
Lord Of A World: I Have A Group Chat As My Cheat!!

Alaric embarks on a journey to the realm of Lords, where everyone possesses the potential to ascend to godhood. However, this lofty goal proves challenging for Alaric, a mere traveler in this unfamiliar world. Unlike the native, who possess innate talents after awakening, Alaric lacks such abilities. Despite this, he manages to awaken as a Lord, albeit without any inherent talents. But determined to pursue his dream of becoming great at the risk of his life, Alaric's fortunes take a turn when his long-awaited cheat finally manifests! ...... For More Chapters You Can Visit My P@tre0n: p@tre0n.com/LazySeeker

Novelette_Seeker · Anime e quadrinhos
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101 Chs

Chapter 62: The Concubines In The Harem Are Vying For Favor! 

The backyard of the Demon Slayer residence.

The meeting continues.

However, the issue under discussion is no longer whether to believe Alaric's words, but how to do their best to help Alaric kill Muzan.

Although not every one of the eight Hashiras can accept Alaric's existence so quickly.

But at least, there is Kagaya leading them.

So these Hashiras' attitude towards Alaric has completely changed.

Although they did not surrender directly, they at least would not resist and even had to provide help.

After all, the reason why each of them joined the Demon Slayer Corps was basically because they were violated by demons.

And they continue to become stronger and hone themselves, and their ultimate goal is to kill all the demons.

Therefore, what Alaric wants to do does not conflict with them, and can even be said to have the same purpose.

It's just something they've always wanted to do but couldn't.

Therefore, even if they do not surrender directly, they will wait and see to see if that mysterious person can really easily solve the problem that they have been unable to solve for almost a hundred generations.

What happened at the lord's mansion was also told to Alaric in detail by Shinobu, who was on the side, silently in the chat group.

Shinobu: Alaric-kun, the others are indeed what you said.

Shinobu: After my lord agreed, that didn't dare to pursue your identity, nor did they dare to go against you!

Alaric: Of course, I know the status and importance of the lord in your hearts.

Shinobu: Alaric-kun, you know I believe you. I want to emphasize that Alaric-kun is now the unbeatable number one in my heart!

Keqing: Please! This is a group chat. Can Shinobu please have a little dignity?

Umaru: Ever since Shinobi-chan was eaten by Alaric-kun, she has completely transformed into Alaric-kun's shape~ kya! 

Erina: I didn't expect Shinobu to be such a woman~

Kanae: I can't imagine what Shinobu has gone through in these years. Looking at little Shinobu's face on my side, I'm 15 and feel that she will never be destined for a man in her life~"

Misaka Mikoto: Is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality...

Kanae: And last time, Shinobu-chan clearly said that I am the most important person in your mind~

Shinobu: Oh, sister, please don't expose me! This is different!

Mai Sakurajima: Oh? The details are different?

Esdeath: Speaking of which, Alaric kills demons very quickly. It seems that the demons he surrounded and destroyed are not a threat.

Alaric: Yes, the main reason is that it has a fatal weakness. I happen to have a restraint weapon, but I still lack a piece of equipment that can restrict the demons' movements and prevent them from running away.

Shinobu: Alaric-kun, have you forgotten that I still have the Demon King Ring? You gave it to me. This can be used to suppress demons!

Alaric: That's right~ If you hadn't told me earlier, I would have forgotten about it.

Shinobu: The main reason is that it won't be used this time…

Keqing: Someone has so many treasures that they have all been forgotten.

Miko Yotsuya: After all, the lottery is just like the goods~Piling piles of good things into your pocket~

Alaric: I seem to smell a little sour smell~?

Shuna: By the way, Alaric-kun, since your weapon can restrain the demons in that world, do you want to strengthen it?

Alaric: That's what I plan to do, go to the territory warehouse and bring back the Demon King Orb inside to Kurobe, and ask him to help me strengthen my bow and arrows.

