
Ch 45: Monster Hunter

" talking "

' thinking '

[ SystemSystem ]

{ Author Note }

'Well, that wasn't a bad gain. I even got to kill this guy, though this is the only thing I really needed from here as this is the world's largest trading hub, with the second being Asshai.' I finally look at my quest tab. It is just the usual explore and kill a person, which I have already completed. I then enter my inner world as there isn't anything else I could gain that may be useful.

'That was nice and quick. Now, let's see what I got in the knowledge section.' As I open the GOT/HOTD knowledge tab, I see hundreds of sections, one of the more important ones being magic. 'Now this is the reason I went,' as I see that every magic is mostly ritualistic or related to something else to make it permanent in the world.

'To be expected, after all, it is how they made dragons and many other types of life, though the Ice Dragon was due to mutation after living near Skogas and the white wastes needing adaptation.' After scanning over most of the magic, I close the screen with the magic unrelated to rituals, just being too basic telekinesis and a slight control over elements.

'Though there is something funny about this sight.' I look to see a dragon reminiscent of Vhagar being brought to the ground by a titan-wing monstrous nightmare, which is just shaking the flames off like a light breeze before stomping on the dragon's head, making them fall unconscious.

'It also seems that some humans are being born with Valyrian traits, confusing parents, especially Arthur. However, he is used to these kinds of things.' as my eyes go over to where my artic is, to see bipedal life actually forming there, with it mainly Giants as the inhabitants and White Walkers forming whenever one dies before being taken care of by a Fenrir or Bewilderbeast when they get to close to the ocean.

'The white walkers might become a nuisance, but there is tons of life here that can get rid of them, and if I'm lucky, I will get my own Night King who I can make an Apostle.' as my eyes go over to the west to see a Griffin fighting a Banshee over territory before they both get snuck up on by a Great Leonopteryx.

'I love new additions, though these basilisks are very strange.' My eyes lock onto what is a giant Komodo dragon with six legs and a redhead that is trying to sneak up on an actual Komodo dragon before being bodied by it. Due to Earth life being so small compared to everything else, their sizes have increased, making them relatively the same size.

'Now let's see what mutation I got from that world.' I click on the world as my eyes widen at what it is, with a grin matching whitebeards showing on my face. My entire body shakes, and my eyes shake as I teleport under my inner world into the sediment. My body cocoons itself in rock, water, ice, fire, air, light, plants, and radiation, and my magnetism pushes the surrounding sediment away to form a lair around me as it feels my entire body meltdown.

My heart then lets out a large Thu'um as the entirety of my inner world shakes violently. A giant wave of energy bursts out of me, causing the life within to panic, but two individuals gain giant grins as Arthur sits on his throne, waiting for what is happening to end. The Precursor king also lets out a Cruel grin as he continues to dissect a living creature.

I then feel a massive wave of energy course through me as my body reforms itself, with my heart releasing waves upon waves of energy throughout my body and my surroundings. The elements swirling around me merge into my body, and the Coccon breaks away to show me the dark blue scales around my body with its purple bioluminescent. I then let out a deafening roar reverberating through my entire inner world.

'A magic heart is the most useful thing I could have gained.' I see that it automatically merged with Asura's Internals but did not change the name besides changing the description slightly to show that my heart is basically a magic reactor.

'Now I can infuse anything I do with magic, and if I learn runes, I can become even stronger, let alone if I manage to get true rune magic or learn dovahzul.' as I look around the lair that I have formed and see that it is a good ten to twenty miles wide covered in plant life waterfalls and crystals acting as artificial light.

'I now have a home.' I look some more and see that several metals are infused with the rocks surrounding me to improve the sturdiness of everything. I then opened the world list, excited to see what else I could add here. My eyes install onto Monster Hunter, and I think of all the possibilities related to it. I click on the option and feel my body become displaced and reappear in a vast expanse of a forest.

'I always seem to start in a forest or the ocean.' I spread my senses halfway across the world and saw that I was in the new world with the fifth fleet heading towards Astera. I saw Zorah Magdaros a good bit behind them but quickly caught up.

