

Hector walked home and decided to not take a carriage as it was a rare sight when fog did not block the view of the stars.

He thought about his next steps ' Tomorrow is a tarot gathering, it is still one of the preliminary ones so there are not that important. Only when the sun joins will there be a stream of beyonder ingredients.

'Then there is an exploration of an unknown tomb with people from gathering led by Eye of Wisdom. I wonder what treasures there are and what dangers will we face. And if I will need to kill them afterward to keep it all for myself.

'I mustn't forget to visit the Thomson family for tea, smoke, and poker night. After my last visit to their ball where I have lost some memories, I don't feel safe going there, but I somehow know it should be all right.

'No matter. I should call myself afterward with goodnight of hunting and terrorizing gangsters, that can get one's heart pumping.

'And it is about time to visit Hilbert, it was a few days from his last visit. Bank business is not for me but it brings good money so as the owner I should at least hire someone to manage it for me.'

When he finally came to his home he entered without being seen by his servants and then he sneaked to his room.

It was a long day so Hector changed his clothes for a nightgown and went to his bed for some hard-deserved sleep. While looking at the ceiling he was observing pipes that reminded him of spiderwebs that were encompassing the whole ceiling and left wall. When they build it there was at least some effort to hide it in the walls but the ceilings were laid bare.

Hector or more precisely Vilkar came from a world without steam, his world had oil and so industrial evolution changed the direction that development took.

As he watched the connections between pipes his mind started to wander as he fell asleep.


In his dream, Hector could see a tall twelve-story white building with many more around it. He saw parks and lakes that he traveled to in his childhood. Then he saw a river that was running through the city, he remembered from his parents that in the coldest of winters it used to freeze and people could walk through it.

Hector then thought about his parents, his ever-loving mother, and his father. His siblings whom he was often angry at but still loved. His older sister whom he loved the most when they explored mysteries of forests and old ruins, even if sometimes he felt like hitting her with something heavy when she get on his nerves. His older brother was there when he was in any kind of trouble with others. They must be beyond themself with worry or sorrow.

But then he realized 'Wait, will they? When did I transmigrate exactly, and how old was I? Was I old, or was I young? I have memories of childhood, youth, and old age, but somehow few of them feel like they did not happen but could have if fate would have been kinder.'

Hector could feel that he misses them but he knew that now things are better, he has a new future before him. It reminded him of a song. As he thought about it he started to hear it all around himself

"Follow the path

To where no one's ever been

Don't turn around

Until you reach the end

Across the sea

And beyond the distant lands

The world awaits

So don't make any plans

There you go

There you go...."

Hector marveled at the world around him and realization had hit him, he is sleeping. This is his dream, and that's why it is responding to his will.

"So I'm lucid dreaming? Usually, you need help from beyonder of audience pathway to achieve it without trying.

"Is it possible that those memories had awakened me and made me more perceptive, or was it chains that are somehow more and more pronounced? I don't know, and now it doesn't matter, right now I need to digest those memories of my past."

Hector tried to calm his mind of any thoughts and then started to cogitate.

When he fully entered cogitation state he could feel more memories enter his mind, he remembered how he played with toys in kindergarten, how he felt when he got Bloodborne and tried to defeat Father Gascoigne only with Threaded Cane as he thought at the time how cool weapon was.

How he died again and again, until finally, he won, even now he could feel those emotions of victory. And after DLC came he always played arcane build. Ps. for early weapons go to the dungeon with a chalice which you get after the blood-starved beast. Which you can defeat with a flame thrower and a few pungent blood cocktails. On the second floor of the chalice dungeon, you can find two enemies who hold flaming weapons, and they drop gems that transform the scaling of your weapons to that of arcane and will deal fire damage. I just love Bloodborne.

And then memory with strong emotions started to flood his mind. He remembers screams, despair, and helplessness. He remembers his death.

Vilkar was traveling in the bus when a few people jumped in with a gun yelling at the passengers to stay seated at giving their belongings to them.

One of them went to the bus driver to not stop and continue driving based on his directions.

But then something went wrong as the man who was with the bus driver shot him and his body fell and his leg stomped on the accelerator, his body moving wheel to the side. Buss started to speed up and violently turned to the side until the whole bus started to tilt until it fell on its left side.

Vilkar was thrown to his right but when the bus flipped he started to fall on the glass that shattered under which concrete was moving at a fast speed. Luckily he was able to hold himself thanks to the metallic wall, only his face was right before the ground. But then he could feel others fall on him, pushing him down. Pieces of glass were buried into his palms as he tried to hold himself up.

He tried to hold his body from falling to the ground which was passing with great speed thanks to still moving bus.

Hector could feel his cheek touch the ground. His skin had torn away, layer by layer. Until his bone screeched as it too was being ground away.

Hector screamed as tears flowed from his eyes. He was able to see the source of his suffering from where he was. He could see the man who shot the bus driver and he cursed him from bottom of his heart.

But then he lost vision in his left eye as nearly half of his face was gone. For Vilkar it felt like an eternity but in reality, it was only a few seconds, his struggle meaningless, his power insufficient.

He felt his mind slipping as concrete started to get to his brain, but how could he die, how could he permit it? Was he to die here squished by others and grounded by the concrete?

'Why... what did I do? NO. It is their fault... it is their doing... those disgusting beings... unworthy of existence.... they must pay... those filthy sinners..." Vilkar thought as his mind started to shut off as darkness was enveloping him, he was falling into The Last Dream, his Destined Death.

"Well we can't have that..." at the end he could hear an aetherial voice echoing in his ears.