
Remembering the beautiful past.

"Marcus?" asked Viktor, who purposely covered his face with darkness and then discarded the same darkness, showing who he was.

Marcus reacted in surprise

"Viktor?! Are... You?!"(Marcus)

"I... How come you're here?"(Marcus)

"Well, I guess it's long stories for both of us. "Viktor mentioned, and then asked Marcus, who was surrounded by "Superhumans" to come back with him and talk in private.

He agreed and they began to talk.

"Have you told Lucia... About me?"(Marcus).

"Not yet, but if you don't tell her who you are, I will.I'm sorry but I don't want my sister to suffer because you don't want to show yourself."

"You do it...I'm sure she'll be happy. She still misses you" Viktor said with a smile on his face.

"I owe you a lot Mark, someday I'm going to pay you back. Or at least I'm going to be there for you when you need it."(Viktor)