'If I remember correctly, it was weak to water and dragon, which is just mental attacks.' I teleport into the ocean in front of the fifth fleet as the ocean around me starts to churn with my Hydrokinesis taking complete control of the water in the surrounding five miles as I form four giant spears made of water that are constantly swirling as I then cause four gales of wind to surround the spears as they rocket forward hitting the Zorah Magdaros directly at its magmacore organs.

'Nice and easy.' I teleport behind the Zorah Magdaros and use a combo of my Spatiokinesis and Magnetokinesis to prevent any of its bio-energy from leaking into the environment. I stare at the barely breathing Elder Dragon, which looks at me in confusion, curiosity, and rage as it tries to live a bit longer to fight back. Still, I use my Spatiokinesis and Telekinesis to snap its neck before compressing the now dead turtle to a cube to eat as I pop it into my mouth and use my Spatiokinesis to disperse its energy evenly across a thirty-mile radius.

[DNA Absorption]

Zorah Magdaros DNA 

Mutations Gained: N/A

'That sucks, though, to be somewhat expected. After all, it was basically just Rodan but as a turtle.' I then look over to where the Elders Recess is before teleporting in front of the egg that holds the Xeno-Jiiva.

'Let's prevent some future problems.' I snap my head forward, eat the egg of the Xeno-Jiiva, and quickly swallow what is basically a mass of energy-given form. I feel the energy disperse through my body, making my heart beat faster for a moment before calming down.

[DNA Absorption]

Xeno-Jiiva DNA 

Mutations Gained: Energy Absorption

As the energy finishes coursing through my body, I feel my body pulse for a second. All the natural energy surrounding me surges forward into me like I am a black hole. I can only tell that my hunger has diminished, even though I haven't felt hungry in a while.

'Now that is something good to gain.' I then teleported out of the cave to see the entirety of the Elder's recess. I got a good look at various monsters; some of them are even elders. I then use my telepathy to make several elders come towards me in a rageful frenzy as Behemoth sprints towards me, to which I use my Geokinesis to sink him into the floor and cut his head off with a wind blade.

'One now, let's see how quick I can kill all of these guys,' a swarm of Elders comes rushing towards me. A Kushala Daora sent a compressed tornado, and a Teostra ignited a ring of fire around me before sending a blast of fire toward me. The fire explosion merged into the tornado, which I easily unraveled before sending a beam of light through the Kushala Daora.

The Kushala Daora then starts to fall towards the ground. I catch it with my telekinesis, unscale it, and form a massive rod out of its scales, sending it through Teostra's chest. I pull the rod back and send it behind me through a Lunastra wing before circling around and spreading out like a buckshot, making the Lunastra look like Swiss cheese.

'I love the combo between Magnetokinesis and Telekinesis.' I grab the three bodies and merge them into a sphere of flesh, which I quickly eat. I hold the scattered scales, forming them back into a rod. I send it through the air as it punches through the wing of a Nergigante before splitting into three spears and puncturing it through the head, back, and chest. I see its blood leak down the spear as it goes cleanly into its vitals. I grab the Nergigante, taking all its spikes off and compressing it to eat.

'I always hated Nergigante, not because of its design or any other reason but just because it was annoying.' I feel five Elders finish digesting and their energy coursing through me.

[DNA Absorption]

Behemoth DNA Kushala Daora DNA Teostra DNA Lunastra DNA Nergigante DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'That's fine. I already got something useful.' I merge the three spears back into a single rod. I morph the scales into the form of the Kushala Daora lance as I thrust it forward with some wind spirling around it, causing it to easily pierce through the ground.

'I finally have a personal weapon. Now let's make this my hunting ground for a bit.' I bring the lance towards me and put it into my inventory as I start to teleport around Elder's Recess, killing and eating any new monster I come across.

[DNA Absorption]

Bazelgeuse DNA Brachydios DNA Deviljho DNA Savage Deviljho DNA Fulgur Anjanath DNA Ebony Odogaron DNA Glavenus DNA Lavasioth DNA Banbaro DNA

Mutations Gained: Exploding Scales 

'At least it is something.' I feel the scales around my body molt for a second and be replaced by a new set that I can easily fling off and be replaced with small compartments, allowing for it to explode as I shake a bit, flinging the scales around my surroundings, causing a mass, of explosions as I go back to teleporting around.

