
Lord of Dawn

WPC #292: Male Lead (Faceslapping) Aurie Nova is the third son of the honorable Nova family. His family has remained dignified and noble for generations but because of him, the status of their family has started to decline. Hailed as the trash of the Nova family, people often compare him to his more honorable and well respected siblings and cousins. Everytime he does something, everyone would expect it to fail and no one expects anything from him. But little did they know, the third and the youngest son of the Nova head family hides a secret that only a selected number of people know.

Hyuuse · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

The Orc Lord Apppears

"An Orc Lord? Are you sure about that?"

          "What are you talking about? There is no reason for young master Aurie to lie to us. Whether it is true or not, there is a possibility for an Orc Lord to appear. It has been a long time since the monsters have started attacking the countries but not a single Orc Lord has been recorded during the expeditions. It was only a matter of time."

          Oren, being the one that is not really well versed in fighting, has been smart enough to read the records ever since the start of the appearance of wave of monsters every year and not a single record tells about an Orc Lord appearing in the past waves.

          "I know what I saw. Anyone who saw that figure would immediately think of an Orc Lord, I know it sounds ridiculous but, I am sure of what I saw." Aurie looks at the others with the same calm expression. Which is why the others find it hard to believe of such a thing appearing during their expedition.

          "That only means we should be even more careful. I don't think this is an ordinary expedition now. Our lives are really on stake here." Herbert added.

          "We should always be prepared. If we stay here and do nothing, nothing will happen. We have already reduced their number though I don't think it will matter though." Asht then receives a mana potion from Aurie.

          The latter is surprised that Aurie is prepared to that extent.

          "Thanks a lot young master."

          "Don't call me that. Did you already forgot that  I am banished? And besides, all that 'Minor Healing' should have drained a lot of your mana ever since yesterday. Helping the Healer of the team is the same as helping the team after all."

          Whilst the team is discussing about their next move now that there is an obvious threat to them.

          "I think we should lay some traps. That is a more safe way to reduce their numbers without actually fighting them. We don't know when the Orc Lord starts to move after all."

          "What if we try using bow and arrows. Ambush style, we can be above the trees. That way, we are not easy to spot. The only problem is their keen sense of smell."

          The traps as well as the ambush are easily accepted by the entire group as they voted on everything from the point they arrived at the hot spot.  

          "If we are going to conceal ourselves. I think it is easier to achieve my magic. The only problem is that everyone is not so well versed in spells. If that doesn't work then there is one alternative. Though, I don't think any of you want to do that."  Clay said with a worried tone.

          "Tell us, we are listening."

          The next day

           The group silently moved out to look for what Clay had told them yesterday.

          "I have a bad feeling about this."

          Clay easily found what they are looking for and most of them immediately express their opposition.

          "I knew it. I knew this is not something good. Can I back out now?" Krish wanted to walk away but Jonah being so uptight as he is, grabbed Krish by his shoulder and with his brute strength, the latter realized that it was already decided that they are going to cover themselves with manure.

          "This is a good place to find animal excretions, this will conceal our smell." He then turns to look at the disgusted look on their faces.

          "I knew it. These guys are not ready to do something like this. I should have not suggested this shit." He said to himself as he already lost interest.

          "True enough, this is going to be effective. They will not think of us as humans if we cover ourselves with this." Aurie agreed and to show to everyone that he is determined, Aurie started applying the manure on his arm at first.

          Herbert followed and started covering himself as well. Clay felt a bit excited and starts smudging himself with the same thing. The rest of them are still hesitant to do the same thing even when they are already prepared all the preparations before they went out of the hideout.


          "I don't think I want to remember this for the rest of my life." Krish said to himself as Jonah did the same thing and the rest of them followed.

          "Now that we are ready, let's go. Let's kill some orcs.'"

           The group divided themselves into three groups. All of them have already spend most of the time last night trying to make all the arrows that they might need for the assault.

          "I feel much assured that Asht is with us." Oren said with a sigh of relief.

          "What's that smell? Oh, right. It's us." Krish scratched his neck when the mosquitos started swarming thema few hours after they covered themselves with manure.

          "Are they going to be fine?"

