
Lord Of The Undead

Dying of cardiac arrest on a sunny afternoon, Reck thought that was the end of life. Until he found himself transmigrated into the body of a younger man. The worst part of it all was that the world to which he had been transported was going through its second phase of an apocalypse. Gifted with superpowers and faced with terrifying beasts and even worse humans, Reckless had to learn how to survive. But the question was... How?

Tiff_Lin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Battle against the King Zombie

However, this zombie was the most powerful creature they had ever encountered because, before it even reached them, they could feel a sense of oppression and helplessness that weighed down their entire beings.

Gritting their teeth, they collided head-on with the zombie, but like a cat, they were sent flying.

"Sister!" Little Ray shouted, hurriedly trying to locate his sister, who had somehow been sent flying by a tree and was now lying motionless on the ground.

A creepy laughter echoed from the gigantic zombie's mouth. His laugh sounded irritating and perverted, getting on one's nerves.

Then, with his huge limb, the zombie stepped forward and carried Ray up by the neck, still laughing silly, saliva dripping from his mouth.

The sight was so disgusting.

The boy's face had paled from fright, while Rhea suddenly recovered from her shock and yelled at the zombie.

"Damn bastard, release my brother!"

The zombie continued to laugh and even raised the boy higher, saying incoherently.

"Child... Beautiful... Kill."

Though Rhea couldn't really understand the meaning of his words, the word 'Kill' alone was enough to push her to the edge and make her lose her reasoning.

Her eyes shone with killing intent, and they turned terrifyingly scarlet as she charged at the zombie with full speed, the black mist surrounding her sword much deeper and more dangerous.

Before her sword could reach the zombie, though, the creature had already picked her up like an ant, but she didn't seem fazed as she managed to plunge her thin sword into one of its eyes, corroding it.

The zombie froze and let out a cry, yes, a cry, not a laugh.

It threw away the girl, but its hand still clung tightly to the boy.

It was wailing in pain, stumbling against the trees as it held onto its left eye.

Rhea also seemed shocked for some reason before she hurriedly got up and tried to snatch her brother from its hand, but her struggles were useless because, even though the zombie was hurt, it refused to release its hold on the boy, choosing to stumble with him against the trees.

After some moments, it finally seemed relieved of the pain and stood up, a cruel, hair-raising laughter escaping its lips.

One could clearly see that its left eye was now completely black, the color matching the blackness of its hide, and its aura was even more powerful than before.

"Damn, she should have just stabbed its head," Reckless helplessly thought as he stood up, running a hand through his long hair. He should find some time to cut it, as it constantly gets in his way.

Since he couldn't just sit there and watch as his companion's little brother was kidnapped, he also stood up, casually playing with his sword.

Then, with full speed, he charged at the zombie.

But something shocking happened.

The zombie raised its hand again, and instead of picking Reckless up or something of the sort, it raised its palm and met the sword's blade, then held its hand against it, and a message rang out in Reckless's ears.

[Your weapon has been destroyed]

Reckless was completely frozen, his eyes blankly looking at the weapon that had now disintegrated and turned into a speck of dust.

Then came anger, instead of fear or sadness.

He was completely overwhelmed with fury. How dare this filthy thing damage his weapon!

The veins on his neck throbbed, his eyes shining a bright blue color as his fist tightened and became enveloped with Mana. 

And with a loud shout, he smashed his fist into the creature's abdomen.

The zombie had probably not expected him to do that, as it looked at the dent shape on its abdomen, then at Reckless.

It laughed once again, then said chillingly: "You... Filth... Destroy... Children... mine."

Then it picked up Reckless as usual, its fist tightening around his neck, and slowly, it became a bit hard to breathe.

His face continued to turn paler, his legs dangling in the air while the zombie continued to laugh, saliva dripping down.

Rhea clenched her teeth before her eyes were slowly full of determination. She then charged at the zombie.

Before the zombie could turn around and intercept her attack, something suddenly struck its head, and its eyes went wide, its smile frozen on its face.

Reckless had impaled its head with the Unbroken Dagger.

He really hadn't thought that the dagger would be this useful. He had just happened to remember its description and decided to test it out, but who would have thought it would be this useful.

Slowly, the zombie's grip on them loosened, and Reckless casually kicked it away, and both he and the young boy dropped from midair while the zombie fell on its back with a bang.

[You've slain a Level 30 King Zombie. You gain 15 points, Stamina +20 Agility +15]

[Congratulations, you've leveled up to Level 23]

[Congratulations, you've leveled up to Level 24]

[You've gained a weapon, Toothless Bow]

[You've gained a retainer, King Zombie]

Reckless blinked in surprise. Then, from the corner of his eye, he saw a small crystal roll out of the zombie's forehead. He walked forward and picked it up.

[...Another attribute has been added. You can now pick up soul cores]

[You've picked up a core. Would you like to consume it?]

"An attribute? Soul cores? A core?" Reckless mumbled at the strange terms. He didn't have any idea about them.

He summoned his status window and saw that below Weapon was now 'Core Storage,' and in front of it was 'Silver Core.'

He clicked on the Silver Core, and a row of descriptions appeared.

[Silver Core: A Level 30 amazing zombie's core, which has gained the title of 'King Zombie' at Level 10, and was on the brink of advancing in status, but unexpectedly met his end from the hand of an angered young man]

[Use: Once consumed, the consumer would acquire the attribute of the zombie, which was Metal Body]

"Mmmm, I will consume the core then," Reckless whispered.

The silver core turned into a shiny silver light and slowly entered his palm. Instantly, Reckless felt a sense of calmness, as if he had grown stronger. And his body became unbelievably sturdier.

[You've consumed the core]

[You gain Health +5 Strength +20 Agility +10]

[You gain an attribute, Metal Body]

[Your appearance has been upgraded]

Reckless wanted to continue observing his attributes when Rhea's hesitant voice sounded.


He dismissed the window and looked at her. "What?"

Rhea stared up at him, and Reckless managed to find out some noticeable differences about her. Her pink pupils were now much pinker, looking slightly liquid, and they shone brightly. Her tender face was illuminated by the golden sun, and her features became even more tender, her cheeks rosier, making people have the thought of bullying her, pressing them under them.

Reckless cleared his throat and mumbled a word under his breath as he glanced down.

"Thank you." Rhea's voice sounded chocked as she hugged her pale little brother tighter. She didn't know what she would have done if... if... something bad had happened to him.

"You're welcome; we are companions after all."

"Still... thank you."

Reckless didn't say anything, and his gaze turned back to where the ocean of zombies had been earlier, but he realized that they were now pulverized.

"Uh? Am I seeing wrongly?" He couldn't believe his eyes; could it be that he was hallucinating?

"What?" asked Rhea's puzzled voice.

Reckless absentmindedly pointed ahead, and Rhea followed his eyes, and she exclaimed, "The zombies are gone!"

"You guys have done a good job; you make my job easier." A cold slightly appreciative voice suddenly sounded, shocking the two.