[DNA Absorption]

Gold Rathian DNA Rajang DNA Rathalos DNA Silver Rathalos DNA Azure Rathalos DNA Tigrex DNA Brute Tigrex DNA Stygian Zinogre DNA Dracophage Bug DNA Uragaan DNA Dodogama DNA 

Mutations Gained: N/A

'A good set of variants and sub-species now that I cleared this area through its time to jump over to the Caverns of El Dorado and go kill a Kulve Taroth.' as I look over the slightly smaller population of the Elders Recess before teleporting over to the Caverns of El Dorado and in front of a Kulve Taroth who quickly gets ready for a fight.

I then give a sad glint as I hold them still with my telekinesis. I rip out their scales with my Magnetokinesis. I pull out my lance and merge the gold into it, giving it gold accents and more length and size. I pull out some scales from the Stygian Zinogre, as it starts to pulse with Dragon energy as I send it through the enraged Kulve Taroth's head.

'I will have the perfect weapon once I'm done here, though I might struggle with Fatalis and Alatreon, but that is for later.' I compress the dragon's body and eat it as it tastes of pure metal, even after being devoid of its gold.

[DNA Absorption]

Kulve Taroth DNA 

Mutations Gained: N/A

'To be expected, though I can't complain all too much after all, this world is more useful for the fact of more powerful things to fight for me and in my inner world.' I look over my beautiful lance with an idea forming in my mind. 

I jump into my inner world and ingest a mass amount of Pandemonium and Valyrian steel, which I quickly spit out in its molten form as I use my telekinesis to form a magnificent halberd as I pull out my old half-broken spear and look over its design and let the Halberd eat it as I start to cover the Halberd in runes like those of the first man and glyphs of the old Valyria as I form some Shadow clan runes into it as well I pull my senses into a small mile radius as I watch the molecules interact as I move them to fit my purpose.

With my telekinesis helping in its creation, I use my Geokinesis to pull out any unrefined pieces of earth from it, making it a perfect conduit for my Magnetokinesis. I then cut my wrist using my Hydrokinesis to flow my blood into the carved runes of the three different cultures as the world starts to brighten around me. 

I then look at the beautiful end product, with its axe-shaped blade looking like a calming twilight covered in runes that can only be deciphered down to the Serene Slaughter from the Valyrian glyphs, the First Man runes being deciphered to Bringer of Change, and lastly, the Shadow Clan runes saying Life's Blight.

'The perfect weapon.' I continue to stare at the beautiful Halberd I had made with its runes glowing a cold blue when I touched it with it, then disappearing into a tattoo formed engraving on my chest of that of two halberds crossing above a giant sea serpent like that of Jörmungandr.

'I quite like this crest, actually.' I feel the magic being produced by my heart being rapidly absorbed by the Halberd as if it were a starving child. I teleport into the Coral Highlands, take a deep breath of the sea-like air, and look over the wide variety of new prey. 

The Halberd then pops out with its twilight-colored metal and silver and gold accents, fluctuating in colors as I morph into my Na'vi form. I grab it and feel blasted with a new sense of power and energy. My eyes close in ecstasy as I twirl the Halberd in my hand as if it were a casual stick, with its weight being much heavier than about five Bagger 293s

'Let's test you out, and I need to give you a name after all the ones engraved into you can be your titles, but you will need a proper name.' I teleport above a Kirin, whom I easily cleave through as I descend towards the ground. A name then pops up in my head.

"You are now named Gracebane slayer of all things." I then see the area around me erupt as the surrounding bio-energy surges into Gracebane with lots of mines as well as the form of the Halberd starts to change continuously from hundreds of sword types to those of bows, axes, mauls, and even daggers before going back to its usual form with the runes letting out a subtle ice blue glow.

'I love this weapon.' I grab the Kirin with my telekinesis and go to eat it. I dodge my head to the right slightly before twisting around and slamming the hammer-ended side of Gracebane into the Nargacuga that tried to sneak attack me as it gets flung and starts dying of internal hemorrhaging.

