
Lord of Mysteries: Starting As A Reader

Lord of Mysteries fanfiction. The unexpected intervention of a real transmigrator, Ebner, would help Klein usher in a better ending. The Lord of the Mysteries would definitely be Klein, not the Celestial Worthy. The main character takes the Sequence pathway of a Reader. note: I'm only editing from MTL and post here so when I don't have a connection I can read it offline. the real author of this book is "Quick Return of the Named Fire"

ordinary_people · Livros e literatura
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291 Chs

Meeting Again

During the battle at Damir Harbor, Ebner and the others had obtained the complete bodies of three monsters, as well as the vertical eye of a Desperate Demon Hound.

During the final distribution of the spoils of war, Xio only took the eyes of the Dreadfiend Worm, which could be used as the main ingredient of the Sheriff. Mr. Gaston took the most valuable vertical eye and all the materials for the shadow demon. As for Miss Gwen, she joined the team the latest and wasn't very strong, so she symbolically took some scraps.

In Ebner's hands were the other parts of the body of the first Magic Mist Turtledove and the Fearful Demon Worm. The latter was nothing special. Ebner had ground the body into powder and intended to use it as supplementary material in some ritualistic magic.

As for the former, which was the body of a Demon Mist Turtledove, it was a good item. It contained many corrupted, messy Sequence 7 characteristic materials, and the demigod-level devil aura that came from it, Damir, was the truly precious item.

At that time, Ebner, who was only a Sequence 8 Disciple of Inference, didn't have the ability to deal with such precious materials. All he could do was seal them. However, not long ago, after becoming a Knowledge Keeper, he possessed a spell-like Aura Extraction. Coupled with the high-level suppression of the White Eye, he finally succeeded in making use of the demigod aura.

Although most of the aura's power was still wasted, he still used it to create five intermediate charms and repair a Beyonder item he had previously obtained.

The five charms were items that had just been handed over to Xio for sale. They could trigger the Demon's Language of Foulness once, and the specific tainted effects were random.

As the brass used as a charm material was not a good medium for demon aura, these five charms could only be preserved for six to eight months before gradually losing their effect.

But even so, as a Sequence 6 offensive means, even if it could only be used once, its price wouldn't be lower than 200 pounds. In fact, if someone urgently needed it, the price would be much higher. After all, in Damir's Sword and Fire Bar, Mr. Gaston's Fire of Light arrow that could only be used once had been sold for 150 pounds. That was only a Sequence 7 ability.

As for the item that was repaired with the Demon's Aura, it was the badge that had cursed Xio before. It originally only had the curse power of a Cold Blooded, but after the ritual and the restoration of the aura, it now had a partial effect of "controlling desire". Although the effective period was also only a few months, it could be considered Ebner's strongest trump card.

In the Pierlo Cemetery on the outskirts of Enmat Harbor, a middle-aged man in a black classical robe was staring at the night watcher's hut with a creepy smile on his face.

Usually, the night watchers in the graveyard were either muscular men or old men who were on the verge of death. However, there was a young girl here who looked pretty young.

Of course, this young woman often dressed very maturely when she went out, causing others to think that she was at least thirty years old. However, this experienced and knowledgeable man saw through her disguise with a single glance and set her as his next 'prey'.

The man's name was Ed Shran, and he was a swindler. He was best at using various words and means to cheat people of their money and sex. Then, he would decisively escape before he was exposed or noticed by the police department.

This time, he had originally planned on escaping to Backlund, but before he left, he discovered such an alluring prey. Hence, he decided to take the risk and do it again.

According to his judgment, a beautiful lady who came to do this kind of work at such a young age should be the kind of person who was unwilling to sell out his steadfastness. And he liked to deceive such a lady the most.

After straightening his clothes, Ed Shran approached the hut and looked at the ajar door. He knocked very gentlemanly and asked, "Excuse me, is anyone there? I need help."

Inside the house, a girl in a black robe sighed and replied, "Isn't it good to be alive?"

"What?" Ed Shran was stunned. He had imagined all kinds of conversations in his mind, but he never had such a reaction.

"This place only looks empty. There are many little cuties around you. They have already told me about your evil deeds." The girl stood up and came to the door. She looked at Ed Sheeran coldly and continued in an emotionless tone, "It's fine if you don't provoke me, but since you've come to me, I'll reluctantly help you collect your corpse."

The more Ed Shran listened, the more he felt that something was amiss, and the more terrified he became. Although he had never seen a real Beyonder before, many horror stories surged into his mind at this moment. Immediately, he had the thought of turning around and escaping.

