
Lord of Dawn

WPC #292: Male Lead (Faceslapping) Aurie Nova is the third son of the honorable Nova family. His family has remained dignified and noble for generations but because of him, the status of their family has started to decline. Hailed as the trash of the Nova family, people often compare him to his more honorable and well respected siblings and cousins. Everytime he does something, everyone would expect it to fail and no one expects anything from him. But little did they know, the third and the youngest son of the Nova head family hides a secret that only a selected number of people know.

Hyuuse · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

A Seductive Young Master

"Father, it's good to be back." Aron, the first born of the Nova family immediately kneels before the presence of his father.

          "It's good to have you back my son. Let's go to my room. We can talk about things there freely."

          "Yes, father."

          They walked towards the room without talking about anything and because of that, the eldest realized that his father might have been bothered by his younger brother yet again.

          As soon as they entered the room, he immediately asked his father about what happened.

          "Is it because of Aurie? Did he do something again?"

          His father looks at him with a blank expression but that told him everything that he needs to know.

          "So that's it huh? That guy doesn't really care about us at all and just wants to enjoy everything that we worked hard on. To think that even for this day he is still acting like a complete trash. No wonder why I got a bad feeling by coming home."

          His father then quickly disperse the thought and just focused on the news that his son had brought.

          "Forget about that useless brother of yours. I want to hear the information that you brought home. Do you have anything to tell me?"


          "I want to wait for everyone to be gathered here but to think that you are interested in what I have brought that much."

          "Of course, I would be interested in something that will give rise to the Nova family in the future."    

          His son felt a bit betrayed that his father want to do something that he be already aware of.

          "The way that you are speaking, it looks like you already knew about it though, do I still have to tell you?"

          His father flashes a smile and turns his head to the paper that he brought out of his desk.

          "I was a bit hesitant to believe that you and your brother are able to achieve something so great so I want to hear that from you personally." He then hands his son the report that he received and with a huge smile on his face, he asked,

          "Is it true?"

          Aron smiles proudly before his father and nod his head.

          "Yes. What the report said is true, Arman was able to pass the evaluation to join Dawn, he did everything that he could to pass. And since we are entirely on a different level from all the other candidates, we can already see that he could get in."

          Cruxian Nova, his father could not believe that his boys could pull it off and jumps in excitement.

          "I can't believe this! My son joining Dawn! How fortunate our family is to have someone like you two! Compare to you, your brother is always nothing but trouble."

          His expression immediately turned sour the moment he thought about Aurie who plans to screw with women and drink all day ever since they lost Irene Nova, Cruxian's wife and the mother of the siblings.

          "If mother were to see him right now, she will be mad for sure. But enough about that father, Arman will be late. Apparently, Dawn is quite strict about recruiting people and there are a lot of things they need to learn before going back and spread the word so I did it on his stead."

          His father embraced him immediately and congratulate him for the honor that they have brought to their family for being able to do something so difficult.

          "I am really proud of you. If your mother can see you now, she will definitely be happy for you both. Now then, have you eaten? I am sure that you are tired from all of that traveling so I will not try to take much of your time and let's eat. I am getting quite hungry."

          When they walked out of the door, they saw Aurie passing by with the same look on his face that anyone would not dare to look at. A face of a man that has been drunk the entire day.

          Aurie waves his hand to his brother but he just responded by clicking his tongue and turned away, it is as if he despise having a brother like him.

          "That bastard. He dares to walk around the mansion like that? Is he out of his mind?" he thought to himself and saw Aurie grope the maid's breast.

          "These are rather plump and rather healthy breasts you got here. Mind if I dig in?~"  he said with a seductive look on his face that flustered the maid even more when he licked and bit his lips.

          The maid just stood there in shock since she could not do anything because he is the master's son. Commoner like them are usually treated like trash with no value and if she raise her hands to someone like him, she is bound to be punished, or even worse, killed.

          "Heh~ you seem to be enjoying this more than I do. Why don't we go over to my room and do something much better- keuk!"


          "I can't just stand here and watch anymore you bastard."  Aron send Aurie flying to the wall and immediately pin him down, stepping on Aurie's chest.

          "Look here you bastard. Did you think that you are untouchable? They might not be able to lay their hand on you because you are a Nova, but guess what? I have had it with your bullshit."

          Without holding back, Aron grabbed Aurie's collar and spat on his face.

          "A trash like you will surely be kicked out one day. Remember that."


          "Stop this Aron. Do not make a scene anymore. We should not waste our time like that. He is not that worth it."

          His brother and father left without even looking back at him. All the attendants and the maids were hesitant to help the young master get up and in the end, the maid that he groped helped him.

          "Why are you helping me? I did something terrible to you." he said as he just sober up thanks to his brother's punch.

          "I am terribly sorry young master but in the end, I am still a maid of the Nova family. Whenever I see something that needs to be done, I have to do it." She replied with a meek voice and her eyes shot up the moment she felt Aurie's fingers sliding on her cheeks.

          "What a good girl." He said with a smile on his face even though he is having a nose bleed. But it is still enough to make the made blush.

          "That bastard! The only thing that is good about him is his face! Other than that there is nothing more!"

          His brother, Aron could still not get over what happened and express his anger blatantly in front of his father, who does not seem to mind him showing his anger so openly.

          "Forger about him Aron, he is just stupid so there is no need to spoil your mood over something like that trash. Over the years I have learned the art of ignoring him and it somehow helped me cope up with everything that he had done in the past. I think you should learn about it as well."

          His father said as he continue to eat the food that was served to them.

          "Hurry up before the steak gets cold. You don't want your steak to cool."

          Following what his father said, he started to eat his food but could not forget about his insignificant brother. His father knows about it but still remain calm.

          "If this continues, I'm afraid that the two of them will be distracted if Aurie still remains in this house. I don't think I can keep him anymore." He said to himself with a rather calm face for someone who is thinking of something so sinister.

          "Ow- it really hurts. I think I swallowed a few teeth or something."

          Aurie is being examined by the doctor who is carefully looking after his body so intensely since he has been hit by someone that practices magic and thinks that the young master is suffering from a magic and unaware of it.

          "Clear, thankfully master Aron held back his attack, otherwise the young master should be dead right now."

          "I don't feel too fine though, did you really examine me properly?"

          The doctor gives him a cold shoulder and ignored his query.

          "If you feel a bit dizzy later, you can try and drink this to get rid of it but if the dizziness still persist then you can call me anytime."      

          Aurie just looks at the doctor as if he is not listening to him at all.

          "Are you listening to me young master?"

          "Yes, I am listening. Thank you for hard work doctor."

          The doctor left without a word and Aurie is left alone inside his room and looks at himself in a mirror.

          "That bastard. Did he really have to punch me without holding back? What if my face gets ruined?"      he said to himself as he pose in front of the mirror like he is not damaged by his brother's punch at all.

          "Well, I guess that woke me up."

          Aurie went straight to bed after gulping down a glass of wine to drink the medicine that the doctor had left for him when all of the sudden, someone knocked on his door.

          A smile appeared on his face when he realize the person behind the door and opened it with anticipation.

          "I knew you were coming~ so you want me that badly after what I have done to you huh~?"

          He slowly closed the door and immediately took the initiative and kissed the maid. After that, he pushed her to the bed and slowly take her clothes off.

          "Did you like that I did earlier? Want me to grope them again?"

          The maid shyly nod her head with a flustered expression but this time, Aurie did not just groped her breast but also took care of her other sensitive parts.