
Lord of another World : Dome of Darkness

Billions of Healthy young people on Blue star mysteriously disappeared . When everyone opened thier eyes , They all found themselves in a mysterious world known as dark world. Everything from magic to science is possible in this world . Those who thrive will gain eternity and so much more. Those who fail will perish . Alaric glanced around indiffrently , his face devoid of emotion , yet he couldn't hide the mirth in his eyes. He could finally be 'unbound'.

Trueblues · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


Clicking open the [Novice Gift Box] ,notifications sounded in a row.

[Source points ×100]

[Healing card ×1]

[wood ×100]

The items listed appeared one after another in his inventory.

The source points were the currency used in the store and wood , that is the basic raw material for many things.

He clicked on healing card again to check its information .

[ Healing card ( Gray)

Use :1/1

Rating : ☆☆

Effect: Use the card on designated unit and Health and mana of the designated unit will restore until 75% of the maximum health and mana of the unit .

Note : This card can only be used in non-combat state ]

He was in a good mood. This card can be his life saving straw until he finds a better one.

Alaric is only 17 this year , he had played some games in liesure too , and having multiple tech companies under him some of which had some gaming projects . He is not unfamiliar with games , on the contrary , he knows them too well.

Walking out of the small cottage , what came into view wasn't some scary darkness or bloodied sky , it was a beautiful forest . The greenery surrounded the small place. The area which was called his territory was healthy but the outer area had withered trees and dead looking soil .

Before he had admired the scenery to the fullest , a notification sounded , taking away all his good mood.

[ Plane announcement : All participants from Blue World camp batch no.119832 has arrived safely . Participants !please be prepared. Beast attack will start in 3d 9h 27 mins. ]

[....Beast attack will start in 3d 9h 27mins ]

[....Beast attack will start in 3d 9h 27mins ]

The notification sounded three times with a Blood red warning text .

He was quiet . Extremely quiet. Although he had guessed that this world where he entered without warning was no way a vacation and sightseeing , he still underestimated the danger. He would rather think of the worst and make preparations early on .

Walking towards the large platform of 30 metres in diameter , he put his palm on it. This was the teleportation platform where he can recruit the daily quota and more recruits using source points .

The complicated pattern on whole platform lit up and few silhouttes could be seen in the dazzling light . After the light faded , few men and women in rags , skinny and dull stood there.

There were 11 men and 6 women in the current population .

Checking data of various people , he found something interesting .

[ Name : Jones

Age : 32

Potential : ☆☆☆

HP : 100/100

Job : Blacksmith

Talent : N/A

Ability : Success rate in Forging Gray quality equipment increased by 18% , Success rate in forging White quality equipment increased by 12% , Success rate in forging Green quality equipment increased by 3% . ]

This was the first time seeing digitisation of aborigines or NPC's of this world. The data was best among the candidates here. Looking at the star rating , he reckoned there might be higher star potentials . The only thing , he doesn't know the upper limit , it would be hard to determine the value of current potential .

The next information was the quality of equipments. The classic color quality also applied here. Still the same problem , He doesn't know the highest quality.

But having a blacksmith was the best thing .

" Welcome everyone. "

" Thank you providing us Shelter My Lord. We will be loyal to lord until death . "


He was satisfied with these people.

"Everyone , You should know that current territory is not safe. There would be a beast attack on the territory soon . Please build your houses first . If you lack any material , you can come ask me. "

"Yes , My Lord "

Dispersing the crowd , he now checked various data of these people.Not to mention he really found a good thing .

[ Name : Ben

Age : 26

Potential : ☆☆

HP : 100/100

Job : Farmer

Talent : N/A

Ability : Growth cycle of gray quality seeds reduced by35% .Growth cycle of White quality seeds reduced by 22% . ]

It wasn't a dazzling record but it was second best among these people.

He walked upto the sallow young man .

" Ben , You are responsible fir examining the surrounding plants and check which one are edible and which one are pisonous . "

" Yes , My Lord "

No questions asked. This made him look like an NPC , but he knew these people were real . Dull but real .

Everything was on track but this was just the begining . The food for 18 people was needed and many materials too .

Opening the [Store] , he was almost dazzled by the list of items presented. When he looked at the upper right corner of the screen indicating his current source points and the price of first thing that came into his view, he silently sorted and set the price from lowest to highest format.

[ Card deck (Green)

Origin : Arcane Plane

Durability : 22/22

Equipment requirements : Lord

Rating : ☆☆☆☆

Introduction : A special card deck created by a creation mage .The deck can give 1 card each time its opened and a total of 22 cards will be produced. The quality of cards cannot exceed the quality of equipment .

Each Card produced will reduce the durability of equipment by 1 point until it reaches 0. When the durability of equipment reaches 0 , it will be scrapped.

Note : This equipment cannot be repaired under any circumstances. ]

Price : 550 Source points.

Looking at this thing which accidentally came into his view, he felt poverty for the first time. It was a lie to say he was not greedy . Just one card in novice gift package which could become a lifesaver in critical moments made him realise the importance of these things.

He bought a hammer of gray quality costing him 10 source points , 2 large tent which can accomodate 30 people each worth 40 source points , A mattress for himself worth 2 source points , a quilt worth 3 source points, Bread × 100 worth 10 source points , A sword of gray quality worth 20 source points and a Healing potion worth 10 source points.

With only 5 source points remaining , he silently closed the [Store] on his interface and went back to set up his mattress and quilt .

Tents were placed in the open are to rest at night , one for women and other for men . Distributing a loaf of bread to each person in exchange for thier grateful and energetic smiles , he was silent .

He was tired. Thinking fast paced all day made his brain hurt. Silently telling everyone to rest first and then start working after breakfast , he lay down on his mattress , sleeping in an instant.

When he wakes up , a new day in this new world woud be waiting for him .