'I will never replace you.' Gracebane then morphs into a compound bow with what looks like what would be one of my spines as the arrow I draw the bow and fire it into the Nargacuga's side, causing it to go straight through it before finally dropping dead as Gracebane reverts to normal.

'Now let's do what I was starting through. Let's wait to just do a small feast at the end. I want to see everything you could do.' I grab the two bodies and put them in my inventory as I start running across the Coral Highlands to get used to only two legs. I use Gracebane as it changes to match the situation.

[DNA Absorption]

Kirin DNA Nargacuga DNA Namielle DNA Velkhana DNA Zinogre DNA Odogaron DNA Legiana DNA Pink Rathian DNA Tzitzi-Ya-Ku DNA Paolumu DNA Coral Pukei-Pukei DNA Mutations Gained: N/A

'Well, that is another biome cleared, and I now have the main version of my favorite through its dragon element sub-species, which is pretty cool.' my eyes trace over a Zinogre fighting and easily winning against a Pink Rathian.

'Time for the rotten vale.' Gracebane returns to my chest as I teleport onto the top section of the Rotten Vale. I look down to see new monsters to eat as I start teleporting around, eating all the monsters I encounter.

[DNA Absorption]

Radobaan DNA Great Girros DNA Acidic Glavenus DNA Vaal Hazak DNA 

Mutations Gained: N/A

'Not much, but not all too bad, though. A Vaal Hazak doesn't taste all that good, though that is to be somewhat expected. Now, the next stop should be the Wildspire Wastes, I believe.' I teleport into the middle of an expansive desert. As I spin Gracebane in my hands, it splits itself into two battle axes and two Khopesh as I start teleporting across the desert, cutting off heads and limbs and gathering the scales or other body parts that might be useful for Gracebane.

[DNA Absorption]

Barroth DNA Jyuratodus DNA Kulu-Ya-Ku DNA Nightshade Paolumu DNA Rathian DNA Diablos DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'Not bad. I have some things for the future, and it's also good to see that Gracebane can split like this. Still, on another note, sand doesn't taste very good no matter how much meat there is.' I scrap my tongue off slightly before teleporting into the ancient forest, taking a deep breath of the fresh tree-filled air as I watch a Rathian and Nargacuga fight over territory before going on this regional hunt.

[DNA Absorption]

Great Jagras DNA Tobi-Kadachi DNA Yian Garuga DNA Leshen DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'I wasn't expecting Leshens to be here. After all, it was a crossover creature from The Witcher, though I won't complain about it. Now it's time for the Reach. Before doing so, jumping across the rest of the world.' I teleport on top of an icy mountain top, looking at everything below as I jump down and form Gracebane into a barbed spear and thrust it into the head of a Frostfang Barioth, quickly piecing and going straight through as I make contact with the ground before teleporting across the Reach.

[DNA Absorption]

Beotodus DNA Viper Tobi-Kadachi DNA Barioth DNA Shrieking Legiana DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'I love some new additions related to ice. Now, that is everything from here. Now it's time to jump around the rest of the world before fighting Fatalis and Alatreon.' While I look over the ice-covered forest before disappearing with Gracebane in hand, changing its form with each kill, I adapt to every weapon I can.

[DNA Absorption]

Shara Ishvalda DNA Akantor DNA Kecha Wacha DNA Ash Kecha Wacha DNA Gravios DNA Tetsucabra DNA Yian Kut-Ku DNA Blue Yian Kut-Ku DNA Brute Tigrex DNA Chameleos DNA White Monoblos DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'Not all that bad so far, though nothing new yet. That's fine, but I might need to pick up the pace already. After all, I'm getting a little anxious. I want to fight Fatalis and Alatreon.' I teleport around again, returning Gracebane to my chest and reverting to my usual form as I do so.

[DNA Absorption]

Gore Magala DNA Congalala DNA Dah'ren Mohran DNA Delex DNA Gargwa DNA Gogmazios DNA Great Jaggi DNA Gypceros DNA Khezu DNA Tigerstripe Zamtrios DNA Zamtrios DNA Ukanlos DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'A little over halfway for this part of the world at this rate. I will be done in about an hour.' I look down at the dead Lagombi. I'm about to eat as I lift it and crush it before eating and continuing my hunting spree.

