
Lord of Time (Ken)

Ken is betrayed to death by his best friend and lover during the time wars. However, the Goddess took his soul and gave him a new opportunity.

4DeathLord · Fantasia
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30 Chs

Chapter 21 -Path to Revenge

When Arduin asks Ken why he will go to another universe, he says he will go for revenge with an angry aura, and when Arduin realizes that Ken will go with malicious intent, he wants to stop him, turns his arm into a dragon arm and starts attacking.

When Ken remembered that time, he got angry again and made a space crossing, cut Arduin in half, resurrected it, added it to the Shadow Army and went to the place where the Universe Tree was.

Ken enters the building where the Universe Tree is, and the guards take out their swords and begin to ask why he came here. Ken does not want to retell his experiences and decides to kill them.

However, the Guardians can anticipate her powers and are prepared against her. Ken uses his shadow powers to fend off the guards' attacks. The Guardians also use the powers of the universe tree to fend off Ken's attacks.

During the battle, Ken kills the leader of the guards and tells the others to flee. As the Guardians see Ken's powers, they respect him and flee.

When Ken touched the universe tree, he felt a different power within the tree and took the energy inside himself by taking a time cut.

Now he would be able to travel between universes without a tree, and by using that energy he manages to go to the universe he wants.

Ken was shocked to find the universe in ruins. Buildings were destroyed, human corpses were mercilessly slaughtered, and most importantly, there were no humans left on the planet. There were only zombies, and Ken recruited them into the Shadow Army after killing a few. He saw a sign on the ground, and as he discovered to his surprise, it had been 1,000 years since he died in that universe.

Ken went to the date of 3421, using his powers by going to time wars. Back then, he planned to take revenge after he died. Because if he took revenge on them before he died, it would cause the time paradox and Ken would never die and be here.

As Ken watched the battle from afar, he watched his own demise again and angrily sent the Shadow Army into the time war. He ordered them to bring his ex-girlfriend and ex-best friend alive and kill anyone who was left behind. Ken continued to fight to get his revenge.