However, before he could do anything, the girl in front of him grabbed his neck. No matter how hard he struggled, it was useless. That slender palm was like a mechanical arm, firmly gripping him and slowly tightening.

Ed Shran could only feel his breathing becoming more difficult. His strength also gradually disappeared, and his resistance became weaker. Finally, his eyes rolled back and he completely stopped breathing.

"How does it feel to be close to death? A scum like you should have such a way of dying! Bah!" The young girl spat, then sighed and lowered her body to fulfill her promise: Collect his corpse.

She had just squatted down when she heard another voice outside. "Jane, I didn't expect you to become a Gravedigger."

The owner of the voice was Ebner. After Xio went to the Beyonder gathering, he had followed the address that Jane had told him through Kaspars.

When he saw the man who seemed to be up to no good, he knew that he was going to die. In his Spirit Vision, all the spirits in the cemetery were glaring at him. It was obvious that Jane had noticed it.

It was also because of this that Ebner determined that Jane had successfully become a Sequence 8 Gravedigger. After all, Corpse Collector didn't have such an ability. Only Gravediggers could communicate with nearby spirits.

However, wandering spirits did not have much strength. To avoid their surveillance, it was not difficult for Ebner, who could already simulate multiple Sequence abilities in the White Eye state, so he could easily approach Jane.

Jane instinctively rolled back when she heard the voice, but she soon recognized Ebner's voice. She raised her head in surprise and then ran to him in two or three steps. Her joy overflowed as she said, "Ebner, you've finally come to see me!" Although she was happy, her voice was still cold.

"Long time no see, Jane." Ebner nodded with a smile, happy that the young girl could have such a bright smile again. Of course, he also knew that this happy smile was different from his carefree smile before.

After exchanging pleasantries, Jane let Ebner into the house while she herself hastily disposed of Mr. Ed Shran's corpse before entering the inner room to change into a purple hunting suit and continuing to entertain Ebner.

"I didn't expect you to be so proficient in handling these things now." Ebner saw all of this and couldn't help but sigh again. More than a month ago, Jane would have screamed in fear even if she saw it, let alone handling corpses.

"Perhaps this is growth?" Jane mocked herself when she heard that. Then, she pulled a chair over and sat opposite Ebner. After hesitating for a moment, she answered his initial question. "I have to thank Mr. Maric, who arranged for me to be taught here by others. He even very thoughtfully helped me get the job of guarding this cemetery. Therefore, I can act as a good corpse collector and quickly digest the potion."

"So you do know about the acting method… This is also what Maric or Miss Sharron told you, right?" Ebner used a questionable sentence, but his tone was firm.

Jane nodded and replied, "It was Mr. Maric who taught me mysticism knowledge… In addition, after coming to Enmat Harbor, the lady who taught me also told me a lot."

"Teach you? Maric even arranged many teachers for you?" Ebner was somewhat surprised. One had to know that the wanted posters for Jane and the Rose School of Thought were still around. The more people who knew, the more dangerous it would be for Jane. Therefore, Ebner had never even told Xio about it.

"Mr. Maric only introduced me to one of his friends. The lady who came after was his friend's superior… Maric and his friend respect the lady very much. I think she might be someone important," Jane replied after a moment of hesitation. It was supposed to be a secret, but she felt that telling Ebner would be fine.

"A big shot…" As he had just been arranged by the God of Knowledge, Ebner had been rather sensitive to "big shots" recently. After thinking for a moment, he asked again, "Why would such a lady personally teach you?"

"Perhaps because I'm pitiful?" Jane actually had doubts in her heart, but she didn't think that she was worthy of being remembered by such an important figure, so she didn't probe further.

"Perhaps…" Ebner didn't comment. He tried to extract the other auras from Jane's body, but other than that scum Ed Shran, he didn't succeed in extracting the remaining auras. He immediately understood that the important figure was at least a demigod and was good at dealing with auras.

After seriously thinking for a while, Ebner didn't rashly activate the Eye of Pure White to continue probing. Instead, he changed the topic and said to Jane, "Actually, I don't wish for you to improve so quickly… The Rose School of Thought isn't so easily destroyed." At least wait until my strength increases enough to protect you.

"I understand… I'm no longer a little girl who knows nothing about the mysterious world…" Jane turned her head and looked at the crimson sky outside the window before smiling.

"In fact, if you had come a few days later, I wouldn't be at Enmat Harbor."