[Group reminder: Alaric uploaded an exclusive red envelope]

Alaric directly handed the Sunshine Longbow to Shuna through a red envelope and asked her to take it back to strengthen it.

By the way, he asked in the group when Shinobu will come back.


Shinobu: I'll go back whenever you're done~ (laughing evilly)




Miko Yotsuya:????

Mai Sakurajima:????

Alaric: Wait, what are you talking about...(guilty)

Shinobu: I still know you. You went back early alone, and there is a big fan girl at home, and she still treats you as a god.

Shinobu: Ever since you said those words, I knew Aoi would never be able to escape your clutches~

Shinobu: Otherwise, why do you think I stay here for the meeting, instead of coming back with you? 

Shinobu: Oh, by the way, Kanae's room is in Room 4 on the west side. Although I don't know if you need to know this, I'll tell you in advance~

Erina: Moral decay!

Keqing: Shinobu-chan, do you know what it means to leave no room for outsiders? We haven't digested it internally yet!

Umaru: Could it be said that Sister Shinobu is adding teammates to herself?

Esdeath: I see, you can also win over allies. It seems that when I have the opportunity to compete with Alaric, I will bring a few of my subordinates with me!

Miko Yotsuya: Something is wrong with Esdeath!!!

Misaka Mikoto: Wait, what Keqing said is wrong. What does it mean to leave nothing to outsiders? Don't involve me! 

Erina: That's right, who cares about him! 

Keqing: Very good, then I announce that you will withdraw from the competition, and you are not allowed to do anything to seduce the leader~ Oh, yes, hand over the photo from last time to me!

Misaka Mikoto: I don't want to, I'm thinking about my roommate's sake, Alaric-kun is the type that my roommate likes!

Erina: Yes, yes, Alaric-kun is the type that my sister likes, so I will take care of it for my sister!

Esdeath: Shinobu, you are really big-hearted, so you are not afraid that Alaric will like new things and don't get tired of old, right?

Shinobu: Hehe~ I asked Keqing to send me the lace maid outfit she picked up before. As long as it's fresh, I'm not afraid of him being tired of the old~ (blushing)

Keqing: Okay! I actually believed you when you said that you had never seen such modern style clothes. I was curious and wanted to see them before sending it to you. I didn't expect you to...

Umaru: Speaking of which...if Sister Keqing has worn this dress, wouldn't it mean that Sister Keqing also has some inexplicable sense of involvement?

Keqing: Nooo!!!(blush)(blush)(blush)

Shuna: Shinobu-chan~ Have you forgotten? Alaric-kun also has a summon limit when he goes to your world. If he goes there during the day, he cannot stay there overnight~

Shinobu: (dumbfounded)

Shinobu: (Unbelievable)

Shinobu: (The sky is falling apart)

Shinobu: (rolling all over the floor)

Shinobu: No———!!!! I actually gave away my own time with my own hands!!!

Alaric looked at the increasingly unclear words in the group.

And he is the center of the topic storm.

He doesn't dare to speak casually anymore.

But after hearing what Shinobu said, he couldn't help but look up and look around.

No one is watching...

Do you really understand yourself so well?

However, Shinobu's words did help him.

He had been soaking in the hot spring for almost two hours. It was so steamy that his head was almost dizzy.

There was a blue-haired girl leaning on his shoulder next to him, breathing evenly, and she had obviously fallen asleep.

In other words, she was so tired that she fainted~

Alaric sighed slightly.

It was clearly agreed that the other party would wait for him to take a bath.

In the end, it turns out that one has to take care of the other.

"I should have known I wouldn't have tried so hard the first time."

As he spoke, Alaric reached out and lifted the defenseless girl's body out of the pool.

After wiping it clean with the towel that had been prepared aside, he took the other party back to Room 4 on the west side in a princess hug.

Although this girl is not one of the names in the chat group.

There are no additional rewards for interacting with Aoi.

But because of the existence of the garrison barracks and the special value of destiny and luck.

After deepening the relationship with the other party, he found that the luck he shared with Kanzaki Aoi improved slightly.

