
Lord of the mysteries : Lost Error

Poor young man thrown into a world where you can die without knowing why. This is fine!

KorutoV1 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


What made me realize in this situation was a huge red moon hovering above me. A man would like to ask, if you are such a fan, why did not you associate the space above the gray fog. Well, the answer is rather simple. I was in the beginning of the fight with the GREAT ETERNAL and then I was terribly tired and my thoughts were not quite put together under the pressure of all the events. My thoughts were rather simple, all I could say and once again summarize my tragic situation in a concise and easy-to-understand manner.

- I'm fucked more than I thought.

After that optimistic expression, my heart skipped as a thought popped into my head.

-How can I even live? Apparently I am a powerless man but my knowledge is greater than most gods? I should have fallen into corruption or explode right away.

-Not! Don't think about anything to do with it!

Even as I said it, I couldn't help but think. How it's possible? Could it be that the Sephirah castle protects me from corruption and that thanks to authority no one can read my thoughts? However, I remember that the original Klein did not have this skill. It boils down to thinking, how is it different from gruel? Slightly relaxing after understanding more or less the situation, I began to consider. First of all, I am a person from another universe, probably considering that I found myself in a book. This may be in line with the multiverse theory . Secondly, I fought at the very beginning, probably with the still small remains of unawakened LoM , although so far I do not understand how it is possible even under these conditions that I won. Thirdly, I sensed the connection between me and the lock beforehand, which reminds me of how klein did not have it at the beginning and entered the castle through a ritual. In conclusion, I have the impression that this may be the third reason or it may also be a bit of each condition.

Slowly accepting the position I am in, I began to observe the surroundings. I was in some dark alley straight from books, a dirty alley that can be found in every city, the only difference, even dramatic, was the corpse lying centrally next to me. Without even being surprised, although I felt a slight twist of my stomach, I started to analyze the corpse. It was a woman. Above average beauty, short hair of black color, dressed in black clothes typical to emphasize her nice curves.

Overall a good sight, but it was spoiled by the blood adorning the woman's clothes and hair and her expression of terror and betrayal in her eyes. Regardless of this, I started searching the woman for some items.

-It's fine, she's dead anyway. With a slightly trembling voice, I tried to justify my own actions.

The woman had a few things with her, first she had a large amount of cash in the form of 500 pounds, after I saw it all my guilt about robbing a corpse vanished like a dream and was replaced with overwhelming happiness.

-Yes. Although I have my life capital secured in this case.

Optimistically, I continued searching the person. She had 4 daggers hidden in the legs and sleeves, and she also had a few eye-catching items, probably mystical. One of them was a black glove, the only sign that something was wrong with the glove was signs in a mysterious language. The second item was a mask. A white mask without anything, but when you look at it, you have the impression that you can forget who you are at any moment. The third artifact is a revolver made of a metal unknown to me at that time, the revolver itself also had marks on it, as in the case of the glove it was black. When I thought about it, I had two reactions at the same time. Luck to find something so good and fear when I thought about the negative effects of these items. During this time, I felt a slight burning sensation on my chest and saw the source of all my troubles, the medallion. During this time, it vibrated slightly, and a lot of information came to my mind at once. I grabbed my head in pain and hissed slightly, complaining about my canine happiness.

After a long time, my head stopped aching and I had time to analyze the information that literally penetrated my head. First, I got information about these mystical items about their skills and side effects, and how to seal. This is very good news for me. The gauntlet is from the error track 6 sequence. Allows you to steal a beyonder 's skill for 2 minutes. The higher the sequence, the harder it is. The side effect was that each time you use the glove, it steals one of your abilities and can only be recovered if you spill your own blood.

The sealing method is not important, I have a Sephirah lock, don't I? The mask, as I suspected, is from the Fool's path sequence 6 without a face. It made it possible to change the whole body to identify with someone else. The second skill is the transfer of mage damage. The side effect is that each time you use the mask, you have to remember what you look like because over time you lose your memory of what you originally looked like. These side effects weren't terribly terrible somehow. The revolver comes from the Black Emperor's path sequence 7 briber.

The projectile can be given a bribe effect when fired. A side effect is that you can be affected by the effects of the revolver yourself. Second, the situation of the original owner of this body got into my head from the information sent to my head. His name was Frank Hanratty , he was 17, he ran away from home because he found out he was adopted when he was 15. His adopted family had mixed feelings for him, his father treated him as if he would be a tool for his plans in the future, so he didn't care too much about Frank's feelings. His mother was always kind to him and loved him with all her heart, and always argued with her husband about how he treated Frank. He also had a sister 2 years his senior and a brother his age.

Their treatment of Franc was also polar, Sister's name was Natalie and even as she found out when she was a child that Frank was adopted, she still loved him and treated him as a younger brother due to past incidents. His brother John, on the other hand, has always been rude to him, cruel and arrogant towards him.

When he found out about the adoption it only got worse. Frank himself was usually a nice person, he wanted to become a writer and publish a book that everyone would know. After escaping from home, he used his small remaining funds to try to survive, in the course of an incident he found out that there are supernatural things in this world and seeing what such people can do, he wanted to become one of them. When he had clues as to the location of one of these people, and was on his way there, a wounded woman ran into him. Thinking that he wanted to rob him, he pulled out a dagger and attacked her himself, striking her heart with a dagger. They both bled to death.

- Yeaaah …. I have had a hard life so far from a different perspective.

By muttering to himself, Frank tried to calm down. Aside from my idiocy of running away from home, I have decided to go directly to a free beyonder without any insurance. It was on the level of a baboon with curly hair. Quietly making fun of Frank, he tried to accept it all. Memories of Frank and Jacek slowly merged into one. Something akin to Klein only without a fight due to the authority of the castle of the Sephirah.

Recalling what Frank was in, he immediately got up, preparing to cover up all traces of this incident and to flee the place. The woman was injured while running, so she probably got into a fight with some beyonder , analyzing her equipment, we can say that she was not weak, so that she was reduced to such a degree, it says about the strength of the opponent which, of course, Frank would not be able to cope with. At that time, a strange crystal emerged from the woman's body, which had a scratch resembling a clock on it.

-Beyonder characteristic!

Screaming it in his heart, he quickly picked up the quality and tucked it into the pocket of the coat he was wearing. After that, he took the woman's body by throwing it into a ditch near Frank. Slightly manipulating the gray fog, it surrounds her around the woman for a moment so that it is impossible to foretell anything or make a spiritual connection. Then he quickly started walking towards his home. Reaching the district, Cherwood walked neither slowly nor quickly to his home. In the process, Frank couldn't help but admire the place because of Jack's memories.

Although there weren't a lot of people anymore due to the night the scenery itself wasn't bad. A native of a steampunk game. No billboards, no neon lights and other all-night accessories, only lamps that lightly illuminate the night landscape. There are terraced buildings around, most of it looks the same. A diametrical difference compared to 2022 in the times of Jacek in the era of advanced technology. Reaching his home at last, unable to help himself, Frank sighs in relief as if the weight on his back has been lifted. With a slight smile, Frank opens the door to his house, softly speaking ..

-Finally home.