
Ch 9: The King

" talking "

' thinking '

[ System ]

{ Author Note }

'I see unlimited stamina coming in useful a lot especially with this because I can probably move this planet then since it takes mental will and stamina to move something with my mind and that was incredibly easy'.

'well now that I'm practically a planetary threat let's see what to do now. though the only thing that comes to mind is the biome farther from the dunes which I saw a bit of'.

'yeah let's just do that and see what I find'. as I quickly teleport to the edge of the dunes and look at a giant canyon filled with bones of several leviathans and other large-sized animals.

'This isn't creepy at all, especially since that's a sea emperor skeleton over there as well as a sea dragon one not too much farther'. I then start to slowly swim above the canyon and look at the numerous skeletons.

'well there has to be something new that lives here because all I'm sensing right now is the usual stuff that you can find anywhere else though the big lumps of red are shaped like a new leviathan so let's see who they are'.

I then quickly swim towards where the leviathans are with my thermal vision as for some reason nothing else is picking them up. "So you are the leviathan we have been hearing about". the leviathan says to me through a black smog and an eel-like head sticks through.

"I would be assuming so but who are you". I ask the eel-like leviathans as they both slowly swim out and circle around me. "We are known as the grudges or individually the grudge leviathan and the killers of the infected or the hands of death we have many monikers". 

they both slow and entwined with each other as well as sending telepathic thoughts at the same time while looking me over and analyzing my every movement.

"So I'm assuming you two would be the strongest known leviathans". I ask curiously while I look them over and how they entangle themselves with each other making it look like caduceus.

"Yes, young leviathan we are the strongest known leviathans at least until you came along after all not everyone can simply inhale our smog like you are currently". They both say while they eye me curiously wondering how I'm not dead.

"Why would I be considered the new strongest leviathan we haven't even fought also what would your black smog have to do with it". I ask with both confusion as well as slight arrogance how I was proclaimed the strongest leviathan.

"It would be easier to show you youngling after all everything else will decay". Then both leviathans seamlessly untangle and rush to the sides and surround a random reefback with black smog as its skin and carapace quickly start deteriorating though the reefback shows no kind of pain.

'what the hell, how in God's name is that even possible, and what's even more confusing is that the reefback shows no kind of pain'. I continue to watch as the reefback soon ceases to exist besides its skeleton though what made it unsettling is the way no pain was shown.

"This young leviathan is how we know you are the new strongest leviathan because we are the strongest living beings on the planet until you came along after all we have killed a gargantuan before".

as they finish speaking they intertwine again as they look at me with both pride and evident wisdom that speaks that they have both lived for countless millenniums.

"well, that is slightly terrifying though this is also very cool". I say to the leviathans while staring at the new skeleton on the sea floor and then looking back at them.

"We understand how it can be scary but we have a proposition for you youngling that we think you might enjoy to a heavy degree". They say perfectly in sync while eyeing me down heavily with a slight glint of hankering hunger as well as expectancy.

"What would that proposition be". I ask politely but also not ignoring the hidden looks in their eyes which makes me more vigilant as well as incredibly curious.

"While you may be the strongest leviathan by just being able to withstand our smog you must also prove it through conflict and if you win like the few in the past you will have our loyalty".

they then start to unwrap themselves and circle around me like they did previously but their eyes are now filled with nothing but hunger and the want to tear me apart.

"Well, it looks like I don't have a choice in accepting this so let's get it over with". The moment I finished talking, they quickly broke towards me like an arrow. 

Though before they could even get close I quickly grabbed them with my telekinesis and through them against the canyon wall then charged towards them quicker than they could realize.

"Even though I'm the new strongest you should be better". I say with an arrogant tone to taunt them though I just play with them as I use my string to try and wrap it around their heads though it quickly deteriorates before it can.

"You may be strong but we are very hungry and wise youngling". they say with a guttural tone filled with hunger as they surround the area in their black smog making everything start to deteriorate even the canyon walls.

"We are known as the hands of death for a reason and you shall quickly learn youngling, though we do hope you beat us after if we can follow you that means thousands of new meals"

While they said the last part their speed suddenly increased as their shape started to quickly adapt to a more streamlined form. 'well I wasn't expecting that though it should make it more fun'.

I then continue to dart around dodging their every attack and making them constantly adapt and see them continue to chase me relentlessly with their hunger growing in their eyes while I also notice that their body starts to deteriorate with each adaptation to their body to try and get me.

