
Lord of Dawn

WPC #292: Male Lead (Faceslapping) Aurie Nova is the third son of the honorable Nova family. His family has remained dignified and noble for generations but because of him, the status of their family has started to decline. Hailed as the trash of the Nova family, people often compare him to his more honorable and well respected siblings and cousins. Everytime he does something, everyone would expect it to fail and no one expects anything from him. But little did they know, the third and the youngest son of the Nova head family hides a secret that only a selected number of people know.

Hyuuse · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Bathed in Praises

          The return of the second son of the Nova family and their announcement of his successful recruitment to Dawn is greatly accepted by all of the nobles that have come to their celebration.

          The celebration lasted for a few nights that gave way to nobles trying to look good at the Nova family and some of them even proposed marriage just to have a stronger connection to the family since all of the people that have been involved with Dawn always gets praised and recognized by the people of the entire nation.

          "Pleased to make your acquaintance Sir Arman, I heard that you have yet to be married and there is a lot of candidates. Have you picked anyone yet?"

          "As of now, not yet. I have no person in mind since I will be away for a long time once I return to the Dawn headquarters, being married now will only make me lonely."

   All of the young ladies from all the noble families come flacking around him. Asking him all of the things that the stories that he has in store for them.

          "Sadly, there is a limit in how much I can tell you. Dawn's rules and regulations are quite strict and if I got caught sharing information. I might get scolded or worse, be kicked out."

          "Ah~" all the young ladies sighed.

          From afar, their father, Cruxian Nova's smile almost reach the heavens because of how proud of a father he can be to his son with a bright future up ahead.

          "Please hide that smile away Lord Nova. We can clearly see that you are very delighted to have your son being successfully recruited by Dawn."  The other nobles that are drinking with the head of the Nova family said while staring at their children mingling with each other.

          "This is for the bonds that will only be strengthened. Cheers everyone!"

          "You must be very proud right now. Having a son joining Dawn is a dream of a lifetime even for nobles."

          "Yeah, they have quite a strict standards and you have to be really talented to even join for the evaluation. Joining Dawn is like aiming for the throne."

          "That only shows how much of a genius the second son is, there is no doubt about it."

          All the words of praise were said to the head and he bathed in them.

          "What about the third son? What are your plans for him? He at least have a handsome face right? I'm sure you have a plan for him."

          "Ah- my third son huh? I don't really know. After his disappearance a few years ago I stopped to think that he is m son actually. He returned to us like that. A troublemaker that always drowns himself in liquor. I honestly hope that he did not return if he is going to be like this. Anyway, there is not much of a plan yet. But I will be thinking about it after everything has settled down."

          All the other nobles pity him for having a son like that and compared Aurie to the first and the second son that are more reliable and responsible.

          Herbert finds himself in front of the second son of the Nova family after entertaining the young ladies from various noble houses.

          "Pardon. What was it again?"

          "I want you to come under my wing. There will be no future for you if you stay under my useless brother's wing. You cannot stay with a person like that forever you know. With me, you will experience fame and glory. What do you say? Want to join me?" Arman said with confidence.

          "What in the world is he talking about? Fame and glory? As if I need any of that." Herbert thinks to himself as he respectfully decline the invitation.

          "I am greatly honored master Arman, but I don't think I will be joining you. There is something that I want to pursue and it is definitely not what you are offering me. Thank you very much for the invitation but I must decline." Herbert said with a bow and then left.

          "You will regret it. Once I go back to Dawn's headquarters there is no going back and you will rot here with my brother until the day you die."

          Herbert did not take a single glance at the second son back and went straight outside to cool his head.

          "Motherfu-! Is this my punishment?! This must be the reason why the lord chose me to accompany me. To hone my emotions and not to easily be angered not taunted. But still- telling that to my face without knowing any better makes me want to bring the entire manor to dust!"

          Herbert vent his frustration to the trees near the manor and strikes a few of them down with his magic. 

          "Take a deep breathe Herbert. You got this. Control your emotion. Otherwise your colleagues will make fun of you until the day you die." He said to himself as he tidy his clothes and fix his gloves.


          He turned around and saw someone standing behind him. Just by looking at her clothes, Herbert can immediately tell that she is from a noble family.

          "What brings you here young miss?"

          Herbert can see even with the dark surroundings that she is looking at the trees behind him and quickly moved to the side to hide them.

          "I was looking for young master Aurie, I followed you thinking that it will lead me to him but it looks like he is not here with you.'"

          Herbert is at a loss. His lord is deliberately trying to destroy his image and for someone to even look for him, let alone a young lady is very surprising for the butler.

          "Firs the maid and now a young lady from a noble family? She looks like she is already of age, did the lord somehow fooled around with her in the past? But that is impossible. There is no way that I will not know about her." He thought to himself and just told her what she needs to know.

          "My lord is probably taking his rest right now. But if you have an important message to relay just leave a letter. I don't think he will be waking up soon."

          The young lady seemed down when he said that making Herbert convince that she is not looking for his lord to fool around.

          "She- she is serious. My lord. How are you still popular even after dirtying your name like that?" he thought to himself as he accompanies the young lady back to the manor.