
Lord of Light 3rd son

"Lord of Light 3rd Son" is a medieval fantasy tale of Liam, a prince who cannot control the rare magic of light, unlike his seven siblings and father. Ridiculed by the kingdom and his own family, Liam is sent to marry a poor lord's daughter in the northern part of the kingdom. Upon arriving, he discovers the city is in disarray, and he uses his intelligence and management skills to turn things around. Liam creates a guild of adventurers to fight monsters and bring valuable items to the city, making it one of the wealthiest in the kingdom. However, Liam discovers a forbidden book that contains the powers of darkness, which he keeps hidden from everyone, even his beloved wife.

DubiousTone · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 3: The Ignored Son

Liam had never felt like he belonged in his family. His inability to use light magic set him apart from his father, the king, and his siblings who were all skilled in the use of light magic. He had always been the ignored son, left to his own devices, and left to find his own way in the world.

Despite his father's neglect, Liam had grown up to be a smart and resourceful young man. He had learned to rely on his other strengths, such as his intelligence, his quick thinking, and his physical abilities. Liam had also developed a deep love for books, often spending hours in the castle's library.

Liam's only real friends were his uncle, the strongest man in the kingdom, and his elder brother, the crown prince and next in line to the throne. They were the only ones who showed any interest in him and treated him with kindness. Liam often confided in his uncle, who had become his mentor and guide. His uncle would listen patiently to his concerns and offer him guidance and advice.

One day, Liam sought out his uncle's advice again. "Uncle, why do you think my father is doing this?" he asked, referring to the arranged marriage.

His uncle paused for a moment before answering, "Your father sees you as a threat to his legacy, Liam. You may not have the power of light magic. He wants you out of the way, and this is his way of doing it."

Liam was taken aback by his uncle's words. He had never considered that his father could see him as a threat. He had always assumed that his father simply didn't care about him. Liam felt a mixture of anger and despair. He was angry that his father would do something so underhanded, but he was also despairing because he had no idea what to do.

"Uncle, what can I do?" Liam asked.

"You must use this opportunity to your advantage, Liam," his uncle replied. "You must show your father that you are more than just a son without light magic. You must show him that you are a capable and intelligent young man, who can be of use to him."

Liam nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. He knew that his uncle was right. He had to make the best of the situation and show his father that he was more than just an unwanted heir.

As Liam left his uncle's chambers, he felt a sense of purpose. He had a plan. He would use this opportunity to prove to his father that he was worthy of respect and attention. Liam was determined to make his mark on the world, and he knew that he had the potential to do great things, even without the power of light magic.