
Lord of Light 3rd son

"Lord of Light 3rd Son" is a medieval fantasy tale of Liam, a prince who cannot control the rare magic of light, unlike his seven siblings and father. Ridiculed by the kingdom and his own family, Liam is sent to marry a poor lord's daughter in the northern part of the kingdom. Upon arriving, he discovers the city is in disarray, and he uses his intelligence and management skills to turn things around. Liam creates a guild of adventurers to fight monsters and bring valuable items to the city, making it one of the wealthiest in the kingdom. However, Liam discovers a forbidden book that contains the powers of darkness, which he keeps hidden from everyone, even his beloved wife.

DubiousTone · Fantasia
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30 Chs

A New Addition to the Family

As the city continued to thrive and expand under the leadership of Liam and Isidora, they faced a new challenge that would change their lives forever: parenthood. Despite the demands of their roles as leaders, they were thrilled to learn that Isidora was pregnant.

However, their joy was tempered by the realization that they would have to balance their duties as leaders with their responsibilities as parents. They knew that it would not be easy, but they were determined to do whatever it takes to be the best parents they could be.

As Isidora's due date approached, Liam and Isidora worked tirelessly to prepare for their new arrival. They decorated the nursery, purchased all of the necessary baby supplies, and even took parenting classes together.

Finally, the day arrived, and Isidora went into labor. Liam held her hand and comforted her as she went through the painful contractions. When their son was born, they both cried tears of joy and relief.

"He's beautiful," Isidora whispered as she held their newborn son for the first time.

Liam nodded in agreement. "He's perfect."

They spent the first few weeks of their son's life in a blissful haze, enjoying every moment with him. But soon, reality set in, and they had to figure out how to balance their new roles as parents with their duties as leaders.

One night, as they sat in their living room with their sleeping baby between them, Liam broke the silence.

"Isidora, I know we're both busy with our work, but I don't want to miss a single moment of our son's life. We need to make time for him."

Isidora nodded in agreement. "I feel the same way, Liam. But how do we do it? We have so much to do."

Liam thought for a moment before replying. "We need to make a schedule. We'll set aside specific times each day to spend with our son, no matter what else is going on."

Isidora smiled. "That's a great idea, Liam. Let's do it."

From that moment on, Liam and Isidora made a conscious effort to prioritize their son in their busy lives. They took turns caring for him, playing with him, and reading to him every day. And as their son grew and learned, they were there every step of the way.

As their family grew, so did their love for each other. And as they looked into their son's bright eyes, they knew that they had made the right decision in becoming parents. They promised to do everything in their power to protect him and give him the best life possible, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

And so, as the city continued to thrive and prosper, Liam and Isidora faced their newest and most rewarding challenge yet: parenthood.