
Lord of Mysteries: The Paradox

Note: Howdy, This is not my novel. I am just translating it for fun. So, translation may not be that good but i did my best. A traverser travelled to the world of 'Lord of mysteries' . He openes his eyes, and sees a crazy beauty(Mr.A) smiling at him. And in front of him was a bottle of secret supplicant potion. If he drank it, he would die later, but if he didn't drink it, he would die now, so he drank the potion and became [Bridan's Donkey].

TranslatingForFun · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
63 Chs


I will take a break for some time. It gets boring reading a hundreds of chapters long fanfiction.

And i am reading other lotm fanfiction. So, i didn't get time to translate.

Bye Bye Bye