still falling from the high.

"Yes, he spoke in his usual calm and cold voice that seemed warmer. "you should go and rest. Thanks for the meal too.....I'll come see you later, ok?"

She nodded and let go of him steadying herself on her feet which still felt weak. Turning around, Jenny walked unnaturally only to stumble on her feet almost falling but thanks to Jason's fast reflex, he steadied her and frowned. "Are you alright?!" His face was laced with worry.