
Lord of Dawn

WPC #292: Male Lead (Faceslapping) Aurie Nova is the third son of the honorable Nova family. His family has remained dignified and noble for generations but because of him, the status of their family has started to decline. Hailed as the trash of the Nova family, people often compare him to his more honorable and well respected siblings and cousins. Everytime he does something, everyone would expect it to fail and no one expects anything from him. But little did they know, the third and the youngest son of the Nova head family hides a secret that only a selected number of people know.

Hyuuse · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Trash of the Nova family

"I heard that the Dawn managed to fight off the waves of monsters in Eraria, I can't believe that an organization that has not been around for a decade is able to do that much for the country. They must be really strong."

          "If it is them then they can surely pull it off. If the rumors about them are true, then something like that is easy."

          "But still, defending Eraria and annihilating all the monsters from the waves before the reinforcements from capital arrives is a great feat no matter how you look at it. Not a lot of people are able to even subdue a single monster on their own, let alone the monsters from the waves with only just a few of them."

          "What are you talking about? They are more like fifty people in that organization, do you call that few?"

          "Eh? But numbers don't matter if the monsters overrun you though."

          "You have a point but now that you mention it, I wonder who we should consider as monsters? The Dawn or the monsters from the waves?"

          All of them are speechless when someone brought it up. It is indeed a question needed an answer but none of them are able to say anything for certain.

          Dawn is an organization that mysteriously appeared in the country during the chaos on the north-end of the country is not able to repel the monsters that were able to penetrate Orpus, the northern city located on the north side of the country where blizzards and snowstorm occurs. Because of the terrible environmental conditions in that part of the country, only a thousand people are brave enough to live in such conditions.

          And because of that, the soldiers dispatched to Orpus are only a little to a hundred. And that number got reduced to more than sixty soldiers when some of them are unable to cope up with the cold environment and returned to the capital. With only so little soldiers to defend that side of the country, the monsters easily break through even the toughest of wall and over run the city. But, at that moment when the citizens are filled with despair, a group of more than fifty people appeared and saved them from the monsters.

          That is only the start of the group's ascension to power. Soon after a lot of participation in defending against the waves, the group are able to establish themselves as an organization backed by none other than the ruler of the country, King Nevarus Strom.

          Just as the people keep talking about the successful annihilation of the monsters from the city of Eraria, they attention quickly shifted to a young nobleman walking alongside ladies that work in a brothel.

          "Look at him, he really is the worst. Did the lord really allow his own son to squander their wealth just like that?"

          "Well, he is the third son of the Nova family so he can do anything he pleases. Not that it will bring good to their family though."

          They all looked at each other and then laughs as the young nobleman pass by. The stench of alcohol immediately made them cover their noses because of the disturbing smell.

          "This guy- doesn't he take a shower? He smells so bad. I can't believe that his attendant can endure staying beside that trash."

          [Back in the Nova manor]

          "I need more money father. The money that you gave me the other day is mostly gone, I cannot continue having fun without money."

          Aurie's father, Cruxian Nova just stares at his unreasonable son after giving him his allowance not too long ago. And to hear that almost none of it is left made him lose his cool.


          "WHAT ARE YOU DOING AURIE? DID YOU THINK THAT I PEE COINS AND SHIT GOLD?! IS THAT HEAD OF YOURS WORKING?! YOU DON'T EVEN CONTRIBUTE MUCH TO THE FAMILY AND YET YOU ARE THE MOST DEMANDING ONE AMONG YOUR SIBLINGS! Wait- I can't do this anymore. Listening to you will just ruin my mood even more. Go- I don't want to see your face."

          Still drunk from all the drinking that he did earlier, Aurie is escorted back to his room by an attendant.

          "He stinks of alcohol. How can someone drink alcohol in the middle of the day?" she slowly laid him on his bed and wants to leave his room immediately, but before she could move far away from him, his hands managed to grabbed on to her bottom.

          "Wow~ so soft~ makes me want to give them a smooch~" he said in a rather erotic manner as if he is about making love to someone but that is different from what the attendant is feeling, her anger quickly reached up to her head and before she knew it,  she slapped the third son of the household that she is working for to sleep.



          She quickly realized the weigh of her actions and turned to look at the door and fortunately enough there is no one around the room. She sigh in relief and then turns to the young master with a completely flustered face.

          "Thank goodness he's asleep."

          Without any delay, she left the room before anyone could see the throbbing hand-shaped pattern on his cheeks.

          "That good for nothing son of mine! How can he do this to me?! With him walking on the streets in town like that everyday, it will only be a matter of time before our family gets flooded by the consequences of his actions. Thank goodness, his brothers are so much different than him." Lord Cruxian help his temples and shakes his head disappointingly.

          KNOCK! KNOCK!

          "Come in."

          His assistant walked inside the room and reported to him that his first son had returned.