
Speech and history lesson.

The king himself made his way to the city Drak, leaving the Royal Mansion for the first time in a long time...

He stood in front of the largest castle in the great city, at his side, a beautiful elegant vampire, the "approachable" and curvaceous vampire queen. Further ahead, standing in front of them both was a seemingly young vampire with purple eyes, the divine envoy. 

Finally, Duke Vlodbir stood diagonally behind the queen, respectfully standing behind her.

"My people..." The vampire king began to speak.

"I have disappointed you. "King Rakaths Francis Volts, lowered his head slightly.

"The humans were stronger than expected.Our armies suffered a defeat."(Rakaths).

"But the humans are still inferior."(Rakaths).

After the brief introduction the king began to explain the details of casualty numbers and so on, excusing himself on the unexpected strength of both foreigners and the "suicidal" attack of the human king.