From one point at the beginning, it has only improved to two points.

Although the improvement may not seem high, it is equivalent to doubling his luck.

This is obviously a good thing for both parties.

After all, the luck from the other party is not plundered, but shared, the destiny that everyone has together.

Covering the girl with the quilt and place a kiss on those two red lips that have been moisturized by the hot springs, 

Then he quietly turned around and left the room, leaving a quiet space for Aoi to have a good rest.

Although Shinobu was still rolling around in the group.

But it can't stop the passage of time.

Alaric was still teleported back to his territory.

Shinobu: Damn!!!

Keqing: Please! It's like saying a separation between life and death, but it's obviously just a one-night stand!

Esdeath: That's right, even if we want to fight Alaric-kun, we don't have the chance!

Umaru: Esdeath changed from 'I' wanting to fight to 'we' wanting to fight. It seems that she has indeed found an ally! 

Erina: Humph! That's right! Don't occupy Alaric-kun all day long~

Miko Yotsuya: Why do I feel like the concubines in the harem are vying for favor?

Mai Sakurajima:????

Misaka Mikoto:????

Kanae: Indeed, one thing to say, I found that the longer everyone joins the group, the more interested they are in Alaric-kun~

Erina: Who made the leader show up in the group every day and act so mysterious, powerful, sunny, handsome, and strong...

Keqing: It's over, it's over, another one has fallen!

Erina: I mean! My sister likes this type!

Alaric: I'm in a good mood today~

[Group reminder: Group leader Alaric sent a lucky red envelope! ]

[Group reminder: Group leader Alaric sent an exclusive gold coin red envelope to designated recipients, Shinobu!]

He threw two red envelopes to distract others.

Alaric then returned his gaze to his own territory.

As soon as Shuna saw him coming back, she rushed forward excitedly.

"Jun Alaric~ You are back!"

"Today I arranged for a hundred newly trained Insect Demon Slayer Soldierss to go to the Sigh Cemetery to upgrade the station."

"Then we took the veterans who had just broken through the level limit and went to the higher-level areas of the Dark Forest to gain experience."

"The average level of veterans has increased to around level 35, and recruits have also caught up to level 20.

"Between the afternoon and evening, I opened the gate to the territory and cleared the void for four hours."

"We also gained a lot of resources today, including two high-level void crystals..."

Shuna reported to Alaric the affairs and achievements of today's management of the territory.

Those bright eyes were blinking, and they looked like they were begging for praise.

"As expected of Shuna~"

Alaric reached out and touched Shuna's pink hair and praised. 

Looking at the cherry lips that kept opening and closing, he couldn't help but slowly lowered his.


Shuna's words were interrupted and her eyes widened.

It seems that she didn't expect Alaric to be so direct. She still wanted to talk about something after reporting the official business.

After a long time, their lips separated.

Alaric pursed his lips and compared it secretly in his mind.

Then he suddenly smiled and said: "By the way, have you drawn up a blueprint for hot springs or something like that? Build one in our territory. After a day of killing monsters, we should replenish water and moisturize ourselves after a fight. It's also good for your skin~"

It was just a casual mention at first, but then Shuna actually took out a territory blueprint among today's spoils.

Natural springs can not only quickly restore physical strength, but also heal injuries and replenish energy.

Alaric couldn't help but boast in his heart that this was a good thing.

No longer worry about people bathing in hot springs exhausted and falling asleep~

However, Shuna's time to stay here is almost up.

Let's talk about the hot springs thing next time.

A night of silence.

the next morning.

Alaric got up early and directly used the space jump.

But this time he didn't come to Shinobu's world.

Instead, he came to Shuna's side.

Because he received a message from Shuna early in the morning.

It is said that his weapon has been forged and strengthened! 



[Tl/n: Looking for new fanfic to read while waiting for update for your favourite fanfic? Don't worry, I gotchu. If you like my works, you will definitely also love this too!

Titled: Hunted by characters I Drew!!]