
Where are you going?

"W-- What?!"

"That is exactly what I was afraid of"

"What do we do now?!"

Panic erupted in the hall after Robin's words, Robin's words were the absolute worst case scenario, they were the nightmare of everyone who agreed to disobey the order to gather the army, and it was the main reason why others rejected the idea.

"Mr. Robin, I didn't understand what you said, would you please explain? This is your sect, it was your idea to build it, you put in your life's work in this massive project, and you are saying farewell, to where do you think you are going? I'm afraid this won't work..." Thandor spoke quickly, with a smile and a wide open staring eye.

Robin looked at him from top to bottom, whether Thandor's words or his facial features were all threatening and intimidating, he wasn't even doing much to restrain himself any longer.