          "What are you saying? All of us are at least have a bit of experience." Asht retorted. "Though, I want to see the young master's skill. It is such a waste, I'm sure he is hiding something." He said to himself as he looks at the others before departing with his team.

          Herbert and Clay went to set up the traps while Aurie and Jonah will lure the orcs to the place filled with traps. Asht, Oren, and Krish are the ones responsible shooting down the escaping orcs.

          "This is going to be hard. I did not think that it will be this hard to do this." Jonah said to himself as they hide in the bushes and observing the orcs.

          They saw the Orc Lord commanding the orcs like a king would to his subjects. The only thing that is different is that not known to be so civilized. The orcs hand him roasted meat and wine, that is something that anyone has not seen.

          "What in the world is this? It is as if they are humans in orc costumes."

          Aurie is surprised about what he saw as well, it was the first time for him to see such a thing as well. He then realized that this must be the reason why all the expeditions failed in the past.

          "Is it possible that the Orc Lord is the one responsible of the failed expeditions in the past?" he thought to himself but then Jonah made a mistake as he is trying to step back and ended up tripping on the vines of the bushes and fell.



          Aurie saw it, the Orc Lord turned to their direction and immediately threw an axe towards their direction. Jonah who wants to get up gets jumped on by Aurie to evade the flying axe that missed them by an inch.


          "What in the world was that?!" Jonah exclaimed, completely forgetting that they are trying to conceal themselves. He tried to cover his mouth but it was already too late, the Orc Lord realized that they are there and told his men to pursue them.

          "Shit! This is bad!" Jonah takes out his sword But Aurie stops him.

          "This is not the place that we should fight. Remember that the others have prepared a place for that." Jonah's mind is cleared and they immediately sprinted out of the bushes right before it is pierced by numerous spears.



           The Orc Lord's voice that is close to a lion's roar even reached the place where the others are waiting, Asht who was fast to uptake what was going on told Herbert and Clay to hasten to set the traps.

          "Something is definitely wrong! Set the traps or hide."

          He turns to the direction where Aurie and Jonah went and surely enough, he saw them running towards them along with a lot of orcs pursuing them as well.

          "But it is still too early!"

          "Something must have happened. Herbert! Clay! Leave that place immediately!"

          Hearing the rumbling sound of the ground made the two certain that it is time for them to leave. From the distance, they saw Aurie and Jonah running for their lives.

          The two immediately evaded all the traps that was set, Aurie fired and arrow to make sure to trick the orcs to following them through the traps, an orc immediately fell as he arrow struck it's head.

          "Let's go." The two continued to run and surely enough, the orcs followed them and activated the traps that was laid out for them.

          Most of the orcs immediately fell victim and died due to the traps while the three takes out the remaining strugglers.


          In the midst of them finishing off the orcs, Asht suddenly felt a chill down his spine. He turned to the direction of the roar earlier and saw an entire tree flying towards them.



          The tree where he is at got hit and immediately collapsed.


          Without any delay, another tree is flying towards them. Krish and Oren jumped down where they both activated the traps that were not activated by the orcs earlier.

          An arrow struck Oren's legs while Krish got hit by a trunk, instantly knocking him out.

          "You idiots! What in the world are you thinking-!" Clay who is just about to lecture the two, felt a shadow overshadowing his face, he saw the tree flying towards them, it clashed with the trees and sent them both flying. Oren managed to drag Krish to a safer place before the tree hit their location.

          "What in the world is this?! FUCK!"

          Aurie and Jonah went back after hearing the loud noises and were surprised to see Herbert and Clay unconscious.

          "How did this happen?"

          "That guy has decided to move."

          They saw that the entire area where the traps are set is totally destroyed by only two trees. Jonah felt his heart tightened when he realized how strong the Orc Lord is to be able to throw something that large from so far away.

          "We are screwed!"

          An ominous figure walked towards them with it's eyes glowing from the mist of the forest, the Orc Lord has arrived in front of them.


          "That was some intense strength. To think that I would get reduced to this state." Asht said as he heals his injured body after springing out of the collapsed tree.

          "HUMAN- HOW TENACIOUS." The Orc Lord said with a thunderous voice.

          "Yes. That's right, you bastard. We are not something that you should be looking down on!"