[DNA Absorption]

Lagombi DNA Molten Tigrex DNA Monoblos DNA Najarala DNA Oroshi Kirin DNA Purple Gypceros DNA Red Khezu DNA Remobra DNA Ruby Basarios DNA Seregios DNA Tidal Najarala DNA 

Mutations Gained: N/A

'There are way too many subspecies and slightly different variants. Though it's not completely bad, it would be nice if the System didn't identify a slightly different fur coloring as a different species.' I look through the water and diligently wash the sand out from between my scales, causing a small cloud of sand to come out around me.

'Now, let's head over to the next area. That way, I can get everyone else, and I already know going through all these memories is going to be annoying, especially since I haven't done it in a while.' as I go back to teleporting around the world, eating anything that has a slight difference.

[DNA Absorption]

Abyssal Lagiacrus DNA Agnaktor DNA Arzuros DNA Baleful Gigginox DNA Ceadeus DNA Crimson Qurupeco DNA Duramboros DNA Glacial Agnaktor DNA Gobul DNA Gigginox DNA Goldbeard Ceadeus DNA Nibelsnarf DNA 

Mutations Gained: N/A

'Not all that bad.' as I finish the last bit of the Goldbeard Ceadeus, I suddenly remember Dire Miralis, causing my eyes to widen a bit. Still, they slowly go back to normal as I can just absorb all the heat producing and hit it with constant blasts of ice as I go back to my hunting.

[DNA Absorption]

Green Nargacuga DNA Green Plesioth DNA Hallowed Jhen Mohran DNA Ivory Lagiacrus DNA Jade Barroth DNA Jhen Mohran DNA Lagiacrus DNA Lucent Nargacuga DNA Ludroth DNA Purple Ludroth DNA 

Mutations Gained: N/A

'Jeez, why does every small color change have to count? I can understand the Lucent Nargacuga as it can go completely invisible, but why are there small changes in everything else?' I look at the window in slight irritation as It adds all the names to my already expansive list of creatures I have eaten before I return to teleporting.

[DNA Absorption]

Royal Ludroth DNA Rust Duramboros DNA Sand Barioth DNA Steel Uragaan DNA Volvidon DNA 

Mutations Gained: N/A

'Finally, now there should only be a handful of more things to eat, though I now need to go kill Dire Miralis.' I teleport over a volcanic-like beast bearing similarities to Zorah Magdaros.

'Damn, he sure is big.' The giant beast looks up at me for a second as I dive down towards Dire Miralis, standing taller than it. I cover the area around us in a field with my Spatiokinesis to prevent any problems. I then cover the entire area with ice.

"Let's see how much heat you can create and how fast I can turn it into ice." I then feel a heatwave break out as all the ice melts rapidly. The heat hits me like a beam and comes back out of me as a cold gale of wind, with my Hydrokinesis helping turn the water back to ice.

I then feel respect from the Dire Miralis as it lets its body go into overdrive, as more and more heat starts rolling off of its huge body. My body starts growing large ice crystals, acting as a conduit for his heat. It becomes shivering winds that come back out as the entire field becomes encased in ice, but then it becomes a scorching field of fire as it constantly switches between the two.

I soon gained a wonderful idea as I lifted the field we were in into the air, making it bigger by five or six miles, giving us even more room. Several portals formed around the Dire Miralis, which started shooting frost beams. I then released my own, boosted with my new magic, causing the Dire Miralis's eyes to shoot towards me. It released a roar and a concentrated breath of pure flames, coming into contact with mine.

My breath easily disperses the Dire Miralis's as it moves for the first time in this fight at speeds that rival its gigantic size. A smile grows on my face as Gracebane appears behind Dire Miralis, pieces through its back, and comes out through its chest before forming into its standard halberd form and cutting the head off, causing the giant black dragon to be confused as it dies.

"While I wanted to see how easily I could diminish your heat, it was also nice to see how easily Gracebane could pierce through you," I say to the now-dead dragon as I compress its body, forming a giant steaming cube of flesh with magma leaking from some spots as I eat it causing the field to be engulfed in ice and winds so cold it would freeze even a Frostfang Barioth in a mere instant as the heat of the Dire Miralis courses through me and quickly dispersing itself.

