
Lord of Dawn

WPC #292: Male Lead (Faceslapping) Aurie Nova is the third son of the honorable Nova family. His family has remained dignified and noble for generations but because of him, the status of their family has started to decline. Hailed as the trash of the Nova family, people often compare him to his more honorable and well respected siblings and cousins. Everytime he does something, everyone would expect it to fail and no one expects anything from him. But little did they know, the third and the youngest son of the Nova head family hides a secret that only a selected number of people know.

Hyuuse · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Black Library's Client

Sierra is having a hard time trying to secure the funds that her husband is able to produce. With all of the banks thinking that it is fake but that all changed when the secretary of the Prince introduced herself as a secretary of the auction house and that it is their responsibility to assist their clients as possible.

          She did not mind and accepted the help from the secretary and before they knew it, she and the secretary had become so close that they often meet up with each other for meetings to put the money to good use and possibly multiply it a few times the original amount.

          "I can't believe that we are able to cover this much." The secretary said as she leans at the back of her seat after an exhausting afternoon.

          "His highness, the prince told me to make a good connection with Mister Lucian, but just as his informant had said, his wife is the one taking care of their finances. It is as if he did not really care about the money that he got off from the auction and just gave it to his wife. What a typical yet rare type of men. Looks like Madam Sierra is quite fortunate to have found someone like him."

          She said to herself as Sierra arrives with their meal. They decided to meet up in the city and picked a place where Sierra used to visit in the past so often that she got close to the employees for being their loyal costumer.

          "Sorry for the wait Miss Catherine. There was some slight chaos back there, I hope you have not waited long." Sierra said with a smile and place their orders on the table, Catherine helped her with the food and then placed the tray on the table next to them.

          "This place is quite simple but the food here is great. I used to come here so often in the past, but due to some circumstances, I stopped coming here."  

          Catherine can already guess what happened since the Prince had already gave her the summary of the report and had already finished with the investigation to get a broader look on the situation.

          After eating their meal, they returned to discussing about the various options possible for them. They dug through everything that would make it easier for Sierra to do it alone. Catherine wants to tell her that she is willing to help since the Prince had already assigned to help them with anything they need as part of the reward for bringing them the lost artifact but she could not cut it in since Sierra is so focused in doing everything herself after Catherine's help is finished.

          Just as when Catherine is about to give up, someone entered the shop and just by the sight of that person, Catherine's face turned grim.


          Sierra felt a presence behind her and when she turned back, she saw her older brother standing behind her as if he is trying to figure out what she is doing.

          "I see. You are the one doing all the job again, huh? Is that husband of yours really that worth the trouble?" Sander asked with a cold tone.

          The smile on Sierra's face disappeared once she saw her brother and just from that moment alone, Catherine is convinced that she loathe her brother.

          "And what is this? Are you somehow planning to take up a loan or something? Give up on your husband and go home with us Sierra. There is no future in that good for nothing." He said as he extended his hand towards her but she quickly slaps his hands away.

          "Good for nothing? He is the best husband that any woman would ever want. Just because he used to be poor doesn't mean that he has no future."

          Catherine planned to stay silent, but since the ones she is responsible for is being bad mouthed, if the Prince gets a wind of what happened, she will surely face a punishment and so she cuts in.

          "I can't stand to hear any of this. Please leave." She said wit a daring tone.

          Sander looks at her and smirks as if he knew her from the beginning.

          "People like you tend to target poor people. My sister might look like that but she is a daughter of a prestigious family. Its just that she married to a poor man that she is suffering like this and even resorted to loan sharks like you."

          Sierra almost lost it but Catherine stops her from doing anything.


          "Please leave it to me."

           She turned to Sander and with a confident tone, she said:

          "Loan sharks? Is that what it looks like to you? I am the secretary of Black Library. I cannot stand you badmouthing our valuable client any longer."

          Sander froze in complete shock after hearing where Catherine is from. All the people inside the shop are also in the same state of shock aside from Sierra since she is aware of it from the beginning.

          Black Library is the third most famous and respected auction house in the entire country. Being a client of a large company like that is already a dream for most of the prestigious families that do not have the luxury to participate in the auction and for Sander to talk bad about such a person made a fool of himself in front of everybody.

          "Now that you understand. I want you to leave since we have a lot of things that we are working on." Catherine repeated.

          "Looks like my sister really is saving that good for nothing-"

          "What are you talking about, their real client is my husband, the one that you are badmouthing. Lucian is their client, I am just taking care of things in his stead." Sierra responded with a cold tone. Making sure that her eldest brother will not be able to bad mouth Lucian again.

          "! That bastard is their client?!"

          "What in the world just happen?"  Lucian asks himself after knocking out a few people who are  assault Mister Oman inside his shop in an instant.

          "That was some high level shit Mister Lucian. You can really never tell a person just from their appearance, huh?" Oman said with a bloodied face.