
Ch 30: False King Falls

" talking "

' thinking '

[ System ]

{ Author Note }

'You're welcome, Kong, and you can keep the boulder. By the way, I will see you soon, so bye, my big monkey friend.' I say through the link before I close it, morph back into my normal form, and teleport away.

'Well, that was fun, though I feel like annoying Kong will no longer be fun if he always is like that, as he just seems like a kid trying to have fun but forced to be an adult.' I look over the land around me and decide to do what I did before napping as I wait for the events of the next movie. That way, I can have some more fun again.

I then morph into a mole, as I do when I sleep. I start burrowing into the ground and make myself a small and cozy home to sleep and wait in to pass the time while fighting Ghidorah.

(Godzilla's POV)

'He is such a strange and annoying titan, though thankfully he is unlike Ghidorah; still, he can at least be kind enough not to annoy me.' I walk over the ice of Antarctica and towards where Ghidorah is sealed.

'Well, it's good to see him still in the ice, especially with the recent disturbances within the last two years and how rifts have been forming towards Axis Mundi.' I then turn away from Ghidorah and head back towards the ocean to swim back to my lair.

'But I don't know what I will be doing with him. He just seems to appear and annoy me when he pleases, and it is very annoying how he just watched me fight the Ion Dragon. Yes, I could handle it alone, but help would have been nice nonetheless.' I quickly arrive at my lair and cozy myself into the once-grand city.

'Maybe I'm just putting too much thought into it, and I can finally just sleep. But knowing how the Humans have been acting, I won't be able to for very long, but some is better than nothing.' I start to fall asleep quickly as I absorb the radiation emitting around me.

(Kong's POV)

'Livyatan sure is a strange friend, though he was nice enough to show me how to play catch and become my friend, though it is very boring being here by myself.' as I finish punching in the head of a Skull Crawler and then tearing off the tentacles of a Mire Squid to which I start to eat for breakfast quickly.

'It was nice of him to let me keep the boulder as well though I wonder if he will show me something else cool next time as well. Maybe we can even do some hunting together. After all, getting rid of the Skull Crawlers is always a priority.' I do a quick stretch and scratch my back slightly as I walk toward where the Iwi tribe.

(Ishirō Serizawa POV)

'Who is this new MUTO? There is no history of it, and it just appeared in Hawaii before following Godzilla to San Francisco to help kill the MUTOs. He beforehand teleports all of the citizens out of the city, preventing minimal deaths and removing the military as well. That way, no one gets in the way.' I continue to watch the tape of G-day for the hundredth time and look over many folders on my desk to see if there are any records of this MUTO.

'He even returns the city back as well after repairing the city back to its previous state besides the destruction of cars and interior work, which is fine, but even that much saved the country millions on that fact alone and even was able to promote plant growth all over the city though that also could have been the work of the Muto's.' as I watch how the MUTO grabs all the surrounding rumble around him with what looks like Telekinesis before fixing the buildings and then walking back towards the ocean and swimming away.

'This MUTO is classified just as deadly as Godzilla and Monster Zero, if not more so by the fact he can use teleportation and Telekinesis while also having a form of being able to breathe fire like a dragon.' as I write down several notes to my already extensive collection of them added to the folder as I watch the clip again of how he roasted the male Muto.

'What is most terrifying is how he seems to communicate with Godzilla to the point they are working on a near-perfect wavelength.' As I finish watching the fight again, I then close the video and the folder I have for this MUTO and head toward one of my many coworkers.

(MC's POV)

'Is it already time to wake up? I feel like I just went to sleep.' As I crawl out of my burrow and feel the ground around me rumble constantly, I look into the sky and see Rodan flying through the air. This quickly wakes me up as I morph into my normal form and race into the ocean.

'How come whenever I wake up, it's always when shit starts and not beforehand.' I swim quickly through the water and see Rodans eyes meet Ghidorahs. He charges towards him without fear but quickly ends up beaten and thrown into the water.

'Well, that is a little sad, but it is fitting. At least he was brave enough to fight him at all, really.' I swim past Rodan in the water and towards Ghidorah while seeing Godzilla to the side as he swims out of the water and drags Ghidorah into the ocean with him as they start to fight and tear at each other.

'You need some help, big man.' I say to Godzilla through a link as I charge towards the both of them and slam my tail into the back of Ghidorah, which quickly breaks the skin and causes my poison to enter his blood quickly, causing Ghidorahs eyes to widen as he struggles more and release mass amounts of electricity through the water which I happily absorb as I bite into his middle neck with Godzilla doing the same while biting on his left neck.

'Thanks for coming and actually helping this time,' Godzilla says through the link as we both start to tear off a neck each. I then quickly sense a missile heading towards us, which I identify as the Oxygen Destroyer. I then tear off Ghidorahs middle head, causing him to scream out, but do nothing else, do to my poison.

'I will be right back, big man.' I turn away from the fight and jump out of the water before the missile can come into contact with the water and swallow it in a quick bite, causing it to explode in my stomach and making me release a loud burp and shoot my backward slightly.

'It's a good thing I have Devouring Maw. Otherwise, I would probably be dead.' as I correct my positioning in the water and head back to the fight, I see Ghidorah being overwhelmed. The life in his eyes quickly fleets as Godzilla charges an atomic breath and gives his signature kiss of death down Ghidorahs mouth, which finishes his final head and leaves him dead.

'Well, that must have been much easier than ever before, right, big man.' I say to Godzilla as he looks at me tiredly and just nods. I then see Ghidorah with his heads back and his wings wrapped around Godzilla as he starts to release electricity into Godzilla, sending him into shock and causing him to pass out. Ghidorah then turns to me but first flies out of the water and lets out an Alpha call.

