
Lord of Mysteries: The Outer God is myself

Traveling through the world of "The Lord of Mysteries" and becoming the supporting spirit of Klein the Fool, Lin Ruo, the seasoned traveler, inwardly rejected this notion. However, he was fortunate enough to retain his supernatural abilities, namely [Truth and Fallacy], which he had acquired in a previous world. These rule-based powers bestowed upon Lin Ruo the ability to guide destiny through [Truth] and distort reality through [Fallacy]. With the aid of [Truth and Fallacy], Lin Ruo initially tore apart the script of 008 and fearlessly plunged into the tumultuous currents of time, preparing to combat the impending apocalypse. He diligently relied on his superior supernatural powers and foresight to govern, gradually bolstering the strength of his allies to a point where he could rest easy. Soon after, Lin Ruo's original sealed memories were restored. It was then that he discovered his true identity—a recently promoted foreign god, a pure restraining force. Lin Ruo:... Is it too late for him to flee?

Bhai_Hai_7632 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Lin Ruo Decided To Be A GrandFather

"Who are You ?"

Klein's question hung in the air, filling the room with silence for a couple of seconds. He nervously glanced at the reflection in the mirror—a young man with striking black hair and eyes, sporting a simple shirt and black pants. Notably, Klein posed the question in the common language of the Kingdom of Luen, rather than Chinese.

Though Klein had suspicions that the other person might be a fellow traveler, he remained cautious, unwilling to reveal his own status. The young man's initial reaction, however, could easily be attributed to the intimidating appearance he presented, making it difficult for Lin Ruo to confirm Klein's status as a traverser solely based on his startled expression.

Lin Ruo, not willing to let Klein maintain his guarded facade, flashed a gentle but meaningful smile and suggested, "Since we are both fellow travelers, wouldn't it be better to communicate in Chinese?"

His words were direct, revealing his own identity as a traverser, yet subtly diverting attention from his lack of comprehension of Klein's earlier words. Lin Ruo possessed supernatural abilities that could temporarily overcome the language barrier, and with his remarkable memory, learning multiple languages was not a challenge.

Klein appeared taken aback and his pupils trembled, betraying the inner struggle and contemplation taking place within his mind. Eventually, he seemed to have reached a conclusion and let out a sigh before asking in Chinese, "Have you also crossed over?"

After careful consideration, Klein decided to engage fully with the person before him, whether they were a ghost, a spirit trapped within the mirror, or another fellow traveler. After all, the other party had correctly surmised his own status as a traverser.

To be honest, as a recently arrived traveler, Klein was less guarded than he had been during the turbulent early days. Though he remained cautious and maintained a level of composure greater than that of an ordinary person, the sight of another fellow traveler brought him a sense of happiness.

"This is an obvious thing, isn't it?" Lin Ruo asked in response before adding with a gentle smile, "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Lin Ruo, You can simply call me by my name."

"Hello, I'm Klein, Klein Moretti!" Klein introduced himself as well, but he hesitated to reveal his real name, Zhou Mingrui, since his arrival in this new place.

"If you don't mind, I'll just call you Klein!" Lin Ruo directly stated, showing no concern about Klein's concealed identity. Looking at the unremarkable features of the young man before him, who appeared to be well-read, Lin Ruo suddenly remarked, "Your injury has healed."

"Ah..." Klein promptly walked to the full-length mirror to inspect his temple. As expected, the hideous wound had completely healed, except for some remaining bloodstains. Klein would have thought it was a dazzling sight if not for those stains.

"This... is it the healing effect brought about by crossing?" Klein stood in front of the mirror, carefully examining his temple. It felt a bit strange, and a faint smile formed at the corners of his mouth.

Regardless, he was relieved to be alive.

With this in mind, Klein couldn't help but gaze at the figure in the mirror, his expression reflecting hesitation and curiosity, though he refrained from asking anything.

Apart from the initial joy of meeting a fellow traveler, he now harbored numerous questions. For instance, why did the person in the mirror appear ghostly? How did this individual find him immediately after his crossing? Was there any connection between them and his journey?

However, Klein wasn't certain if asking these questions would irritate the person in front of him, potentially leading to an undesirable outcome.

He never assumed that fellow travelers must be good people.

"Heh!" Lin Ruo observed Klein's intention to speak and then halt, suddenly offering a gentle smile. The laughter carried no malice, but rather a warm demeanor. Simultaneously, he curved his lips and said, "If you're about to ask me something now, I can only say that this is an accident..."

He paused before continuing, "If you're curious why I am here, I can only say that I don't know." His expression held sincerity. "I was actually in Backlund... you must be familiar with Backlund. However, just a few minutes ago, I was pulled over, and that's when I saw you."

"And you might not be aware, but I can assure you that it seems I'm somehow linked to you."

Lin Ruo didn't want Klein to be overly suspicious of him, nor did he intend to reveal that he had also recently crossed over.

After all, he was well aware that the world of the Lord of Mysteries faced the threat of doomsday. Despite the world's seemingly bright outcome, Lin Ruo remained cautious.

To avoid doomsday, the birth of the Lord of Mysteries is undoubtedly necessary. Lin Ruo has no intention of fighting with Klein. Lin Ruo has a strong innate liking for Klein, the protagonist, and is unwilling to harm him.

Compared to pondering over what he doesn't possess, Lin Ruo is more concerned about changing his current spiritual state and truly acquiring a physical body. Therefore, he intends to assist Klein and his group. This is not only to combat the impending doomsday, but also because Lin Ruo wants to help Klein develop and understand the vast knowledge of the mysterious world. Lin Ruo hopes to alter the current circumstances. Additionally, Lin Ruo understands Klein well and knows that based on his character, if he becomes Klein's "mentor," he will undoubtedly benefit from it.

Upon further consideration, although Lin Ruo cannot become the Lord of mysteries, it would be wonderful if he could cultivate a master of mysteries! The precondition for Lin Ruo to become a "mentor" is naturally to establish someone who serves as the senior figure for the traveler.

"Ah..." Klein clearly didn't expect Lin Ruo to be so straightforward. He was a little perplexed and quickly explained, "I'm sorry, I didn't doubt you, I just..."

"Hey, I understand," Lin Ruo interjected, waving his hand to interrupt him. "If I were in the same situation as you, I might be even more cautious."

"I'm sorry..." After hearing Lin Ruo's words and realizing that he genuinely didn't mind, Klein could only apologize once again.

He then pondered over the notion of being bound that Lin Ruo had just mentioned. As an ordinary person, he naturally couldn't perceive the connection between himself and Lin Ruo. However, being someone who grew up reading online articles, he certainly had an abundant imagination and understanding in this regard.

Thus, he asked curiously, "Does being bound mean... you will follow me?"

"I don't know!" Lin Ruo honestly shook his head. He truly didn't understand his current situation. "But you can try and find out."