
Lord of Mysteries: The Stars Return

The stars twinkle, and everything is laid bare under their gaze. A hall of stars capable of convening meetings between the Old Ones and Outer Gods. Hastur Campbell, a fallen noble, begins his legend on the path of the Black Emperor. He is the symbol of chaos and order! He is the Lord of Order! He is the origin of all the rules of the starry sky! He is the returns of the stars

audiobook_world · Anime e quadrinhos
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307 Chs

Chapter 71: The Oracle of the Mother Tree of Desire

Chapter 71: The Oracle of the Mother Tree of Desire

The vast sea, aboard the Dawn.

Inside the captain's cabin, the avatar of the Lamp God was sent back into the Wishing Lamp by the Chains of Order.

Bernadette watched silently, unable to prevent these events from unfolding. She could only maintain her composure.

The shadow of the Lamp God materialized from within the Wishing Lamp and looked at Bernadette. "Tonight, I encountered a familiar presence there—the Mother Tree of Desire."


Bernadette's expression grew serious, filled with vigilance.

"No need to be so tense. It remains trapped beyond the starry void, unable to enter this world."

"Why can it still appear there?"

"The power of that Stellar Sovereign has grown stronger. Tonight, I witnessed it crossing distant time and space to guide the Mother Tree of Desire."

At this point, the Lamp God sighed, "The Hall of Stars, where foreign gods converge—how incredible and awe-inspiring."

Bernadette was equally shaken by the mention of the Hall of Stars and the gathering of foreign gods.

According to the Lamp God, the Stellar Sovereign was steadily regaining strength. Once fully restored, wouldn't it be capable of guiding all the foreign gods in the entire universe?

No more thinking about it!

Bernadette quickly dismissed any further thoughts. She feared contamination by the knowledge and mysteries contained here—secrets related to the foreign gods that she was not yet ready to explore.

The Lamp God understood this too; it didn't want Bernadette to get into trouble. After all, she was its chosen one.

"I've learned a message from the Mother Tree of Desire. Recently, it plans to hold a divine descent ceremony within West Balam."

The Lamp God didn't directly mention its wager with the Mother Tree of Desire; otherwise, Bernadette might refuse to help.

"A divine descent ceremony?"

"Yes, the Mother Tree of Desire reached an agreement with the Stellar Sovereign. They're preparing for an attempt. If you don't want its intervention to strengthen the forces in the real world again, inform the Seven Gods Church and ask them to intervene."

Seeing Bernadette hesitate, the Lamp God added, "I haven't lied about the divine descent. If left unchecked, West Balam will be completely dominated by its power."

"Why would you choose to betray the Mother Tree of Desire?"

"As you said before, my relationship with the foreign gods beyond the stars is complicated."

"That reason alone isn't enough to convince me."

"Hehe, I simply don't want the Mother Tree of Desire's power to disrupt the balance too early. Maintaining stability until the prophesied end is what I desire."

Finally, the Lamp God reminded her, "Hurry and find the followers of the stars. Otherwise, your world won't withstand the impending apocalypse—the Stellar Sovereign will be the greatest variable."

The ethereal form of the Lamp God merged back into the Wishing Lamp, leaving Bernadette alone in the cabin to contemplate.

Based on her years of interaction with the Lamp God, it hadn't lied about the Mother Tree of Desire's divine descent. Even if there were falsehoods, it would ultimately be the Seven Gods Church dealing with it—she wouldn't join the spectacle in West Balam.


Lately, she had too many worries. Coupled with her restless sleep, she longed for the delicacies of Beckland.

After a while, Bernadette penned a letter and summoned her messenger. She would reveal this information to the Seven Gods Church once the truth of the divine descent was confirmed. They could then search for the followers of the stars on her behalf.

Rose School Headquarters.

Under the dim moonlight, a small hill hid within the forest.

Deep within the dense woods, a massive black tree rose, its canopy blocking out the sun and moon. Countless vines and branches wound around it, bearing fruit-shaped faces. These faces remained closed, swaying gently in the breeze.

At the main trunk, an indistinct figure clung to the tree, allowing the emerald green branches to envelop it as it slept.

Near the roots, a group of people gathered in a circle, their eyes filled with madness and reverence. Their leader was a middle-aged man with pale yellow, slightly curled hair. His sunken eye sockets exuded malice and madness. Thick lips bore golden nails with intricate patterns, sealing his mouth—an eerie and terrifying sight.

As the dark clouds dissipated, revealing the crimson moon, the crowd's frenzy reached its peak.

At this moment, wisps of darkness emerged from the tree, startling the dormant fruit-faced beings.

One after another, they awakened, and the entire tree trembled. A deep, dry voice echoed across the small mountain.

