
Lord of the Undead

ConsciousGod · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

The curse begins

Loyd is a young man who was told his whole life that he wouldn't be anything, believing his existence was useless. Everyone was scared of him because of his ability to see and communicate with the dead. One night, after he got home from playing with the animals in the nearby forest, a strange visitor appeared in the boys room after nearly falling asleep. The visitor claimed to be the God of the undead. The god said that he was interested in the boy's ability to see the souls of the dead and came up with an idea. "Use this power of mine, and come find me again in the future." The god reached out and pressed its bony cold hand on the boy's stomach. Loyd felt a wave of heat focusing around the center of his being, as if something was being pressed together inside of him. After a few seconds of the nearly unbearable heat, the boy fell to the ground and started panting as if he had just ran a marathon. Staring down at the near lifeless boy, the god reached out one more time and placed something on his chest. It was some sort of teal gemstone with what looked like souls, floating inside of it. A huge wave of light sprouted from the gods hand, and the boy started screaming for what seemed like an eternity. When the god lifted his hand from Loyd's chest, the gemstone was gone. The boy mustered up as much courage as possible to ask the frightening being a question, "what just happened to me?" After staring at the boy for a few seconds the god explained "I have granted you the ability to resurrect the dead, and much more, but that is something you must figure out on your own." After the events that had taken place, the boney figure vanished without a trace, saying nothing more to the frightened boy, leaving him to wander in his own thoughts. Later that night, while Loyd was still deep in thought, his chest suddenly started aching to the point he wished he was dead, and he started throwing up piles of blood. The blood that came from him wasn't normal, it was almost the same exact color and texture of tar, but he knew the taste of blood right away. Panicking, he tried getting up only to make it a step off of his bed before plummeting straight to the floor. As he started glancing around, he noticed the blood was moving to form some weird pattern, almost the same shape of a pentagram. When the blood stopped moving, an enormous black beam shot out from the huge puddle of blood. With Loyd's whole room being engulfed in black, the boy couldn't see anything, and this lasted for about three minutes. When the boy could finally see again, what he saw standing in front of him made him want to gouge his own eyes out and forget what he saw. Three gigantic demonic looking creatures were standing tall in the center of the room as if they were awaiting some sort of applause. After a few seconds, the demons walked past the boy, just ignoring him like he didn't exist. After what seemed like an eternity of the boy being paralyzed on the floor, the blood curdling screams of his parents and siblings made his eyes go wide in terror. As Loyd kept struggling to get up, something started rolling right in front of him. It was his mothers head. In shock, the boy started laughing sinisterly, like he was happy about what had happened. The boy kept laughing, even as the three demons walked past the doorway, covered in blood. The demons ended up killing his family, leaving only him behind. Loyd believed this was the work of that god, so his only thought was about getting revenge, and stopping at nothing to achieve it.