[DNA Absorption]

Dire Miralis DNA 

Mutations Gained: N/A

'Too bad, though, having it in the first place isn't that bad anyway. Now, let's try to finish up my hunting. After all this, I want to see my inner world.' I then go back to my teleport fest and continue to eat anything that might hold a semblance of being new.

[DNA Absorption]

Blangonga DNA Lao-Shan Lung DNA Ashen Lao-Shan Lung DNA Yama Tsukami DNA Plesioth DNA Hypnocatrice DNA Mizutsune DNA Amatsu DNA Astalos DNA Aurora Somnacanth DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'It seems that Deviants don't count, which is honestly a little relieving and also makes a bit of sense, but I seem to be entering what I remember to be the new monsters, so I should almost be done.' as a smile creeps itself on my face to be almost done with all of this while also being a little sad about it as well before teleporting around again.

[DNA Absorption]

Almudron DNA Aknosom DNA Bishaten DNA Blood Orange Bishaten DNA Espinas DNA Flaming Espinas DNA Gaismagorm DNA Goss Harag DNA Lunagaron DNA Magma Almudron DNA Magnamalo DNA Malzeno DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'Well, I wasn't expecting to eat a vampiric dragon or what was considered an arch-demon, though I have to be honest, they looked absolutely amazing and so much better in real life.' as I nod my head over the looks of the two beasts as I go back on my hunting fest.

[DNA Absorption]

Somnacanth DNA Thunder Serpent Narwa DNA Violet Mizutsune DNA Wind Serpent Ibushi DNA Nakarkos DNA Valstrax DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'Nice, I have everything besides Fatalis and Alatreon, which now brings up the fact that I need to address that I sense five Fatalis' with three being damn old. The other two are just now being born.' I remember the look I got from a Fatalis near the Tower.

'I will deal with the one at Castle Schrade first before going to the giant volcano near it where I sensed the other.' I teleport to the top of a mountain near the castle and see the Fatalis immediately wake up as I appear. It was causing me to see its incredibly sadistic eyes as they met mine.

"I forgot how small you were. I remember you being so much bigger." I say to the Fatalis, which noticeably pisses it off as it then lets out a torrent of flames which I teleport out of the way of as I then see it melt through the mountain I was on, making me double-take for a second.

"Small but Feisty. I can respect that, honestly, though it is to be said that I dwarf everything that lives here besides Zorah Magdaros." I say to Fatalis as it becomes more pissed off before letting out a black fireball that lands as an explosion right to my side that caused about a fifty-meter-wide crater.

"Okay, I will stop joking now, though. Since you are small, I feel like I'm bullying a kid, so I will just kill you quickly." I then trap Fatalis in place with my Spatiokinesis before using my Pyrokinesis to gather the flames that Fatalis used and make a long spear of black flames. I then send it through Fatalis, killing what was a legendary dragon in a mere moment.

'That was just sad, really.' I then eat Fatalis in a quick bite before teleporting into the massive volcano with the Crimson Fatalis. "I hope you will be harder to kill. After all, you are supposed to be legends." I say to the Crimson Fatalis, which instantly turns towards me and flies by like a flash of lightning, to which I just open my mouth and eat in a quick bite.

'So this one was just outright stupid. Maybe Dire Miralis and Zorah Magdaros will be the strongest things I will fight here now. Let's just go and kill the White Fatalis. That way, I can go fight Alatreon.' I teleported above the Tower, where I felt the sight of the White Fatalis as it looked up at me with a look of tiredness but also sadism.

"I would assume you are the Fatalis that actually destroyed castle Schrade after all; after all, the other two were both pretty weak," I say to the White Fatalis as I see it practically sighs before appearing behind me and hitting me with a bolt of red lightning, which I easily absorb like a small shock.

"You are pretty weak as well, it seems. Well, let's get this over with then." Gracebane cuts off the wing of the Fatalis. I grab it with my telekinesis and eat it in quick succession as I just sigh before looking around.