I then quickly dive towards Godzilla and teleport him to his lair. I swim up to the surface of the water and jump out of it like a missile, heading towards Ghidorah. I bite into his wing and tear the bottom of it, but then watch it quickly heal back.

'God dammit, this was supposed to be easy, but of course, this had to go against the plan.' I freeze the ocean below me to make solid ground and let out a roar towards Ghidorah as he starts a giant storm around him like the one that he was in when he fought Rodan.

"You think I'm scared of a bit of lightning, you oversized retarded eel," I yell, releasing an ear-shattering roar after it, causing Ghidorahs attention to focus on me more than he already did as I freeze the ocean around us for a mile and cover myself in purple flames while making the waves in the ocean become incredibly rowdy, forming Tidal Waves that keep hitting the ice platform but not going any further.

'You dare call me an eel,' Ghidorah says to me through a link he formed, causing a hungry and menacing grin to form on my face. The flames on my body then turn to a hot white, forming a giant pair of wings as I release grey smoke around me and stare at the giant hydra.

'Yeah, what are you going to do about it? After all, your electricity does nothing to me.' I say through the link, causing a grimace to form on his three heads. He then starts charging gravity beams at me, to which I flare my flame wings, and my electricity starts to jump off my body in excitement.

'Let's get to it jackass.' I yell through the link as I cut it from my end and release an atomic breath toward Ghidorah, which he easily tanks. Ashe then releases three Gravity beams towards me, which I happily absorb, causing a frown on his face as I charge towards him and start to fly, leaving a trail of smoke behind me.

He then slaps me in the face with one of his tails, which sends me into my ice platform, causing cracks to form all along it, causing me to smile slightly as I fix it and see on his back where I hit him with my tail is still festering but much slower than it was when it first went in.

I then charge back into the air as I release a shot of amber toward him, causing a glob of it to attach to his wing. This causes him to miss balance himself for a second before quickly fixing it. He dives toward me and grabs me with his claws, which I easily sear with my flame coat. I then make my spines shoot straight into his claws, causing him to quickly drop me but see that the poison is already administered.

Causing a giant grin to form on my face as I see Ghidorah gain the face that he is down with it but also realize that this is a terrible match-up for him as he tries to find a way he can kill me or at least make me submit but sees a spark show on my eye as I run towards the giant flying eel and bite his wings and show a crazy grin as I teleport the both of us into my inner world.

'Let's see how well you can fight in my domain, little eel.' I tell him through a quick link as I see in the distance that Jörmungandr is raising his head and looking in our direction. I then come up with a beautiful idea as I tell Jörmungandr through the Hivemind to kill Ghidorah, which he quickly agrees to as he then brings his head over, which quickly terrifies Ghidorah as Jörmungandr then bites him clean in half, leaving a shocked and horrified face on the flying eel as its body falls to the floor and Jörmungandr then spitting out the other half out as he then returns to his duties.

'Thank you, Jörmungandr.' I say through the Hivemind and get a quick you're welcome before I get down in front of the corpse of Ghidorah, turn his body into a meat cube, and eat him a quick bite, leaving the former usurper as nothing more than a quick snack.

[DNA Absorption]

Titanus Ghidorah DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'Well, that is disappointing, but I guess that's also to be expected since I can already do everything he can and much more, and I now believe I made that fight too easy for myself. After all, I covered myself in white-hot flames and gave him a poison that nulled his every move.' I then teleported out of my inner world, back to where my battlefield was, and teleported Godzilla onto it.

'See, big man, he now is no longer a problem and even better dead, but first, I need to get you back into shape so you can see your girlfriend, as she will be appearing in a bit.' I say through a link to Godzilla as I rest one of my hands onto his back and channel radiation into him and see him quickly start to heal from his internal organs from being fried slightly.

'Thank you, but first off, Mothra isn't my girlfriend, and me becoming king again is a more pressing matter. After all, he was able to let out his alpha call before you killed him.' Godzilla tiredly stands up, which no form of healing can fix, as he charges his atomic breath and lets out a deafening alpha call. His atomic breath lights up the entire sky more than it already is and dispels the storm all around us.

'That is amazing to watch every time.' I then sense several MUTOs calm down from their previous frantic actions after being awakened and see Rodan fly over and come to challenge Godzilla. We both stare him down quickly, causing him to realize that he is an idiot.


{A/N Well, I hope you guys have liked the chapter, and I would like to say we are nearing the end of his stay here. There are only about four or five more chapters before the next world, and he can now choose where he goes next.

But that aside, I would like to say that I quite enjoyed the fight scene, but I could have made it better if I hadn't cloaked him in fire. Then I also realized that no matter what, this was a very bad losing match for Ghidorah. Even if he did bite him, he would get acidic and molten blood in his mouth, and his lightning would do nothing because of his high resistance to it and his own use of it, so Ghidorah had like no chance.

But I will now be putting the usual below, so I hope you all enjoyed it.


Species: Devouring Leviathan

Name: Livyatan

Titles: Kings Guard, Flaming Disaster +8

Length: 331m (1085ft)

DNA Assimilated: 263


[Makings of a King]


1: Kill Ghidorah (COMPLETE)

2: Help Godzilla (COMPLETE)

3: Prevent the death of Mothra (COMPLETE)

4: Explore


1: Unique Mutation

2: Memory Influx

3: Knowledge

[Return to Monke]


1: Kill Skar King

2: Help King Kong


1: Random Mutation

2: World Kit

[Be a Pest]


1: Annoy Godzilla (COMPLETE)

2: Annoy King Kong


1: Random Mutation

2: Mothra's Favor