

"Mr. Hanged Man, can you repeat the address again once more? I'm afraid that my memories will fail me"

"No problem." Alger was very pleased with Audrey's seriousness as he repeated the address once more.

After which Justice spoke about tarot cards but Hector lost interest and his mind wandered.

"Alright, that will be all for today's gathering," The Fool spoke in a deep voice.

"By your will." Alger bowed his head respectfully.

"By your will." Audrey mimicked The Hanged Man.

"By your will." Hector bowed right after them.

As The Fool severed the connection, he said with a smile, "Let us look forward to the next gathering."


Resting in his room after he returned back he found himself in his room, the crimson glow in Hector's eyes fading.

In the next moment, the rusted metal key that he held in his hand shattered and the fragments from the key evaporated completely. In a few seconds, there were no longer any traces left that suggested the existence of the key.

"So that was the reason why the rusted key remained all this time. It is a good thing that it was not misplaced or lost."

Then he saw a key emerge on Hector's palm as a tattoo. Next moment it faded rapidly until it was seemingly absorbed by the flesh, and vanished completely in the process leaving nothing behind. Hector marveled at the situation as he forgot about it.

Hector then decided to go downstairs and ordered some late lunch for himself from his chef. He had cravings for something meaty.

The chef had prepared him a steak with baked potatoes. Hector ordered it rare as he enjoyed it more on the bloodier side.

After lunch, Hector waited for a few hours and left for East borough to see a dog fighting arena run by Street Rats.

When he left the carriage he saw a now familiar scene. Decrepit buildings patched by pieces of wood and cloth, people drained of their vitality, joy, and drive.

But the difference from other times was that he could also see people with better clothes on them. Even some rich people that he saw in a few charities that the late Hector participated in.

People liked to show themself as merciful, kind, and benevolent people and some were but even they have that darker corner in their hearts.

What is more enjoyable than seeing others, be they human or animal fight to the death?

From what Hector saw authorities in East borough knew about these dog fights as he spotted one hiding in the alley.

They would not care if only the people of East borough would participate but when richer people came from other districts they at least bothered to send one officer.

They of course didn't shut it down, and why would they when they themselves will get the cut from the profit? And why not let people scratch that cruel and wicked itch by watching animals suffer rather than seeking it somewhere else?

Many sons and daughters of rich businessmen could be found here, and even a few of older generations.

Hector tried to stay away from those people that he knew and entered the building where the people congregated.

When he entered he saw a much nicer room than he imagined. Red carpets were laid on the ground while windows from the outside were boarded with wooden planks from the inside he could see crimson curtains with golden embroidery.

At the end of the room, he could see reception. There he saw three women that wore black and white uniforms smiling kindly.

People would come to them and from what Hector saw and then pay entrance fees and exchange money for some type of chips.

Then Hector took his place in the line and waited for his turn. After paying and exchanging five pounds for the chips he was let in through the door on his right. Hector walked through the hall and at the end he saw an arena where fights would happen.

The arena was just a big circle with wooden planks serving as walls, around which he saw a wooden makeshift stadium. When he took his seat he saw people with trays of food and alcoholic drinks passed between the seats offering to the people.

When he saw that most of the seats were taken two bulky men entered the arena. Each of them holding a leash with a dog at the end barking and growling wildly. Hector could see scars on them and they did not look like they were inflicted by biting but from whip slashes.

The first one has brown fur while the second one had equally brown fur but with darker spots. Their bodies were muscular and with every move, Hector could see their whole body tense up.

"Bets! Please say your bets!" Hector heard a man yell while holding trays that were strapped to him with cloth and on them were pieces of paper and some coins. He then walked by the people and took their bets and write them on the paper which he then return.

The man wearing more colorful clothes entered and went on the stage that Hector only saw now which was on the other side of the room.

"Good day ladies and gentlemen. Today we have prepared for you a show of action, thrill, and most importantly Blood!" When he finished he gave a signal to two men holding dogs who in response released the leash from the dogs at the same time.

Hector saw those two dogs run at each other and slam one another in full force. Without waiting for any second they started to bite and tear at each other.

The crowd started to cheer up the dog which they betted on. Hector himself put his bet on the one without spots.

He then heard a yelp from people around him when one of the dogs lost an ear when it was bitten by the other one. Hector looked around himself and he could see people's faces filled with excitement and joy when they saw the blood gushing.

Hector thought that he would feel more when he saw them fight. In his eyes, there was no meaning to this. He felt no excitement nor anger, not even disgust.

They fought in the arena just for the entertainment of people. What do they feel when they survive? Do they feel triumph, the excitement of defeating a stronger foe?

No. They are just contented to live, unbeknown to them that their victory is meaningless and shortlived.

If they would send a person with nothing but a dagger to fight to the death then he would feel something, but this was not it.

Hector then stood up and with the excuse of needing to go to the toilet started to explore the building.

He was looking for some hidden way in and out that he could use when he would later return with fire. There were a few windows that could be easily accessed if needed.

"Come here, you stupid runt!" Hector could hear from one of the rooms.

"ruff, ruff" Small barking was the answer that was said back.

When he walked closer he saw a man standing over a small black dog who now lay on the ground shakingly trying to stand up.

Whimpering could be heard from the other puppy next to it.

"Good day sir. I just came from the bathroom and heard a commotion." Hector spoke as kindly as he could. "It seems those dogs are giving you trouble?"

When the man heard him Hector saw him straighten up in surprise. Then he looked at Hector angrily and spoke "And how's that your business?"

"Just curious." Hector said as he looked straight into his eyes spooking the man once more. "huh... Just teaching these runts some lessons for disobedience. They are spawns from our best fighters and yet they act like wimps. This way they will be worthless."

"Worthless you say?" When he saw their eyes he could not disagree more. They just hate you. He thought as he started to speak. "If they are so worthless why won't you sell them?"

"Sell them? Who would by whimpers without any bloodline and training." He retorted and Hector had already decided.

"I would buy them for you," Hector spoke as he was still looking at the puppies struggling to stand up, but still not giving up.

Goody good shoe. But if he has money... The man thought and then he spoke. "They are not best but they are still from our best breed. So 100 pounds for them both would be fair."

100 pounds? Hector thought but in the end, decided to pay and took it. When he went and put his hands close to them the bigger one started to growl.

Hector then stopped moving and let them sniff his hand. When they calmed down and even licked his fingers he took them into his hands and started to leave the building.

When he was leaving some people would give him a strange look but he just ignored them. After calling for a carriage he went home and thought about how should he explain these two dogs to Albert.