
who am i

The middle age boy name takashi honowara who was bully by his senior students and after over The class he walk out of The class door suddenly meets The beautifull girl who was his senior but looking so awsome and then takashi fall in love after saw her but he dont expose his feelings to her ...

after a week takashi s Clg have decide to compite with another Clg and declare about sport computation takashi is not so good in sports but some boys bullied him and force him to participate takashi decide to take part ..

but he know he dont play rough he have not strategy to play he is so week in sports ..

after a Clg over takashi walk out From Clg For Home and he saw The old man is layed on The surface on The path he walk The old man having getup very nicely like he have someone rich royal family takashi ignore him and walk From side of him For Home after some time when he arrive near to briged he again saw that old man layed on surface The old man getup shiny black soot and black pant and his eyebrow and beard and hair all is totaly white his hands having a black stick and eyes are open but looking like close

now takashi look him again and again ignore but the now the old man say something

hey takashi how many times You ignore me and old man cough slightly..

takashi said mr aids why are You here i want to leave some More time on earth

mr aids - but you allready done your journey and now You have to take your powers now my lord

come with me lord Enma waiting you

takashi says yes by neck and walk behind old man The old man thrown some type of bamboo stick on The rout and The surprising magic was done The golden get visible in front of them they both walk through get

who is takashi ? why that old man say him lord what is truth of takashi ? lets continue in next chapter