"West Balam, commence the divine descent."

"Go find the disciples of the stars!"

"Beware of the Stellar power!"

Three voices resounded, and the devout followers were already prostrating on the ground, trembling with excitement.

Their god, their only lord, had once again delivered an oracle!

After a while, the voice of the oracle faded, and the dense darkness dissipated. The face-fruits closed their eyes once more, and tranquility was restored.

The figure embracing the tree, its body covered in black viscous fluid, stood floating in the air, its back to the followers below, radiating a gloomy and evil aura.

Its back was covered in black liquid, and strange shapes protruded from its arms and shoulders, as if something could sprout from them.

"Mahams, you will oversee the divine descent."

"The rest of you, spread the word. All members must search for the disciples of the stars with all their might!"

With two commands issued, the middle-aged man known as Mahams respectfully led the followers away from the site.

"The power of the stars… Mother, are you wary of this force?"

A murmur, and a bloodshot eye, clear in black and white, fell from the figure, rolling on the ground, followed by a second, then a third…

Eventually, hundreds of eyes covered the ground, their dark light flickering in unison, as if searching for something.

After a moment, the figure trembled slightly, bent down, and the eyes began to weep blood before shattering into clumps of viscous flesh.

"Huff, huff… An existence that cannot be searched, a starry expanse that blocks all prying…"

It spoke with a tremble, blood trailing from the corners of its eyes. After a long time, the figure finally regained composure.

On the ground, the exploded eye-flesh transformed into blood-colored maggots, crawling up the trunk and merging back into the figure's body.


A new day begins.

Hastur rose from his bed, stretched his limbs, walked to the window, and opened it to enjoy the view of Beckland not yet shrouded in smog.

The issues with the almshouse had been completely resolved. Aside from Mr. A and the extraordinary individuals lurking in the shadows, he faced no other dangers.

Regarding the extraordinary individuals of the Fate pathway, he had an idea. As long as he didn't seek the golden box hidden by Voltaire, he shouldn't touch upon the nodes of fate.

This was his speculation based on his understanding of fate, and the accuracy should be quite high.

Since his birth, he had always had a vague feeling, which is why he had never ventured to the third floor of this house.

His spirituality must have been warning him that ascending to the third floor would likely lead to misfortune.

Now he understood that the third floor must conceal the golden box tied to fate. If he searched there, he would inevitably find it.

And that would attract the extraordinary individuals of the Fate pathway lurking in the shadows.

So, until he grew stronger, he would not seek the so-called golden box on the third floor.

Now, only the mad Mr. A was unpredictable, and Hastur was genuinely afraid of him.

Who knew what kind of surprise gift he would send next?

The last gift, the head of Bard, had drawn the attention of the Nightwatcher, forcing him to act to pass the nightmare's test.

"Ah, now I understand why most members of the Aurora Order are madmen."

It's hard for a sane person to predict what a group of madmen will do, let alone catch them.

Twenty minutes later, Hastur closed the window and went to the washroom to freshen up before heading downstairs for breakfast.

After eating, Butler Neil reported on the situation of the ancestral property.

The Campbell family's ancestral manor wasn't too large, but it held special significance, which is why the Campbell family had preserved it through generations.

Currently, the ancestral manor continued to cultivate flowers, including roses, tulips, orchids, and asters.

Its annual normal income ranged between 3,000 to 4,000 pounds, not as much as the sole large plantation left by the old butler.

That large plantation could yield over 4,000 pounds in half a year, and without any mishaps, the annual income was over 10,000 pounds.

That was Hastur's most significant source of income.

Hastur listened quietly and then instructed Neil to handle these matters.

An additional 4,000 pounds a year, plus the plantation's income and his salary as a legal advisor at the Bavalette Bank, totaled about 15,000 pounds annually.

Although this was far less than the wealth of the rich nobles, it was still well above the average household, allowing for a very comfortable and luxurious life.

It seemed like a lot, but compared to Miss Audrey, the gap was evident.

Even if he saved 15,000 pounds a year without spending a penny, it would take at least twenty years to catch up to the wealth Miss Audrey possessed.

The gap was too vast.

Hastur sighed, choosing not to dwell on these disheartening thoughts.

Thinking of the recent money he had made, his mood brightened. With a wave of his hand, he instructed Butler Neil to take out 100 pounds and distribute it as a bonus to the servants according to their positions.

He also prepared 2,200 pounds to personally repay Viscount Glaint.

The extra 200 pounds would serve as interest.

Three months since his birth, ten percent interest for three months was quite high.

After settling these matters, Hastur prepared to leave the house.

As he approached the door, he suddenly remembered the aster plant.

If he wasn't mistaken, wasn't the manor left in the suburbs called Aster Manor?

(End of Chapter)