
Looks Is Better than Stats

Looks Is Better than Stats In the year 2033, humanity achieved an astonishing milestone in the realm of digital technology and interface integration, forever altering what was considered "normal." The Neurochip, a groundbreaking invention by the enigmatic genius "Ilun Mask," swept across the world like a digital tsunami, transforming the very essence of human existence. This transformative technology paved the way for the birth of the world's first Full Dive MMORPG, NEuEarth Online. Amidst the millions of players who ventured into this immersive virtual realm, one particular player stood out. In terms of looks, he is the strongest! but the saying "don't judge the book by its cover" has never been real when it comes to this player. Embark on a journey into this immersive FD- MMORPG, where a grand quest unlike any other awaits.

Ank_Art · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs


Inside the guild office, Guild Master Atnas sat with great interest, his eyes locked onto the magical viewing crystal that displayed Kuonh's intense battle with Woody. Atnas's fingers gently stroked his long, brown beard, a gesture of contemplation and admiration as he observed the unfolding duel.

A warm smile graced Atnas's rugged features as he watched the battle in motion. His eyes twinkled with a mix of amusement and approval, appreciating the determination and courage displayed by the young warrior before him. This trial wasn't just a test of strength but also a measure of one's character and resolve, and Atnas was eager to see how Kuonh would fare.

With each clash of sword against wood, Atnas leaned forward in his chair, fully engrossed in the spectacle. The guild master knew that this moment was a pivotal one in Kuonh's journey, and he relished being a witness to the young adventurer's growth.


Woody sprinted toward Kuonh, his movements swift and deceptive. With a left-handed punch aimed at Kuonh's face, he lured the young warrior into a dodge, a cunning ruse to set up his true attack.

As Kuonh evaded the initial strike by shifting his head slightly to the left, he realized the treachery hidden within Woody's movements. Another punch was hurtling toward him, but this time, it concealed a more sinister intent.


In a split-second decision, Kuonh used his quick thinking and martial prowess to parry the incoming blow. The resounding impact rang through the training room as Woody's punch collided with the hilt of Kuonh's sword. It was a moment of split-second reflexes and precise calculations.

Kuonh seized the opportunity, using the force of the parry to pivot his body swiftly. His sword swung horizontally from the open right side of Woody, a powerful and determined strike that he thought would surely hit its mark.

"Got you!"


With all his might, Kuonh executed the strike, but to his astonishment, he felt no resistance. His blade sliced through empty air, a clean miss that sent a jolt of surprise coursing through him.


At the very last moment, Woody had defied gravity, contorting his body into a perfect arc, assuming a bridge-like pose that allowed him to evade the blade's deadly path. It was a move of acrobatic finesse that showcased Woody's remarkable agility and adaptability.

Kuonh's resolve remained unwavering despite the unexpected twist in the battle. With the force of his previous swing dissipating, he swiftly maneuvered his sword, flipping it upside down to launch a vertical strike at Woody.


The sword sliced through the air with precision, targeting the wooden dummy's core.


"W-what the—"

The sound that echoed in the room was not what Kuonh had expected. Instead of the expected impact against wood, he heard the jarring sound of his sword striking the concrete floor. The tip of his blade bounced off the hard surface, sparks flying in all directions. Kuonh's eyes widened as he beheld an impossible sight—Woody's body was bent in a way that defied all logic and reason.

Before Kuonh could react, his vision blurred, a sudden and unexpected kick connecting with his face. He had no time to comprehend where the attack had come from as his body was sent hurtling through the air.


The impact was brutal as Kuonh slammed into the wall with bone-jarring force. Pain shot through his body, and he couldn't help but gasp in agony.

"You received -700 HP inflicted by Woody."

The system's notifications rang in his ears, the words a grim reminder of his current predicament.

"You received -100 HP inflicted by hitting the wall."

Kuonh's health bar flashed before him, a stark reminder of his dwindling vitality.

Kuonh Lvl. 1

[HP: 200/1000]

[MP: 1000/1000]

Despite the pain and the shock of the unexpected turn of events, Kuonh remained resolute. He was down, but he was far from out.


Kuonh coughed up a small splatter of blood, he wiped it away with a trembling hand. His body ached, and his breaths came in ragged, laborious gasps. The thrill of battle had momentarily consumed him, causing him to forget the fundamental truth—he was inside a game.

His thoughts raced back to his earlier statement, "Even so, I can win this." He had believed that Woody's human-like appearance meant it shared the same limitations as a real human. But in that instant, as he stood battered and bleeding, he realized the gravity of his miscalculation.

"That's what I said earlier, but..."

Kuonh's voice wavered as he berated himself for his foolish assumptions. His opponent might look human, but it was far from it. In this virtual world, the rules were different, and he had been reckless to think otherwise.

"I can't believe I made such an obvious mistake," he muttered bitterly. Still, he clung to a glimmer of hope. He was still alive, and in a game, that meant he had a chance to turn the tide.

Kuonh gritted his teeth as he used his sword as support to stand, but the pain that surged through his body was intense, a relentless reminder of the battle he was in.

Ah, it hurts!

His movements caused his facial muscles to interact with the wound on his face, amplifying the pain. Each step he took, each breath he drew, seemed to exacerbate the throbbing agony.


"Ha- hahahah!"

Despite the torment, Kuonh couldn't help but laugh hysterically. His laughter echoed in the room, a mix of pain, amusement, and disbelief. It was as if the absurdity of the situation had finally sunk in, and he found himself in a state of delirious mirth.

A sudden realization washed over him, and he grinned, his lips smeared with blood

"This is a game, and they freaking implement a sense of pain?" Kuonh's voice trembled with a mix of amusement and disbelief. "What were they thinking while making this? It's not as bad as real-life pain, but it still freaking hurts!"

A sardonic grin crept across his face as he imagined a comical scenario:

"How realistic do you want this game to be?"


The absurdity of it all made him chuckle despite the agony he felt. But he knew that dwelling on the pain or the game's peculiarities wouldn't help him now. 

As Kuonh staggered to his feet, his mind raced with a mixture of astonishment and realization. The wooden adversary before him, Woody, seemed to have undergone a transformation during their battle. He had become not just stronger but remarkably agile, a far cry from the seemingly robotic opponent he had encountered at the beginning.

"He's learning," Kuonh muttered to himself, his voice laced with a hint of both admiration and caution. The idea that Woody was adapting and evolving in real-time added a layer of complexity to the battle that Kuonh hadn't anticipated.

He needed a plan B, a strategy to overcome the evolving challenge that Woody presented.