

The next morning when Hector woke up and went to have breakfast he saw Albert coming over.

"Good morning master Hector. Today is a banquet hosted by the Thomson family," he said politely

"I see. And you said that you already prepared the gift?" Hector remembered their previous conversation.

"Bottle of Southville red wine sir."Albert replayed without hesitation

"What can you tell me about the Thomson family?" Hector wanted to be prepared for the banquet

"Thomson family-run trading business. They operate their ships on trading routes to the Intis republic. Their most profiting commodities are alcohol and exotic spices." Albert stopped for a second to not overwhelm Hector with information and then continued.

"William Thomson is the patriarch of the family. He is a strict and proud man, but from what I have heard he has a kind heart, especially towards the children. He often donates to charities that aim at impoverished children and orphans. He is also a supporter of the New party.

The name of his late wife was Mary but she passed a few years back.

As his age is catching up to him he is preparing to transfer control to his son James Thomson. He is an ambitious man. I have heard that his goal is to raise his family to noble status." Albert spoke of leading members of the family and then he moved to rest.

"Anna Thomson is the wife of James and is in charge of accounting of the family business. She is a stout believer in the God of Steam and Machinery. They together have two children boy named George and a girl name Alice.

"William Thomson has one more son Henry Thomson. He is the younger brother of James Thomson and is the black sheep of family. While James continued in the family business he decided to leave his family and become an adventurer at the sea."

Then Albert spoke about how mentioning Henry Thomson wouldn't be the wisest thing to do.

When Albert finished introducing the Thomson family he went on to have breakfast and started to prepare for the banquet which was held in the afternoon.

When it was time to leave he rode his carriage and arrived at the Thomson residence.

When he left the carriage he saw a magnificently lit fountain that was sloshing with water, he buttoned his tailcoat and walked down the carriage before strolling to the house's main entrance.

Albert went with him as Hector didn't have valet. Hector didn't want one as it would make it only harder for him to hide certain facts from him.

And so Albert walked behind Hector while holding red wine that was meant as a gift for the host of the banquet.

When Hector passed the main door he saw James Thomson and his wife Anna Thomson walk over to welcome him.

The former was wearing a dark grey suit with a white shirt underneath. The latter was wearing a red long dress with golden lace.

"I'm sorry for my late arrival," Hector said politely even thou though it was the norm. This was because the masters of the house might still be busy with the final preparations for the ball. As it would be the worst time for them to entertain guests, of course one should not be late by more than ten minutes.

Hector thought that if they need to make final preparation at the last minute they should have started sooner. And let's be honest, how much can they do in ten minutes? But he couldn't criticize them too much as he never planned a banquet before so he doesn't know exactly what it entails.

Good thing that he had those memories from the original Hector. He would come early as a sign of respect.

"It's fine, the ball hasn't officially begun," Jason spoke and looked at the bottle of wine that Albert handed to him. Then he gave it to his valet before he smiled and nodded.

Hector had brought a gift for the host in Loen's high society engagements when they attended their first ball. Alcohol is universally most welcomed, 9 out of 10 times it is the right option. Going to the ball? Alcohol. Meeting pirates? Alcohol. Making business with gangsters? Of course alcohol. Trying to kill someone? Poisoned alcohol. Celebrating a sober person's anniversary of abstinence? Alcohol, but this may be the one in ten that is wrong.

After greeting Jason, Hector looked toward Ma'am Anna and saw that she had raised her hand slightly. And so, he took one step forward and lifted her palm and bent his back to kiss it.

Loen's hand-kissing etiquette required the lady to gesture that it was possible before a gentleman could do the kiss.

Hector felt few emotions in his heart but he followed none of them. First was to look into her eyes and spit on the floor, as a sign of disrespect but he easily disregarded such thoughts. The second one was slightly harder at that because it was ruled by his lust. But still, he wanted to be seen as a gentleman and so he remained polite. And last he felt only for a split second but still, he felt a strong desire to slice and rip someone's throat.

It came to his attention that after consuming the potion all of his desires were enhanced. Be it any carnal desire for money, food, drink, or woman.

He knew that he can't fully give himself to his desires because that will lead to corruption. But he can't disregard them because that too can be harmful to him. And so he needs to find a balance. To indulge but not be controlled by those desires. He found out that inflicting pain on others was the easiest fix but he will need to make more tests later. Now he needs to focus on the banquet.

After necessary compliments that were necessary for Loen's social events. Pompous 'unkind word'. Hector was led by them through the corridor and into the main hall where a pleasant tune was echoing.

Hector enjoyed this style of music, it was calming for him.

There he was introduced to their children and then he started to mingle among the guests.

Hopefully, it will end soon. I'm not one for social gatherings. Is it possible that I'm an introvert? Hector thought as he made small talk with other guests.

He then saw an older gentleman enter. Hector saw as other people stopped talking and he realized that he must be William. He wore an olive-green army officer uniform with an orange-red sash around his waist and medals hanging from his chest.

Then he saw William walk to the staircase. On the second floor, he raised a cup of red wine and said, "Thank you everyone for coming to our ball. First. let us toast the deities. They are the source of everything beautiful."

He made a triangle shape on his chest and softly praised his God. Rest his family followed in a similar manner and guests also praised the deities they believed in via their means.

Hector wasn't a religious type but followed suit to not look weird.

William continued "Secondly a toast to the kingdom. It is a stable bedrock for us all. Cheers!"

All the guests echoed in a spirited burst as they finished the drinks in their hands.

Right on the heels of that, the opening dance started.

All the gentlemen present began finding their first partners to dance. Hector finished his glass and sized up the guests.

While he was looking at the guests he was trying to find out if he remembers any of them.