
lord of tainted love

All he wanted was love, to be accepted by all, but it was never to be even upon his death. However as a soul in this dark abyss between worlds he is pulled to a different universe, and in this universe, he will get what he wanted. Love. No matter what it takes, he will be loved. I’m bad at this, anyway this is an AU or whatever it is called, because I think it would be funny to make a mess of things with me barely remembering things.

Human_Chaos · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

What Is Even Happening

Note of madness.

What a mess I have created, I am not sure where I even am with timeline, because I think future and past events are happening when they shouldn't, whatever. The fanfic was meant to be a mess from the start anyways because I found it funny, now it's funny and annoying. I honestly have no idea why I do this to myself. Whatever let's continue this. Have a picture of a lizard, if I remember.


I wake up, not exactly sure what I should do, I should probably forget that even happened. Remembering that I should copy Rimuru's regeneration, I do exactly that… only for it to be taken by Yog-Sothoth, along with pain nullification… oh and youthful health as well, forgot I had that but whatever.

The skills are fused into 'Timeless physique', I think it could've gotten a better name but I don't care enough. Anyways the skill made me immortal… I think. I can't really explain, I never really was good explaining things.

It's early in morning deciding to remove myself from the over sexed bodies of my lovers and the fluids that cover us and the bed, I leave the room in search of something to do. Maybe I should finalize the relationship with Shuna, I can tell she feels left out… probably because she is.

As I wander the foggy streets of the city, I sense a soul somewhat familiar outside with several others. Ah I remember now, it was the soul of the person trying to take back the souls of the dead soldiers, he must've had some sort of imprint on them because those souls seemed somewhat similar to each other. Speaking of those souls, I forgot to gift them, I should do it once I'm done with this.

Teleporting out of the city I see a small group of people, I have been experimenting with soul manipulation recently and I found I can tear them out of bodies with a thought, maybe I should do just that… if they don't entertain me. They came all the way here, it would be a shame if the circus didn't get a chance to perform.

"What are you all doing here?" I shout at them. They stumble about seemingly surprised that I'm there, that's a overreaction of not being able to sense someone. How do I know that they don't know I'm here, I don't know… maybe it's because I deployed a space-time barrier around myself, shrouding myself from the world.

One of the clowns decided to attack me, only to be impaled by a spiked tendril I generated from my chest. I can feel that old man try to take his soul only for me to take it. "How did you survive the rift i created for you?" I speak to the old man.

"I barely survived it, the only reason I am alive is because you missed the initial attack." Hmm, well I guess that's what I get for guessing. If I'm going to be honest honest I don't really feel like letting them live anymore as I'm bored, I tear out their souls except for the old man, he had excessive damage done to his soul.

[He has also has a soul manipulating ability.]

'Oh… I guess I finally have a reason to steal a skill.'

And with that I take his skill which is absorbed into Shun-Niggurath and steal his soul.

It kinda sucks that I have a soul manipulation ability but I don't have any form of necromancy, guess I'll just have to find it. With this thought I teleport back to the bedroom, flopping onto the bed and go back to sleep cuddling my lovers, guess Shuna will have to wait a bit more.


In my dreams I think about the love I hold for the people and the love they have for me. I than remind myself that the Violet Lanterns also known as the Star Sapphire Core manipulate violet light that is powered by love, how the fuck was I not given that power.

Is it because I'm not a woman, is light of all things actually sexist, can't believe this. Or is it saying fear is stronger than love and that is why, because if it is, than I will find a way into D.C and destroy the Yellow lantern and hijack the Violet lantern.

Speaking of the Lanterns, isn't there a black one? Maybe that's how I can perform necromancy, although now that think about it, weren't all the members undead. I guess I can pose as an undead to get the black ring, what emotion does black even represent again. Maybe I just need to kill people for it.

Actually that reminds me, Rimuru said killing people and consuming their souls turns you into a Demon lord, maybe I can do that, and upon my evolution to one (if I can still evolve that is.), I will get it. The problem will be getting all those souls… I do have the thousands of souls collected by me after Smough's massacre, but I should really give them to my slimy wifey, for her and the child.

I smile to myself in delight, I really am going to be a father, it makes so happy. I start to laugh maniacally while bouncing around like a methed up kangaroo. I should get more souls for the rest of my harem and our developing children. That thought is where I stopped moving… souls. I upon Gaia to show Shub-Niggurath and focus on Soul Manipulation. I grin my laughter echoes throughout the plains of my dreamscape.

Total Soul Manipulation: allows for creation and Manipulation of souls, yon consuming a soul you will acquire the power hat belonged to it. Each soul created requires several millions of energy to form.

With my Void Generator and this I can make as many as I want, nothing will stop it. What a gift I am upon the entirety of existence. I start rolling around on the ground, full of excitement.

My excitement dies down and my mind drifts back to Lanterns of light. I can probably force myself to create their powers over light and fuse them together. And with my manipulation over emotions it will be so easy since I can force not only others to feel a certain way but also myself, if I do so and increase the intensity of them it will surely work. Although I might require a skill that is somewhat related to them, like the source of power for the Red Lanterns, rage.

[Doing so won't be hard, as the holder of a skill with wrath in its name is owned by Milim.]

Really now. I have such an easy start already, hopefully it stays that way.

With this my thoughts end and I awaken.

It has been a long time since I’ve read a comic at all, not that I have read many in the first place, maybe around five. I think the last comic I ever read was Marvel. I just know things because of fanfics and the wiki. Most things are like that for me now that I think about it, first example Tensura. is that what this is actually called… whatever, there’s no second example because I don’t care enough

Human_Chaoscreators' thoughts