
Chapter 47

Kia: [ we cannot handle if someone in the group makes the first guild then our sub guild ]

Lin: [ I have a way, we need to increase our power fast as a guild ]

Kia: [ you mean guild level ]

Lin: [ yes guild level, now with today task completed with tomorrow task guild rank will increase we need to increase this as such we can two level at least tommarow ]

Kia: [ only way to that is if mission increase ]

Lin: [ I have an item for that it will increase mission for one day as mission complete nest will come ]

Kia: [ okay then tomorrow use it we have most likely now two days but we need to increase the power of members also now ]

Lin: [ now there are 5 co-leader and 10 elites based on tomorrow's performance make elder increase rank in the guild after day tomorrow I will give all the elites and co-leaders one barracks blueprint and one alter token which will give lower god potential general ]

Kia: [ how much needed to selected ]

Lin: [ I have 35 alter which means 30 will go to elites position which will be new elites]

Kia: [ okay I will do that but you have that many tokens and blueprint ]

Lin: [ do not worry about that I will manage that I will make the announcement in the guild and let this news ]

Kia: [ that will attract more attention for our sub-guild]

Lin; [ that's why I said that ]

Kia: [ you give me a lot of tasks ]

Lin: [ make a group of girls the day after tomorrow which will be easy to attract them with an announcement ]

Kia: [ okay then you made a leader announcement then talk with your side kick and I talk with the other co-leader ]

Lin: [ okay I do that ]

as after cutting and making the announcement of the reward of tomorrow talk and who complete more mission the position of elite and their reward after talking I connect with Aya to tell her what she need to do as she is elite but she can loose rank so get ready for that