[DNA Absorption]

Fatalis DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'To be expected, and it seems that the three I killed were just them in different parts of their life cycle, with the first Fatalis being the youngest and the White Fatalis obviously being the oldest.' I looked around and wondered why I was concerned about these guys in the first place before teleporting in front of Alatreon.

"You seem stronger than Fatalis and the only one to have every element, which seems to have helped stabilize the others." As I look over the Alatreon, which should be weaker than Fatalis based on lore, it also seems to be unaffected by its elements, with them all being stable, which shouldn't be possible.

The Alatreon turned around as it heard me using its new water element before freezing it into a spike that almost went through my head. "You being elementally stable is quite concerning, honestly." I then get a torrent of black flames, which it also shouldn't have, before it quickly appears behind me, striking down with lightning, which I absorb as usual.

'This battle won't last very long anyways, even with it being elementally stable, though seeing a monster with all five elements is quite cool.' As I eat it, I turn my head and shut my jaw around the dragon, causing it to be skewered by my teeth.

[DNA Absorption]

Alatreon DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'Expected now. I believe that was everything from here, and I should probably check my quest tab finally.' I opened up the system and finally closed all the DNA Absorption windows, seeing that the quest was to kill the four most dangerous Elder dragons, which were Xeno'jiiva, Dire Miralis, Fatalis, and Alatreon.

'Well, it's a good thing I was going to do that anyway, and to be honest, the Alatreon was more threatening than any of the Fatalis' since it could use every element and be stable.' as I claim the Knowledge reward and see that I have eaten every monster besides Dalamadur.

'How did I forget about Dalamadur? That monster is cool as hell and the only thing that can match me in size well in length, that is, but nonetheless, how.' I teleport into a giant mountain range and see a Dalamadur come flying out like a sandworm from the dune.

'Yep, still cool.' The Dalamadur sees me and starts to dig towards me, and I just get a small smug smile as I use my Geokinesis mixed with my Magnetokinesis and crush the giant monster like dropping a hundred-pound weight on your pinkie.

'damn, that felt kind of cruel.' I sense the now zigzagged body of the once straight Dalamadur with its body having several sharp turns and several bones poking out of it with several innards spilling out into its tunnel as I compress the now dead Dalamadur and eat it quickly before leaving the sad and gruesome scene.

[DNA Absorption]

Dalamadur DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'I didn't think it would be that bad.' I go into my inner world to see the chaos that is ensuing with the new two hundred monsters. 'Maybe eating every species and its sub-species wasn't that good idea.' I watch dragons clash with Rathians and Rathalos and easily get killed, with the MUTOs doing their best to stop fights as I just see a Rodan and Zorah Magdaros chilling in the distance.


{A/N Well, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, though I would like to apologize for how much the system was in this chapter as there were a lot of things to eat here as there were 150 things he ate, though that number may be slightly off.

Though I would like to say I remember Fatalis being a lot bigger; who decided that measuring every monster in cm on the wiki is an absolute menace? It should be in feet or meters, not cm. It was an absolute atrocity to calculate. Not actually. I just used a size calculator, but still.

Why would they make Fatalis so small? It is pretty much the size of an average monster, while the other Elder Dragons are twice or triple that size. I completely forgot how small everything was and didn't realize until Fatalis; I just remembered Zorah being huge.

By the way, Zorah is a goat, bro, and he can probably install and kill a Fatalis without issue. Dire Miralis is also really cool. I also believe you guys weren't expecting the new weapon I gave our man. I plan on making it his only weapon and a growth type so that it will be a masterpiece.

I will now put the usual below, so I hope you all enjoyed it. I already hate the idea of including pictures. Also, I will put down everything Gracebane can do under the quest.


Species: Devouring Leviathan

Name: Livyatan

OG Name: Cameron

Titles: Legend Slayer, The Winged Storm +10

Length: 543m (1781FT)

DNA Assimilated: 536


[Legend Slayer]


1: Kill Fatalis

2: Kill Alatreon

3: Kill Dire Miralis

4: Kill Xeno'jiiva

5: Explore


1: Unique Mutation

2: Memory Influx

3: Knowledge



Name: Gracebane

Enchantments: Bloodbound, Self-repairing, Form Shifting, Vampirism, Elemental Damage, Intangible, Magic Conductor, and Devastator.