"Well, I believe we should end this since you two are quite strong and will evidently be useful". I then quickly charge an electric blast through the water making it strong enough to knock them both out without causing any lasting damage.

'now that was both interesting to watch but also a little scary I wasn't expecting them to start adapting in the fight but what's even worse is that their bodies started to deteriorate. Though I can see that being useful as well for now let's wake them back up'.

I then send another shock through the water waking them both up but before they can register anything they quickly attack me with absent eyes and both individually tear a fin off.

as I feel my fins are torn off I feel a sudden surge of pain and then instant relief as it immediately grows back I then quickly turn around to the two leviathans and see them easily eating my fins as though it wasn't covered in plating as hard as graphene.

"I believe I should give you both a bit to explain yourselves". I say with clearly evident rage as I start realizing high amounts of electricity evaporating the water around me continuously but also circling it back through me so it doesn't spread out.

while I wait for a response the two leviathans continue eating my fins not even registering my existence making me even angrier as I then move so fast in front of them making it look like I teleported there and quickly their underbelly's with my retractable bones making them snap into reality.

"you have ten seconds before I eat you both whole". I say with a wrathful and spiteful tone while being fully prepared to shred through their bodies and eat them.

"We both deeply apologize our new king but we had no mental consciousness due to hunger from the continuous adaptation to try and beat you". they both say remorseful though their eyes still filled with hunger but also immense respect.

"This will only ever happen once is this clear". I say with a still very pissed-off tone then quickly retract my bones back into my body and watch their stomach quickly stitch itself back together.

"Yes, our king but we must continue to eat now or we may die, As we must always eat or we will decay". They both say quickly then dashing back towards the fins they tore off and continuing to eat.

"That is fine but if you need constant food inform me and I will let you tear off fins but for now enjoy your meal I need to blow off some steam now".

I then quickly look over them and see that they heard me but continue to eat without a response making me a slight bit angrier though I just head out of the black smog and see that it is surrounded by several huge leviathans.

"And what do you all want, And I would be quick I'm a little pissed so I will kill each and every one of you". I say with a deep and annoyed voice while looking over the several leviathans and seeing that they all look familiar.

"You shall respect our new king" I hear from behind me and see the grudges appear from behind me and look at all of the leviathans as though they are weak trash.

"So this is our new king". says a giant ghost leviathan that easily spans 175 meters showing his old age. "I wasn't expecting to ever get a new one after all I have been following you two since birth". A giant Reaper says while looking me up and down with eyes filled with nothing but the want to fight and kill. 

"yes I'm your new king now get out of the way I have a need to release some steam unless you all want to be my targets". I say with a tone still filled with anger.

"Actually why am I even asking I should show dominance shouldn't I". I then send out a giant wave of electricity paralyzing everyone around me besides the grudges.

"Now that I have done that I will be back in a bit I have a massacre to start". I then quickly teleport away near the giant precursor gun and start to swim into the trench while letting out several sounds to attract ghost leviathans.

'Time for a quick blood bath to release some anger'. While I continue to release countless sounds I surge towards the first ghost and tear it apart cover a part of the trench with my senses and start moving and incredible speeds and swiftly killing anything I get next to leaving massive trails of blood that quickly float to the surface.

I then release a deafening roar that travels around the entire trench and even back to the crater letting everything with basic survival instincts understand that I am king.


{ A/N So first I would like to apologize as this is a slightly shorter chapter but I wanted to make sure one got out before I take several tests for school and my girlfriend comes over so I hope you guys enjoyed and I know it got kind of edgy at the end though I feel like it has good reason for it to be which makes it a bit better.

though besides all of that, I have decided to do a quick arc of Avatar after going to below zero which with him going to below zero will actually show a bit of a secret I have been hiding, and after Avatar he will be going to Pacific rim. But I will now put the usual below and I hope you guys all have a great day bye.


Species: Devouring Leviathan

Name: Livyatan

Titles: Devouring Leviathan and Giant Slayer

Length: 90m (295ft)

DNA Assimilated: 50




1: Help The Sea Empress (Complete)

2: Become Leviathan Class (Complete)

3: Explore


1: Added system function

2: unique mutation

3: ?

[The True Leviathan]


1: Show your dominance

2: Become the strongest Leviathan


1: Specific mutation

2: Knowledge