
Playing war

The gloomy silence enveloped the spacious cabin filled with sailors and the ship's crew.

The cabin was dimly lit with the light stones.

Lorian was sitting at the table, spacing out, apprehensive about the upcoming battle. He wore casual clothes, looking like any other random young sailor.

Aaron sat at his right, observing the chef, who was distributing the soup in everyone's bowls, with a faint smile.

He was a clever man, knowing nothing happens without a reason. If there were no strong travelers among them, the captain wouldn't dare be so generous and open-handed.

A man acts for his benefit. If one doesn't want to be taken advantage of, it's essential to always ask - why? What's there in for him? What does he gain in doing that?

And then, the whole outlook of the world changes.

But nothing is absolute. You can't so easily see through 4 types of people: the madmen, the eccentric, the geniuses and the wise...

Meanwhile, Elaine sat at Lorian's left side. Her head was lowered as she was looking at an apple in her small hand with tearful eyes. The painful memories were flashing by her brain.

The memories of her and her sister scavenging for leftovers was so vivid in her mind. She remembered that one time, how much beating she took for such piece of rotten apple and how Lilian cried and refused to eat her piece, taking care of her beaten body.

Reminded of the miserable memory made it hard for her to swallow the food. Now her little sister was no longer alive. She felt a huge lump of sadness and misery stuck in her throat when about to eat something.

Suddenly, she felt the familiar feeling on her head. She turned her gaze to the side and saw Lorian Looking at her with empathy while gently ruffling her hair. He seemed to have felt her sadness and was silently consoling her.

Elaine lowered her head and tried her best not to cry, but she wasn't able to. She felt grateful, yet guilty at the same time.

The sisters grew up in the cold world, without a place to return to. She felt guilty and undeserving of what she had now. Without Lilian, everything was colorless, except for him...

- Is she alright? Did she hurt herself?

Aaron asked with concern, seeing Elaine's shoulders trembling and silently weeping with the head lowered.

- It's alright.

Lorian looked at him meaningfully. Aaron realized it wasn't his place to further inquire and shut up.

Meanwhile, the chef had already approached their seat and poured the soup in their bowls. Feeling Elaine's sadness, Lorian also lost his appetite and the excitement for upcoming battle also dyed down in his heart.

The fate of the weak was miserable in this world.

He clenched his fists. He swore to would get stronger and never let his loved ones get hurt, then lead the most leisurely life he could. He would create his sanctuary, where he and those around him would be happy. This was his goal and the dream.

After eating their fills, everyone dispersed to have a rest. They needed to be in an optimal condition before the fight.

Everything wasn't that orderly in the morning though. Everyone was panicking, fearing for their lives. The captain took the helm of the situation and shared Aaron's plan to others. The crew was with him, but a few travelers protested the participation in the battle.

Brendan, the log-swinging sailor, who had a brash personality quickly criticized them.

- Cowards, you want us to fight to the death, protecting your families while you just stand there? Ptui, a bunch of spineless cowards, why don't you give us your wives and children to care for, then?


The fight broke out and the rebels were taught a lesson. The captain once again convinced them. This time, they had to listen to the reason and accept their fates.

Meanwhile, the Harpies were a bit more passive, but some of them were wrecking the ship, giving everyone more pressure.

Engel was resting on the mast, having fun hatching the plans with her bird's brain...which worked surprisingly well. Her bloodline was a lot purer than others, hence she was smarter and stronger than others. She was destined to be a wonderful Harpy queen in the future.

''I'll force the humans out. Mommy said they struggle desperately near the end of their lives. I'll have to see it for myself, hehe...''

She giggled while covering her mouth with her wing, which was covered in fluffy, delicate white feathers.

The mast shook as two relatively huge Harpies landed to her left and right.

- My lady, the humans have sneaked out of hiding. What are your orders?

The larger Harpy bowed his head.

- Interesting. How many are there?

Engel's eyes flashed with a glint of curiosity.

- 5 groups of 5-10 people, armed for the battle. Their aim is tonight's patrol. Shall we alert them?

The Harpy giggled, then shook her wing while graciously swinging her waist, making a cute pose.

- Mmm, leave it, give them a false hope of victory. Tonight shall be their win.

The large harpy contemplated for a while then said.

- My lady, please mind the casualties. They can't exceed 30% as per her highness' command.

An excited look of Engel was replaced with annoyed one as she pouted.

- I know, I know. Just don't bring that up.

She chirped melodiously.

The bodyguard sighed, then looked at the patrolling Harpies impassively. Nobody would care if they died. They should only blame themselves for being weak.

The territorial wars in the forest were much harsher and more direct. The current game of war was just a child's play. Survival of the strongest was the unwritten rule of nature.

As expected, the battle broke out. The patrol Harpies were annihilated without any suspense.

Engel was merely observing the humans. Only 3-5 of them caught her picky eyes. She was excited to play with them at later date, but for now, she'd let them revel in victory and ignite their hope. Then, it'd be more fun to crush their hopes all at once.